Family legend says he died at sea aboard the ship Dorset, however no evidence to support this exists, nor of his attempted passage to America with his sons as listed below.
"There is a sailing list for the ship "Dorset" showing that William Case and his five sons sailed from the port of Gravesend, England, for the New World on September 3, 1635. The sailing list shows the sons as William Solomon Case, age 24, Thomas Terril Case, age 18, John Trustin Case, age 16, and William Case, age 19. There also appears to have been a son, Richard, age not shown. William Case Sr. is reported to have died at sea on the voyage but the cause of death is not documented. At that time he was about 45 years of age. William Cases' sons landed at Ipswich, Massachusetts, which is north of Gloucester. At least 15 ships were reported to have sailed that route from England in 1635."
Much of the information in the above quotation is not supported by documentation. It should be regarded as family myth and not fact.