Layne Compton - Layne Compton's male desendants - haplogroup I-M253

Started by Sandi Compton Mayo on Tuesday, September 5, 2023
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There has been determined from a Y-111 testing on FTDNA Compton/Crumpton Surname Project that there are several different lines of Comptons in the results, through male Compton descendants giving documentation of their lines to their results, oftentimes, placing them within another Compton, because of given name errors or assumed familial associations, or lack of proper research of sources, but all are placed under the haplogroup that has been properly assigned to the correct male Compton ancestor. Layne Compton, the grandson of John Compton Jr (1756-1828 VA) has been assigned under the haplogroup of I-M253, and this John Compton Jr, son of John Compton (both Revolutionary Patriots) has been determined to be the descendants of John F. Compton (1638-1718) and wife Mary Clark of Maryland. There is a group of Compton male descendants that fall under Reuben Compton and wife Nancy Farmer, with the haplogroup I-M223, and the Russell Co., VA Compton's that fall under Revolutionary Patriot James Compton and wife Frances Herndon through their sons, one being Thomas Compton with the haplogroup R-M269 and under Aquilla Compton of haplogroup R-Z290 very closely related. There are numerous descendants falling under the R-M269 haplogroup, which seems to go back to the Monmouth, NJ Comptons. The association of "assuming" that Ryan Compton (member) with his R-Z haplogroup has been attached to my line of Maryland/Tazewell, VA Compton's needs to be corrected, if not removed. This Ryan Compton descends from the NJ Compton's based on his Y-DNA results from FTDNA Compton Surname Project.

Sandi Compton Mayo
John Compton Jr (1756-1828) descendant

Is there a curator who can assist with the connections, please?
The Y DNA is not correct

Sandi Compton Mayo please share the link for the Y study?
I am seeing several links on a google search but am running into a "Results not enabled" message here
Can you tag any other profiles? Are the names of these men in Geni?

Private User is the Y DNA attached.

John Compton, of Charles County Sir John F. Compton, II (1638 - 1718)

Sandi Compton Mayo - we need the Geni profile URL to the profile in your tree area showing the wrong Y DNA haplogroup.

OK, now I’m seeing it.

Renaming John Compton, of Tazewell County to match Sandy’s description better as a start. Cannot be viewed unless a member of the project. I take Sandy’s word for it that John Compton, of Tazewell County has tested descendants with haplogroup I M253

Layne Compton, the grandson of John Compton Jr (1756-1828 VA) has been assigned under the haplogroup of I-M253, and this John Compton Jr, son of John Compton (both Revolutionary Patriots) has been determined to be the descendants of John F. Compton (1638-1718) and wife Mary Clark of Maryland.

Linda Kathleen Thompson, (c) - you curate John Compton, of Charles County

Would it be possible for you to link the generations between him & John Compton, Sr.

You’re good on Maryland!

Thanks in advance.

The issue of wrong pedigree (that is, linking John Compton, of Tazewell County to the New Jersey Comptons) is at the moment resolved, but without sourced profiles, could easily happen again.

I also had detached Rachel Compton and her children, they are not mentioned in profile notes or at

Others welcome to contribute, please!

Sandi Compton Mayo - do we have record evidence that John Compton, Sr. descends from John Compton, of Charles County and if we don’t, where exactly is the gap (or gaps?

My (quick) reading is that the DNA evidence is solid but there’s a question of which of the sons of ?? was the link. And how many generations are we talking? (In other words, is there uncertainty on which son for a known grandson, or … ).

I’m sorry for the pedigree error on geni, and hopefully we’re a lot more solid now. Thank you for calling attention, and you looking over it now would be much appreciated.

You will see the different results and the male ancestors that the males have fallen under. The Russell Co., VA Compton's fall under Thomas and Aquilla Compton. My John Compton of Tazewell, VA/Maryland has my male Compton first cousin's Kit #901222

It appears that the original attachment of the Y-DNA for Ryan Compton has been removed from Layne Compton's and Hiram Compton's profiles. I plan to attach my male Compton cousin's Y-DNA, as soon as I figure out how, but I am not a profile manager for him on here. I will not add his DNA until I am. Thanks

I am posting a website dedicated to the North Carolina into Russell Co., Virginia Compton's, descendants of James Compton and Frances Herndon, as researched by their male Compton Descendant, Brett Compton, of Virginia. He lists in great detail his research concerning these specific Compton's and their familial relationships, and explains their non-relatedness to John Compton II of Tazewell, VA and spouse Eleanor McGuire (my direct paternal line). I do not research the Russell Co., VA line of Compton's, but I know when I see an error of attaching the wrong child to a specific Compton couple, such as having Thomas Compton II and James Compton as the sons of John Compton II and Eleanor McGuire. Thomas and James Compton are the sons of James Compton and Frances Herndon. I leave this research up to their direct descendants, but Y-DNA has helped prove that these two lines of Early Compton's are not biologically related, even though they may have lived within one county of each other. I have mentioned the Compton/Crumpton Surname Project previously, and its weblink is easily searched for on your favorite search engine. Here is a weblink to Brett Compton's and Tara Wallace Maggard's research.....

I will add the FTDNA weblink to the Compton/Crumpton Surname Project dashboard.

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