Decimus Clodius Albinus
Last Updated on December 25, 2021 by Vladimir Vulic
LIFE: AD C. 145 – 197
Decimus Clodius Septimius Albinus
The birth date of Clodius Albinus is unknown. But most likely he was born some time between AD 140 and 150 into wealthy family in Hadrumetum in north Africa.
His early career is largely unknown, but it appears he probably enjoyed an army career, before he entered public life as an equestrian.
He became a senator under the reign of Marcus Aurelius and, when governor of Bithynia in AD 175, he remained loyal to the emperor when the unfortunate revolt of Cassius took place in Syria.
Under Commodus Albinus then served along the Danube frontier.
In AD 187 Albinus finally achieved the office of consul. This was followed in AD 189 by the position of governor of Lower Germany.
Albinus seems to have been a aristocratic Roman, well at ease with the senate, who liked writing erotic stories, and was known to be a bit of a womanizer.
With his soldiers though he was a harsh disciplinarian and ruthless commander.