Managers of William David Crockett, III,
There is no such person as William David Crockett III. No father has been found for David the elder Crockett.
DNA has absolutely proved that David the elder Crockett is not related to Joseph Louis Crockett. I am co-administrator for the Crockett Y-DNA Project. The family that includes Davy Crockett is I-M 223. The family that includes, Descendants of Joseph Louis, Robert (Watkins) Crockett is R-M269. Please look at the project on
The family that includes Anthony Crockett of Kentucky, and descendants of Joseph Louis Crockett is Group 5.
Relatives of Davy Crockett are in Group 2.
They are using my DNA test to connect these families together. I am not related to a William David Crockett or Joseph Louis Crockett.
Please delete William David Crockett III or come up with anything that shows he existed. If you wish to keep this fictious person, disconnect him with William 'the elder" Crockett.
I am contacting you about this profile: William Crockett
Ronald Wayne Crockett
Private User