'''Some people think George married Katherine Starkes, on 5 November 1624 in All Hallows Church, Honey Lane, London as his second wife. I know of absolutely no documentation that would support that this is the same George Allen. On the contrary, there is evidence that suggests that this George Allen was the son of Richard Allen of the Tower of London, and that he was still residing in London, England as late as 1640, when he was mentioned in his brother, Henry's, will. This George Allen is also believed to be the same George Allen who died at St. Michael Queenhithe, London on 26 March 1664.'''
(NOTE: Although one commonly sees postings and family write-ups that indicate that our George Allen is the George Allen who married as his second wife, Katherine Starkes, on 5 November 1624 in All Hallows Church, Honey Lane, London, I know of absolutely no documentation that would support that this is the same George Allen. On the contrary, there is evidence that suggests that this George Allen was the son of Richard Allen of the Tower of London, and that he was still residing in London, England as late as 1640, when he was mentioned in his brother, Henry's, will. This George Allen is also believed to be the same George Allen who died on 26 March 1664 at St. Michael Queenhithe, London.
In addition to the above, it has also been accepted by some that our George Allen was the son of John Allen of Saltford in Somersetshire, England. As with the above assertion, there is absolutely no evidence that I know of to substantiate this. There is, however, strong evidence that indicates that this George Allen was still residing at Saltford in 1638, when he was involved in a court case regarding tenements in the Tything of Saltford. By 1638, our George Allen was already well established at Sandwich on Cape Cod. Aside from the fact that a person named George Allen was identified as living in Saltford, England during the 1630's, any connection to our George Allen appears to be based more on conjecture than supportable facts.
The same also appears to be true regarding the assertion that our George Allen was the son of Ralph Allen of Thurcaston, England. Even though there were two individuals named Ralph Allen who were associated with our George Allen in New Plymouth Colony, I am not aware of any evidence, other than name similarity, to support this contention either).
George Allen, probably a son of Ralph Allen, of Thurcaston, Leicestershire, England, was born in 1568, under the reign of Queen Elizabeth. He was probably a farmer near Bridgewater in Somersetshire, and was a member of a company which set sail March 20, 1635, and arrived at Boston on May 6, following.
For a time he resided at Saugus, Lynn, Massachusetts, and in 1637 joined with Edmund Freeman and others in the purchase of the town of Sandwich. When this town was incorporated Mr. Allen was chosen first deputy, the first officer in the town, and served in that capacity several years. He was a member of the church organized in Sandwich in 1638, became freeman in that town June 30, 1639, and constable at the same time.
In 1640 he was surveyor of highways; in 1641 a member of a committee of five to divide the meadow lands, receiving a considerable acreage; in 1646 he built his house, one-fourth mile from the meeting-house, on the road to the Cape, and this stood until 1882. After the purchase of Sandwich, several of his sons removed to that town with their families. He died there May 2, 1648, aged eighty years.