Robert Walter Conrad Merge issues:

Started by Terry Jackson (Switzer) on Monday, January 18, 2010
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undo all Robert Conrad merges

What information do you have Susanna? He must have started a merge process. Do we know what' s happened?

Hehe. Yeah, so did Dawn Le Force.

I just undid one of the Mathildas managed by Conrad that Scott Johnson stacked yesterday. We need to get the word out not to merge his profiles into the big tree.

Robert Conrad does not want his profiles merged into the big tree.
I repeadately leave this information to mergers and on discussion boards.

Perhaps did Robert merge one profile that started it all - bt it can also be a hotmatch that started it.
Either - we need to find that first merge and brake it.
Everybodu needs to brake the pending merges they have with Conrad or they will pop up for ever.
(Seriously - I am so tired of this. Of Conrad, Gillvén, Bratvold and all the others. Bah!)

I had a stab at separating his tree. I managed to unmerge some profiles. But, the Mary Mary Parsons needs to be unmarried from her duplicate Mary (owned by Robert Conrad). Is anybody able to do this?

Maybe this is the first merge Thomas Bliss, of Rehoboth ? Robert is comanager for it.

This is very interesting Lasse, Mary is disconnected.
What to do now?

Mary Parsons (the Conrad managed Mary)

here's one more co-managed by Robert Conrad
Thomas Bliss, of Hartford

I've been unmerging any Robert Conrads I come across which is loads and am a collaborator with Rebeccah who is co-manager on the above Profile but I don't see that this helps at all except for us to ask Rebeccah to take over management and Robert can make his own 'private' duplicate if he's still on geni. Any better ideas?

The profile "Cornet" Joseph Parsons owned by Robert hasseveral sets of parents. I guess this merge needs to be unmerged to disconnect the profile from any parents belonging to the big tree. I don't have permission to do it.

I guess the same goes for Lt. Samuel Parsons .

@Terry: This is the third tree of Roberts.... I am managing his abandoned first.
I have been able to do some disconnections. Bets would be if we could separate all the profiles where he is involved and make new ones? But that involves many managers. I can edit though.

I've been able to complete a few merges. :)

@Marsha: are you joking? Can you merge his profiles?
But he doesn't want to merge.....
Everybody: what shall we do now?

Geez, if he doesn't want to merge and he's made that clear, I don't think we should.

Then someone needs to go into the list and say that none of the listed profiles are a match. I don't want to keep seeing little 16s on the top of all my profiles because geni knows they are a match and yet we aren't merging.

Plus, these profiles aren't all 'his.' These are relatives of a lot of us. I can merge with some of the co-managers - not with those that are his alone. Those that are his alone, I would be happy to move into the 'not a match' category. I got 'yelled' at for doing that once, too, though, so I'm a little skittish.

Profiles with multiple manager are fair game, don't see how you can argue that. Someone complained that you moved a profile into didn't match, I don't understand why that makes any sense.

@marsha: wait a little..... you can't merge his singlemanaged profiles?
then you do not have collaboration rights with Robert?!
Marsha - are you in his family group?

Now that we can request a merge of any manager i am finding that these Robert Conrad profliles are still only managed by him and have been unmerging. Is this still the preferred action?

yes....but I got some hope yesterday - perhaps a solution is on its way!

Are you able to complete his merges now? Know someone who can?

Susanna where are you today? A solution IS here.

Terry, I just completed all three pending merges on that profile. Care to do a clean-up?

Thanks Shmuel, Issues now resolved.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן@shmuel
I have been merging thousands of conrad-profiles since months ago

PS. I'm working =(

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