Michael Legh Waddell
Sally Thomas
You are seeing the results of pending merges. We need to get some surrounding profiles merged in, if you guys want to help.
But we need to make sure we have the right info in front of us
Step 1. GOOD genealogical information posted on this thread and in the OVERVIEW tab of the Susannah White profile, in a format something like this:
Name, dates, parents, marriages, children, biographical information, references. The site http://www.mayflowerfamilies.com/ probably has it and is considered "historically validated." Once your profile is as "good enough," this we'll consider the "master" profile. I am sure there are many duplicates to your profiles we're going to need to merge in.
Step 2. Identify the URLs to the "correct parent" profiles and post them here.
Can you validate for me that the correct parents are:
William White, "Mayflower" Passenger
Susanna (Jackson) Winslow, "Mayflower" Passenger
Step 3. Run the "resolve conflicts" wizard on Susannah White, selecting the correct parents. This "stacks up" the pending profiles."
Step 4. Start merging duplicate parent profiles. Merge in *their* correct parents, too. But practice "safe merging" and that will help "disconnect" the bad eggs that are blocking the works.
What I've found works best as work flow is to get the pending merges done, and then if there is a bad parent / marriage connection, we can use PRO tools to break the relationship. Right now there doesn't seem to be a bad direct connection on Susannah, so the error comes from her parent profiles somehow.
I'll check back here soon after I do a little merging on a profile in the area I am sure has a "master" I can use as a base.