They are all pretty distant connections, but to be related to 75% of the presidents is just crazy. And Queen Elizabeth, Churchill, Princess Di, Steve Martin, Mayflower passengers... Many of the presidents are related to each other (Bush, Adams are extreme examples, of course) but somehow my ancestors connected multiple lines together, it appears.
To be 10th cousins, you have to have a connection 10 generations back. There are 1024 people that are that far back in a family. So, yes, the odds that you can share 1/1024 with someone else's 1/1024 is not a stretch.
This is what Geni is about though, right? Why else are we putting the "Big Tree" together? I'm not as impressed by my family as I am with Geni. It seems that this is what it's all about. If Geni were to have a marketing campaign, it should center around information like this.
It's all pretty cool