Susanna White / Winslow

Started by Michael Legh Waddell on Friday, September 3, 2010
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Susanna White -- Susanna Anna White -- seems to have problems that I don't know how to resolve, even though I'm the manager of the profile. She has four parents listed: Mr. and Mrs. White, and Mr. and Mrs. Winslow. Susanna White was never married, but seems to have 26 siblings (and 8 half-siblings), both Whites and Winlows. I suspect a Susanna White and a Susanna Winslow were improperly merged, but I'm not sure. Any tips on how to fix this would be appreciated. Thanks!

You might have to go to the point where you do have control of your later born profiles and start removing relationships and then re doing... Not sure there is another way to fix it.

Michael Legh Waddell
Sally Thomas

You are seeing the results of pending merges. We need to get some surrounding profiles merged in, if you guys want to help.

But we need to make sure we have the right info in front of us
Step 1. GOOD genealogical information posted on this thread and in the OVERVIEW tab of the Susannah White profile, in a format something like this:

Name, dates, parents, marriages, children, biographical information, references. The site probably has it and is considered "historically validated." Once your profile is as "good enough," this we'll consider the "master" profile. I am sure there are many duplicates to your profiles we're going to need to merge in.

Step 2. Identify the URLs to the "correct parent" profiles and post them here.
Can you validate for me that the correct parents are:

William White, "Mayflower" Passenger
Susanna (Jackson) Winslow, "Mayflower" Passenger

Step 3. Run the "resolve conflicts" wizard on Susannah White, selecting the correct parents. This "stacks up" the pending profiles."

Step 4. Start merging duplicate parent profiles. Merge in *their* correct parents, too. But practice "safe merging" and that will help "disconnect" the bad eggs that are blocking the works.

What I've found works best as work flow is to get the pending merges done, and then if there is a bad parent / marriage connection, we can use PRO tools to break the relationship. Right now there doesn't seem to be a bad direct connection on Susannah, so the error comes from her parent profiles somehow.

I'll check back here soon after I do a little merging on a profile in the area I am sure has a "master" I can use as a base.

Can anyone verify these assumptions for me?

William White, "Mayflower" Passenger

Parents UNKNOWN.

Susanna (Jackson) Winslow, "Mayflower" Passenger

Parents believed to be Robert “the butcher” Fuller and Frances Fuller

Many thanks.

Susanna White was a passenger on the Mayflower with her husband WIlliam White. When William died, she married Edward Winslow also on the Mayflower.
You must be looking at another generation when saying she was never married. You can see a chart at that shows the Mayflower passenger relationships.
I don't know how to fix all the errors. Good luck!

Erica, I read that at one time Susanna's parents were thought to be Robert and Frances Fuller, but that has been disproved. I can't recall the reference.

William and Susanna White's parents can't be proven, yet William has 6 parents listed and Susanna has 3. I think they should all be removed, but the profiles are managed by 64/72 different people. I had created one of the sets of merged profiles, but I'm not listed as a manager. Not sure why.

What does everyone think about just removing all parents from both of them? I enjoyed researching my family to this historic family, but the tree has gotten out of control and I know there are a ton of mistakes.

I think they should be removed until we can find reliable references.

If anyone one wants to try and get some of the pending merges for William White done, that would be really helpful. The criteria for going ahead with the merge would be correct child and marriage relationships, and not worry about the incorrect parentage. It will be a lot easier to break the parent relationship *after* merging so we don't end up doing it again.

Maybe we should have profiles that say "William White's UNKNOWN father" and "William White's UNKNOWN mother" with notes in the profiles that say "parentage is not known."

While we're at it, there's duplicate information in the "overview" tab as a result of merges. Maybe that can be cleaned up too.

The reference to the Robert and Frances Fuller parentage is in the "overview" tab of Susanna's profile. It would be great to find any updates that definitively say that it's believed inaccurate now. Again, we want to set this up so that future geni-ites don't keep trying to give them parents. :)

accepted practice on Geni is to NOT remove anything that you didn't add. A better solution would be to tag those questionable parents HERE in this discussion so that people who look at the profile are aware of this debate.

Susannah Fuller's possible parents are already tagged ("view more" on left).

The many non-parents of William White include:

John White
Thomas J. White
Alexander White, of Stourton le Steeple

Elizabeth Selona White (Horne)
Eleanor White

Apparently the idea that William White is the son of Bishop John White is a very old legend. Pretty sure it was in my 3rd grade "Mayflower study module."

I spent hours trying to clean up the White's yesterday. Basically just kept merging the same people over and over. I'd clean up Resolved and then Peregrine and then have to go back to Resolved... Starting with the children of people that have a lot of duplicates seems to do the best job.

I like the idea of adding "Parents unknown"

Your efforts show, Brendan. It's looking much less like noodle-a-rooni over there than the last time I took the Mayflower Voyage. There's still more to do, unfortunately.

I broke off as many erroneous relationships as I could for William White but the database or my computer is not cooperating. Maybe one of our supertechies will come along and figure it out, or we'll ask Geni for help. In the meantime, I used my amazing curator powers to make a note: Please don't give William White parents.

