Can I have your help with my merges??

Started by Private User on Thursday, March 25, 2010
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I as well have about 500, and as I keep fixing them, more show up. Part of the problem is you have to go to the tree, after you make a merge and click the blue circle to finish the merge. I came back today and had 97 and I wasnt't even on. You would be surprise how many merge issue go away if you complete the merge for someone else

I'll do everything I can to assist. I have to figure out how to do it the way you indicated. I haven't done that before. I am leaving for the evening, but I'll work on it tomorrow.

Both of you, when merging profiles in the tree, then you are most likely creating new pending merges as you work... Every time you click the /!\ and then resolve duplicates, you have create a new merge. Of course as the entire specific tree-merge nears completion this number will in fact start going back down.
I'll see what I can do to help you in the coming week.

@ Mimi -- I sent you a message on one in particular that I couldn't finish for you -- too many things didn't match up, including important stuff like place of birth.

hey Guys:)

I'll give a hand!


How do you deal with duplicate parents that are identical to the first set, but they are grayed out and "locked" with a little lock icon? If people are collaborating, then why are they locking these entries? Why are people allowed to merge these into our trees if we can't combine them with their duplicates? Privacy is moot, as the data already exists in the duplicate entries. They create a real mess in the tree, especially when the children are duplicated in the same way.

Hi Mimi-
I try to complete 10 per day. I have been doing managed by Peter, but I'll switch to you. I also select Merge Pending for type of merge to avoid conflicted merges. Right now I am showing almost 10,000 because every time I add a collaborator, I get theirs too. So I have been unchecking the collaborator request box unless I working on an ancestor. Biggest problem is locked entries, also inactive managers. We should have an override if the manager doesn't respond in 30 days.
Russ Varcoe

Hi Mimi,

I have seen those names a lot as well, even as i help you out here:(

@Private User You only have 600?!?!

I only wish my merge issues number was that small.

As of right now I have: 1728, and that just my OWN merge issues!

Consequence of have a large tree I guess.

I'll see what I can do to help you out... but I can't promise much.

Jason P Herbert

I had 600 merges - because I started a tree, then wanted to upload a gedcom and had to start a new tree. Was working on it, got it into the 500s, only to have it jump up to about 650. Now all of a sudden it's over 25000!!!



@Private had 600 merges - because I started a tree, then wanted to upload a gedcom and had to start a new tree. Was working on it, got it into the 500s, only to have it jump up to about 650. Now all of a sudden it's over 25000!!!"

I suspect you are seeing the merge issues of your collaborators, and not just your own.

Goto your merge issues [ ]... select "Show advanced controls" at the top of the list (right next to "Janice Weeks Hollenczer's Merge Issues").

UNCHECK the box next to "Include Collaborators". This should greatly reduce the number of merge issues you see.

Jason P Herbert

OK, I guess I take the cake with 5003! I have no idea who 99% of them are, but I think Richard Neary has a lot to do with them. So Richard, can you help me out? I'll be back in a second.

Well, the merge fairy must have helped me out, cause I am down to 4922. On the first 4 pages so far, I have Peter Dutton, Marc Dobson, Mimi, Patrick Van Hove, David Kaleita, and Richard Neary. So I guess I will spend some of this afternoon trying to fix some of these.

To repeat what Jason said above:

I suspect you are seeing the merge issues of your collaborators, and not just your own.

Goto your merge issues [ ]... select "Show advanced controls" at the top of the list (right next to "Janice Weeks Hollenczer's Merge Issues").

UNCHECK the box next to "Include Collaborators". This should greatly reduce the number of merge issues you see.

I did this long ago. I went from several hundred to 6... and I won't merge those 6 for one reason or another.

Patrick, I wish that were true, If I include, I would have 48527 merge issues. I got it down now to 478 as of this am. I am noticing a lot of merges that aren't finished and have been here since I started. I cleaned them all up a few months ago, but I seem to have a lot more like Mimi. SO, I am not going to add anyone till I clean up, and I am going to break merges that have been there for a while, and I know aren't going to be fixed because a lot don't answer request to merge

Mimi, I notice you and I have a lot of same merge request, so I am working on those that should help both of us

whats the rush in working down all your merge issues ?

at the moment,i have only 266.
if i run fast thru them and sort them out.
i`ll end up with a couple of thousend,due to parent issues or partner issues.

so no need to rush.

better to be safe and get it right,than to fix a lot and get it wrong !

so work your way thru, 1 at the time.
geni is stil here tomorow,and the next day.
so there is always plenty to look at any how.

Jason, and Patrick, thanks so much! Now down to a much more manageable 419! I'm one of those people who don't have the time to spend at the moment for hours of genealogy, much as I'd like to. Hope to go pro when I have more time to dedicate to family history.
Also have the same problem with unfixed merges, since some family members don't have the time to spend either, or else they just tired of it.
Thanks again, guys!

Mimi, what is her name? Our family name actually started out as CHABOT, and only recently changed to the anglicanized version of SHEPARD in the late 1800's. Maybe she is a relative of mine?

Private User Oh Barbara, I'm sorry, wrong line. I've seen your lineage too. It's the non-French Shepards I was referring to. LOL

It was Baudet in France and continued through the generation of the children of Jean Baudet (dit Morency) and Marie Grandin. Some of the next generation began to change it to Beaudet, and by the following generation all had changed it to either Beaudet or Beaudette (to concide with the Anglo pronunciation of it in the US and/or Anglo Canada). Interestingly, most east coast Beaudets pronounce the "t"; while we in the west do not (using the original French pronunciation).

Barbara, go to your Merge Issues page at and UN-check the box that says "Include Collaborators". You should make the ones that you see after un-checking that box your first priority.

HA Ha I did it and got a big fat ZERO!!!! so the only merge issues I have are collaborator merge issues, thanks cousin Dave
but now I don't have any merges ;-(

Hello Miss or Mistris M I have to too mutch merges whot are sent by you, these merges are not coneected with me, and i have stayd them simpley to then to stay.

Toomas Panker I am not sure what you mean. If you are receiving merges requests, then the profiles are connected. I don't send merge requests to people who are not connected to me or collaborating with me already. I don't randomly pick a name and merge it.

My merge issues are driving me up the wall too. Collaboration has led to my tree really being fleshed out, but honestly I'm kind of regretting that I ever collaborated with anyone. While I'm happy to see a bunch of ancestors I didn't know about, I hate the fact that every time I look at my tree I see it's been screwed up a little more. I naively thought my name formats would be maintained, for example. And then there are all the people who shouldn't even be in my tree at all. I've got people in there whose grandchildren are older than they are. WTF?
Every day I get messages from Geni users suggesting I merge profiles, but when I log in I just get disgusted with the state of my tree and then log right back out.
I will definitely work on my merge issues, but it will have to be when I'm having a really good day and can put up with the carnage without my blood boiling.

Hi - my name is Mike Brumble and I have 585 merge issues which when I agreed to collaborate with you it would appear that many of my merge issues came about as a result of our collaboration agreement. I am quite new to this business but in looking at many of the individual merge issues it appears that there is not much that I can personally do to resolve these issues since vast majority all say pending between you and someone else other than me. Please let me know if I am correct or not and also if there is anything that I can do to help you as well as myself. Thanks so much - Mike

I am sorry M. to have made the assumption that since it appeared that you initiated this public discussion subject about merge issues that you would understand that my 2:07 PM posting was directed to you (M.). My apologizes. Could you please address my thoughts/concerns about the merge issues which show you as the manager for the individual issue items. Thankyou.

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