I had some requests on page 10 of this discussion managed by Eric Douglas Wheelock and Norman Francis Stewart that didn't get completed--but Laura Sue Rail let me know who can probably complete them, so THANKS--just waiting for those people to become active online again before I bug them. My question is, how in general can we find out who can complete requests? Is this just something people learn over time from experience? or are there tricks to looking this up? I figured out how to browse the family groups of other people on Geni, but I haven't figured out how to browse collaborator lists of other people--is this possible? (maybe if you're a Pro since collaboration is a Pro feature? I'm not a Pro.)
Also, some people on Geni appear to have a "last online" date, and some don't. Is this because I don't have permissions to see that information about them? Or because they were last online so long ago that Geni decided it's not relevant to show that information? (As you all know, it helps to know how recently a person was online to know if they are active and likely to accept requests, thus my question.)
David Richard Dangerfield Jr.
Oliver Marcus Stedall
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/4515623027130077147 - zombie
Leslie Sholly (Hunley)
Michael Curtis Tholen
Steve Squier
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000005011398591 - this one looks weird/incorrect because of a previously-completed bad merge in which Steve's version of Elizabeth's husband Anthony was merged with some copy of his own son John and got this son's name/birth/death dates. I'm trying to clean this up, so trust me on this merge, please. (And notice Elizabeth's death date matches.)
Karen Reinboldt Loppnow
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000005036211860?to=60000000... - zombie
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000004998912404 - zombie
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000004998734037 - zombie
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000004998810031 - zombie
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000001532528201 - zombie
Bascom (2), Storlie, Suter, Haslem (2), Peraza, Mabee http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000001744977554 (Carlo I King of Naples)
Wayne Davy
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000001744982502 (Walter Berkeley)
Cindy Clark, Ann Marie
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000001745022947 (Agnes Mortimer)
Pamela Gassman, FountainFilson Lang, Marlow Einelund, Patricia Topping
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000001744995580 (Olav I “Bitling”)
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000001744902450 (Gerard of Metz)
http://www.geni.com/profile/compare/6000000002043232362 (Ludwig von Dagsburg)
Thanks to all of you who are helping with merging! Many cheers for the holidays!
Pam Bascom done.
David, you can't presently see another person's list of collaborators (we have asked for such a feature). So yes, people remember (or not) over time. What I do for the few people I need help with is save a bookmark to the Send Message page for the person who CAN resolve them and add the name of the manager I need help with, to the bookmark.
Or you can just post them to this group, and they should get solved.
Can anyone here handle "zombies" for either of:
Philip David Reid Castleman or
John W. Buschman
Because I see that I have dozens of them in my tree? :-(
Can anyone complete these?
Cindy Marie Clark:
Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן@Shmuel, I can handle Zombies for Castleman. Also post some Bushman Zombies, so we can see who can handle them.
Kevin, finding "zombies" for either Castleman or Buschman is easy. Just filter the following list for Living. ~180 "zombies" almost all theirs' (and Erin Ishimoticha, who I'd also love to find a zombie killer for).
I was hoping either you or Erin could do a targeted zombie hunt on Castleman's profiles. He has hundreds of them in his 'Managed By' list. I do send Buschman requests from time to time, but lately he's been much less responsive, and my tree is a mess with all the zombies.
WARNING: Mrs. Unknown Profile who used to take part in these merge group discussions, has publicly stated ( http://forum.geni.com/topic.php?id=57311#post-529571 ) that she and her family are deleting the 18,000+ profiles in their tree.
As some of you have collaborated / merged with her before, please be warned! I would even suggest that you send Geni an URGENT request remove her as manager from profiles that you co-manage! If only to protect the collective tree. It's funny how she can expound about how it's all a shared-tree (in her profile's About Me), and then turn around, and do what she pleases with it.
I hope the weather is nice in Lalaland.
Fountain Filson Lang
Christine Gard