Reposting to make a couple corrections.
Tagging Private User to try and answer her questions also.
It may take me a bit to work through all of it because it's been a minute since I looked at the Bachilders (of many spellings).
Copying over the posts:
Karrie Amelia Anderson Welborn, LK138808C1 - if I am looking at the right record - the one Confirmed Match on unknown mother of Stephen Batchelder - I see that that record shows that "Philip Bachiler & Anne Flanders (born Bate)" were a couple - and gives the name of Anne's father - But how does that tell me anything about Stephen Batchelder and/or his parents?
I wasn't the person who originally noted the name in the bio. I only added he source and the * comment with my name. I see your point though. This confirms: It seems to be a situation that is ongoing, with no resolution. I'm not sure what to think about the Canada records souce "auto populating" the profile?? I can remove it, but I was not sure who added Anne's name to the bio with the question mark, and if it might be of use. Thanks
From the "about" for Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of Hampton
All references that may be found in various places on the Internet to his "father" Philip Bachiler are incorrect and should be ignored or, preferably, corrected. Much research has been done to search for his parentage in England, but to date there has been no success.
So what I'm not quite understanding yet is why Stephen on Geni seems to have siblings now, as I don't think he had siblings the last time I looked at it?
Last question first:
Is Quebec marriages a valid source?
Short answer: It's reporting a marriage and that's accurate. Is it attached to the right person? Not unless something that would make "headline news" in the genealogy world has happened. Why is geni suggesting it as a match? Because that's the technology's "job" to do.
Here's about the collection, which is fairly new to me:
Canada, Quebec Couples
This collection contains records of couples from the province of Quebec, Canada, from the year 1500 onwards. Records typically include the name of the groom and the bride, their date and place of birth, date and place of baptism, the date and place of marriage, and the names of their parents. Some records may also include the date and place of death and the place of burial.
Most of the records were compiled from Church and Civil records.
These records were made public by the Drouin Institute.
For those who may not know, this is their site: (English version)
They are respected. I would not trust them for Great Migration immigrants to New England, however. The reliable source is Anderson's "The Great Migration Begins."
These are the details of the record:
Marriage: 1559 Stoneham Southampton Hants, England
Name: Philip Bachiler
Birth: 1534 Wherwell Hampshire, England
Death: 1559 Wherwell Hampshire, England
Name: Anne Flanders
Birth: 1538 Wherwell Hampshire, England
Death: 1561 England
Father: John Bate
The rule of thumb I would use is that for research notes on a curated colonist this early with an unknown parent designation - and research notes are always helpful - I would add as text or link, and not an attached record.
I'm going to add a curator note to Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of Hampton
Off to look at why he's got so many siblings.