Chandragupta, king of Maurya - 32nd cousin 79 times removed.

Started by Rachal Bhnay Davis on today

Chandragupta, king of Maurya is my 32nd cousin 79 times removed.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Arthur Vearl Foor, Sr
her father → Arthur Glen Foor
his father → Noah Calvin Foor
his father → Pvt Henry Henrich Foor
his father → Elizabeth Alspach
his mother → Johannes "John" Alspach
her father → Anna Magdalena Alspach
his mother → Andreas Sigismund Brandstetter
her father → Sigismund Simon Brandstetter
his father → Prince Johann Georg von Hohenzollern
his father → Elisabeth von Anhalt-Zerbst, Kurfürstin zu Brandenburg
his mother → prince Joachim Ernst of Anhalt-Zerbst
her father → Joachim Ernst von Anhalt
his father → Ernst I Prinz von Anhalt-Zerbst
his father → Anna, Graefin von Anhalt-Zerbst, Fuerstin von Anhalt-Dessau
his mother → Anna von Sagan, Gräfin von Lindow-Ruppin
her mother → Herzog Johan l. von Glogau-Sagan
her father → Katharina von Sagan (von Oppeln)
his mother → Elisabeth Басараб, of Wallachia
her mother → Nicolae Alexandru Bassaraba, voivode of Wallachia
her father → Ivanco "cel Mare/the Great" Bassaraba, Voivode of Wallachia
his father → Khan Tihomir (Tukh-Timur)
his father → Kokdju Borjigin dynasty
his father → 4) Berkhechar Borjigin dynasty
his father → Jochi, Khan of the Ulus of Jochi
his father → Genghis Khan of the Mongol Empire
his father → Yäsügäi~ba'atur Borjigit
his father → Bartan-Baatur Kiyat-Borjigin
his father → Khan Qabul Kiyat-Borjigin
his father → Tumbinai-Sechen Borjigin
his father → Bayshinghor-Doqshin Borjigin
his father → Qaidu Khan, Khan of the Mongols
his father → Qatchï~külük Borjigin
his father → Mänän~tudun Borjigin
his father → Barïm~shï'ïratu-Qabitchï~ba'atur~buqa Borjigit
his father → Bodonchar~mungqaq
his father → Dobun-Märgän (Dobun-le-Bon-Viseur)
his father → Toroqoljïn-bayan (Soyeux-le-Riche) Borjigit
his father → Bordjïgïdaï-Märgän (Bon-Viseur-des-Colverts)
his father → Qartshu (Manant)
his father → Säm-Sotchï (Furtif-le-Craintif)
his father → Yäkä-Nidun (Grand-Oeil)
his father → Salï-Qaca'u (Salï-Qatcha'u) ᠪᠣᠷᠵᠢᠭᠢᠨ
his father → A'udjam-Boro'ul (Placide-le-Louvet)
his father → Qorïtshar-Märgän (Vingtième-le-Bon-Viseur)
his father → Tamaca (Tamatcha)
his father → Batatshï-Qan
his father → Khan Börtä-Tshïno
his father → Khan Tengri Yarlung
his father → 32nd King of Tibet Namri Song Tsen Ярлунг
his father → 31rd King of Tibet Tagri Nyenzig Jarlung
his father → 30th King of Tibet Drongnyen Deu Jarlung
his father → 29th King of Tibet Trinyen Zungtsen Jarlung
his father → 28th King of Tibet Thothori Nyantsen Yarlung
his father → 27th king of Tibet Tritog Jethogtsen Jarlung
his father → 26th king of Tibet Tridra Pungtsen Jarlung
his father → 25th king of Tibet Tritsun Nam Jarlung
his father → 24th King of Tibet Tore Longtsen Jarlung
his father → 23rd king of Tibet Detring Tsen Jarlung
his father → 22th King of Tibet Degyal Po Jarlung
his father → 21th king of Tibet Denöl Po Jarlung
his father → 20th King of Tibet Denöl Nam Jarlung
his father → 19th King of Tibet Senöl Podé Jarlung
his father → 18th King of Tibet Senöl Namdé Jarlung
his father → 17th King of Tibet Detrul Namzhungtsen Jarlung
his father → 16th King of Tibet Zanam Zindé Jarlung
his father → 15th King of Tibet Isho Leg Jarlung
his father → 14th King of Tibet Drongzher Leg Jarlung
his father → 13th King of Tibet Gongru Leg Jarlung
his father → 12th King of Tibet Tisho Leg Jarlung
his father → 11th King of Tibet Desho Leg Jarlung
his father → 10th King of Tibet Esho Leg Jarlung
his father → 9th King of Tibet Pude Gunggyal Jarlung
his father → 8th King of Tibet Drigum Tsenpo Jarlung
his father → 7th King of Tibet Siptri Tsenpo Jarlung
his father → 6th King of Tibet Daktri Tsenpo Jarlung
his father → 5th King of Tibet Mertri Tsenpo Jarlung
his father → 4th King of Tibet Sotri Tsenpo Jarlung
his father → 3rd King of Tibet Dingtri Tsenpo Jarlung
his father → 2nd King of Tibet Mutri Tsenpo Yarlung
his father → 1st King of Tibet Nyatri Tsenpo Yarlung
his father → Vatsa Raja Udayana Kuru
his father → Raja Shatanika II Kuru
his father → VASUDANA
his father → BRIHADRATHA
his father → TIGMAJYOTI
his father → MRIDU
his father → NRIPANJAYA
his father → MEDHAVIN
his father → Sunaya PARIPLAVA
his father → PARIPLAVA
his father → SUKHIHALA
his father → First King of Vatsa Nicakṣu Kuru
his father → RICHA
his father → Sunît
his father → SUSHENA
his father → VRISHNIMAT
his father → Shuciratha
his father → CHITRA RATHA
his father → USHNA NICHAKRA
his father → NEMICHAKRA
his father → Sahasranik
his father → ŚATANIKA of Vidarba Janamejaya
his father → King Janamejaya, of Vidarba
his father → King Parikshit Куру
his father → Prince Abhimanyu Arjuna
his father → Arjuna
his father → King of Gods INDRA ŚAKRA Kashyapa
his father → Raja Rishi Kashyapa of Anga
his father → King TAKSHAKA Dasarha
his son → Subhangi
his daughter → SUDHANU Kuru
her son → SUHOTRA Sudhanu
his son → Chyavana Suhotra
his son → Kritī
his son → King UPARICHARA VĀSU
his son → King VRIHADRATHA
his son → King JARĀSANDHA Brihadratha
his son → King SAHADEVA of Magadha Jarasandha
his son → King SOMĀPI of Magadha
his son → King SRUTASRAVA of Magadha
his son → King AYUTAYUS of Magadha
his son → King NIRAMITRA of Magadha
his son → King SUKSHATRA of Magadha
his son → King BRIHATKARMAN of Magadha
his son → King SENAJIT of Magadha
his son → King SRUTANJAYA of Magadha
his son → Jayatsena, King of Magadha
his son → Sunetra, King of Magadha
his son → Trinetra, King of Magadha
his son → Drdhasena, King of Magadha
his son → Satyajiti, King of Magadha
his son → King Vishvajati of Magadha
his son → Princess Bimbi of Magadha
his daughter → King BIMBISARA of Magadha
her son → Ajatasatru Kunika, King of Magadha
his son → Nandivardha Anuruddha, King of Magadha
his son → Nagadashoka, King of Magadha
his son → Sisunaga, King of Magadha
his son → Kalasoka Kakavara, King of Magadha
his son → Ksemadharma, King of Magadha
his son → Chandragupta, king of Maurya
his son

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