If you have DNA on one or more of the sites with a Chromosome Browser,
you may well want to try painting/mapping your Chromosomes at DNAPainter
Requires a Subscription. You can do at least one map free.
In addition, it has many useful tools which can be used without a subscription, and without a Chromosome Browser, including
the Shared cM Project Tool
What Are the Odds? (WATO)
Also, a good reference. Supplementing the info in the Shared cM Project with Tables for those testing positive for Ahkenazi Jewish etnicity: https://larasgenealogy.blogspot.com/2022/08/ashkenazic-shared-dna-s...
A link to Lara's blog with those tables plus much more info and valuable links: https://isogg.org/wiki/Autosomal_DNA_statistics#Identical_by_descen...