Hervé I, Baron de Montmorency - How sure are we that Alvere de Marisco is Hervé's wife?

Started by Yoda of Dagobah on today
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Today at 6:59 PM

WikiTree has comments about the link to Marisco being false genealogy (the Montorency line is the higher-level one).


Geneanet's pierfit & zardoz both have his mother as Agnés d'Eû, de Soissons.



French Wikipedia has his son Bouchard's mother as an Agnés.


Today at 7:08 PM

Oops, the French Wikipedia page has Bouchard's wife as (both) Agnés,

But Medieval Lands has Bouchard's mother / Hervé's wife as Agnes.

This is enough for me to replace Alvere with Agnes.

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