I think people really hate the idea of orphans.

To do the work, I had to change the view to 1 ancestor and 1 dependent. Geni couldn't keep drawing the tree with more.

How did you break off the erroneous relationships? I wasn't sure how to do that.


Anyone with a PRO account can break relationships, and we have a discussion to request someone do it for you here:

There is a lot of interesting discussion at about the individual Mayflower passengers. I have ordered a book from the Mayflower Society on 5 generations of the John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley descendents. They are my grandkids' 10th great-grandparents through their other grandmother. I will be able to do lookups, so you can send me inquiries about this line. There are so many intermarriages in the succeeding generations that most of the surviving Mayflower passengers are on the same tree. Of 102 passengers, only about half had descendents. You can see all the Mayflower passengers who had descendents on the Mayflower Society website.

If it's going to say that I deleted my post, I guess I should say why...

I asked about breaking a relationship for Governor Edward Winslow being married to Judith Vassall, but I was able to do it. I guess you don't have to be a PRO user.

Brenda and Mary,

Yes, we might as well make this discussion a place for cleanups on the Mayflower immigrants and the next generation.

Can we be sure and tag the profiles in question? You do that by copying and pasting the URL from the address bar of your browser Judith White or typing the @ sign, which opens up the database of your geni-lationships (ancestors and collaborators). That's how I'm getting your name in here: Private User

Brendan, cool, you did it. But we might as well keep cleaning up here.

I like to tag "first immigrants" with images of sailing ships and I'm busy looking for an image of the "Blessing." If I can't find one what do you think about a generic 17th century ship image? There's also Judith Vassall White's gravestone to add to her photos:

Great find with that gravestone.

Found a problem that I can't fix. Anna Fuller White - not coming up when I use @
Susanna (Jackson) Winslow, "Mayflower" Passenger

She is listed as William White's wife and the mother of Resolved and Peregrine. If that can be removed, we can merge the Resolved and Peregrine records.

Using this method to merge Susanna (Jackson) Winslow, "Mayflower" Passenger into the "main" profile:

1. select "move" - this detaches the node to a "map these people" menu on the right, so you can "drag into new (or additional) place on the tree."

2. drop her on to the "main" profile of Susanna (Jackson) Winslow, "Mayflower" Passenger. Geni asks me, "Anna is Susannah's mother, wife, sister, daughter or they're the same person?" I am reasonably sure this is meant to be the same person so I go ahead, and geni asks me again "are you sure?"

3. The "resolve conflicts" wizard opens up and I "start merging trees."

4. I go ahead and stack together a couple more "inconclusive evidence" parent copies.

5. Geni wants me to resolve more but I'll back out and be really happy because Resolved Resolved White, "Mayflower" Passenger shows no conflicts! Finally! (Needs merging though.)

I've been going up the William Vassall, Pilgrim of the "Blessing" line and hope you don't mind, built out his "overview" a tad more. Well, I got interested in him. He's an early American hero I never heard of before today, so thank you.

P.S. You had no geni-lationship with the bad Anna White profile (collaborator, manager) so it needed your friendly neighborhood curator.

We did it. Resolved White is perfect. :)

Resolved White, "Mayflower" Passenger

This is great. I had done so much work putting together my tree and collaboration seemed like such a great idea. But, the tree got to be such a mess that I really gave up. It's basically this thread that brought me back in. So, thank you!

There is really some amazing history in the tree. William Vassall is quite a story. I read the pdf that is referenced on his profile. So much history. Also, look at his grandfather @
He built and owned the Mayflower!

See if you're connected to @Henry Howland, of Fenstanton
He connects me to FDR, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George Bush and son, Winston Churchill and Joseph Smith

In my "about me", I'm trying to keep track of everyone. I discovered yesterday that I'm also related to George Washington.

I did see that, about William Vassall's grandfather building the Mayflower. There was a legend about it being stored in a barn that was disproved. Too bad.

I have no connection to Henry Howland (so far). My joke was "nah, I'm no Mayflower descendant ... hey wait a minute, I'm some sort of cousin? What?"

Our point of connection (so far) is Samuel Fuller, "Mayflower" Passenger ... don't look, we'll have to put that family on the plate for another day, there's more to be done sorting out Whites.

But you really made my day with the "thank you," so thank you on back. And thank geni. They're getting a lot of enhancements done very fast. The curatorial team is just part of it, but if you see the DNA threads and so on, we're ambitious. :)

Thank you Erica for all your hard work!
There is a list of over 30 famous descendents of Mayflower passengers on
It's kinda fun to see the presidents, actors, politicians, writers, etc . who are descendents. it also gives their direct lineage ancestors so they are easy to add to a tree.

There seemed to be a conflict of opinions concerning the Old World identity of Mrs. Susanna White/Winslow. Some believed that her maiden name was Fuller while others believed it was Walker. Has that been cleared up?

On the website, the biography of Mrs. Susanna White indicates that no one is certain about her maiden name. You can read the discussion on that website.

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