Since discussion topics started by me reach out to most people I dedicate this tread to those who want to send Christmas greetings to your family group, collaborators and their collaborators as well.
Well, you know the words: Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, Feliz Navidad, God Jul, Hyvää joulua, Fröhliche Weihnachten, Gleðilig jól ...
To pinpoint that we are a bunch of collaborators all over the wold I suggest that everyone sends out a greeting on your own language.
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Ønsker alle mine venner, familie og samarbeids gruppe partnere en fantastisk hvit og fredfylt jul.
I hope everyone has a happy holiday season, and a wonderful new year.
Jamen jamen
Rigtig glædelig jul samt et godt nytår ønskes til alle Geni venner
And to all of you
This is my first Christmas with Geni but I feel I have a lot of freinds in this portal, A marry Christmas for all of you.
My wish for the new year must - in this matter - be that we find a way that is abel to solve the "problems" we are dealing with and that no one by perpose or on egoistik reasons will sabotate our work.
This has been a wonderful year for me in connecting with new friends and family across the world. Along with those greeting already sent, in so many languages, I wish to send Christmas greetings in the languages of some of the ancestors I have discovered through Geni:
Nollaig Shona Duit - Ireland, (Irish Language), Gaeilge, lit. "You have a happy Christmas".
Nollaig chridheil huibh in Scottish Gaelic
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda - Wales (by Welsh speakers), "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year"
Buon Natale - Italian for Happy Christmas
Well wishes to you all!
Wow, what a Year of Geni! I've appreciated so much what Noah and his team have been able to do to help all of us create this interactive and collaborative body of genealogical and historical knowledge, and I've appreciated all the very special people from across the world with whom I've worked. The "big tree" is quite an amazing project, and many thanks to everyone who has contributed time and effort and endured countless headaches to try to get duplicates merged and knots untangled! A special thank you to Bjorn, without whose leadership most of us would not be communicating.
I wish each of you a joyous holiday season!
Pam (in Cartersville, Georgia, USA)
http://xkcd.com/679/ Or as my German friend Andreas called it - Heisenberg-mas. For those not familiar with this cartoon, hold your mouse over the image for an additional punch-line.
Thank you all for being such good and helpful friends, here on Geni and elsewhere.