Israel Harriott - Israel Harriot (1805-1875) is Grandson of Israel Harriot (1748-1836) Rev War veteran

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Israel Harriot (1805-1875) lived in Yonkers, NY. His grandfather, also Israel Harriot (1748-1836) owned a farm in SAE White Plains, NY. He fought in the Battles of White Plains, Long Island and Yorktown, VA at the defeat of the British. Israel was in redout 10 (artillery emplacement 10) in Yorktown , VA In an 1822 contract Israel and his wife Ann, sold 9 acres to his son-in-law, Abraham Leonard, my 3rd great-grandfather.

Abraham's brother, Robert Jackson Leonard, also born in Scotland was the 1st mate on an American merchant ship and was taken captive during the War of 1812 and imprisoned as a POW SE of London (per an 19th century British log book. RJ Leonard died of his wounds.

Abraham and Catherine Harriot Leonard named their son (1815-1902/3) Robert Jackson Leonard. He is buried in the churchyard of the Old Dutch church in Tarrytown, NY.

R.L. Jackson

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