This is William Swift II. His father came from England in 1634, went back briefly to debtor's prison, and was son of a Richard

Started by Private User on Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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Private User
1/18/2011 at 2:15 PM

William II ( 1619 maybe April 25, 1627--1705) married Ruth Allen Tobey . In 1637. Some say she was a Morse or Arnold, so we are only sure of the first name. They had eleven offspring, Hannah, Ruth, William III, Ephraim, Mary, Samuel, Jireh, Josiah, Temperance, Ester, and Dinah. Dinah married a Benjamin Perry. William II served many years in the Massachusetts General Court. Our line of Swifts descends through Samuel 10 August 1662B25 May 1730).. Interestingly, his younger brother Jireh was born in Suffolk County, England. Older brother Ephraim was born 6 June 1656. Samuel had a son Empraim, another of our distant grandfathers. Jireh and Samuel both married Gibbs girls, Abigail and Mary. . We are connected to William I and William II through Samuel. William II represented Sandwich in the General Court (legislature) four times, was surveyor of local highways, served as constable, and was a selectman for 15 years. He married a second wife, Mary Lynde Butler, born 1658.

3/16/2013 at 10:53 AM

@Kim Mann Hello cousin. My line is with Jireh Swift. I love the information you have here and would love to learn more. I'm just getting started and don't have the details that you have here. Where other than here can I find this kind of information?

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