Projects covering Denmark and a collection of links

Started by Finn Jussila Elkjaer on today
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I don't feel that the potential of Geni is very well used in Denmark, where my father comes from. Looking at Finland, where my mother comes from, there is a very developed (and used) grid of projects all the way down to parish level for both Finland and relevant surroundings. The Finnish family trees are also quite often very interconnected.

Lacking any reel sense of visible collective commitment in Danish Geni, I added some usful links to DANISH Coffee Corner ( and also created a project page with links to Danish related projects as well as links to a vast number of newly created preliminary projects for geographical parts of Denmark. The link page is Danmark - Denmark - Dänemark ( Myself, I think some additional projects at municipality, herred ("old municipality division") or parish (sogn) levels could be interesting.

Ja, nå skrev jeg den på engelsk, kanskje med tanke på engelsk- og finskspråklige. Jeg føler dog at ingen interessert seg for å samle en liste over danske prosjekt. Det var heller ikke noe raster av geografiske prosjekt for Danmark, men kanskje er man (i motsetning til Finland) ikke så meget for å samarbeide i Danmark og kanskje ikke heller har så mye til over for prosjekter,

This is probably why the Finns are the happiest people in the world and the Danes only number two :-)!

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