Not even "Baron von Fraugdegaard" is correct. "von Fraugdegaard does not exist as a name." Von "is German. If you want to point out that it was the owner of Fraugdegaard, it should be "af "or "til ", and it is only a describtion, not a surname.
Or "baronen til Fraugdegaard". (Old tmes describtion, not used to day).
If you want to point out his tiile, it will be "baron XX Bille Brahe.
If you want to point out his title and his property, it will be "baron XX Bille Brahe til Fraugdegaard" (not used to day). But it is not the person´s name. The person´s name is XX Bille Brahe.
You will see some Bille Brahe here. Notice that the title is in front of the name, not in the middle of the name like it can be seen on Geni, in the tree of those, we here are talking about.
Preben Bille-Brahe
If you look at the husband Preben Bille Brahe,
then "baron" is not a middelname. Bille-Brahe should be without hyphen, Bille Brahe, and "hofjugermester" is a mistake.
If you are going to fix those Bille Brahe profiles, there will be a lot to do. I see so many strange things. I just saw a profile for familyname "le Maire" (married to Bille Brahe), where "le" was called middelname and "Maire" first name.
(sorry for deleten, I am in a hurry and makes mistakes in writing)
The way you use surfix with a comma after the name, I think is good. The comma indicates surfix is not part of the name. Like: XX Bille Brahe, til Fraugdegaard. However this way of adding property to the name is not used in our time, something to be aware of in profiles from our time.
How prefix, baron, should be, so it will not disturb searching for names if it comes first , I do not know.
Is it absolutely necessary to make sure that Bille Brahe is the name of barons and baronesses, I thougt every one knew. Why can´t it be found in "about me" along with other titles a person could have. I see some profiles in the Bille Brahe tree, ( made up examples) like: "Name dentist Nameson", or "Hans overlæge Hansen". This looks strange
Der er forøvrigt forskel på "af " og "til".
En fattiglem fra Ringløbing kan omtales "af Ringkøbing". Det siger kun noget om, hvor vedkommende boede. Jeg så en profil her på Geni med efter/ familie navnet "af Jylland". Så kan man kun trække på smilebåndet. I stedet for at bruge "fra", som det bruges i dag, brugtes tidligere "af".
Med "til ", hentydes til ejerskab for den nære familie. "til" bruges kun så længe ejerskab forefindes. Måske varer ejerskabet kun en snes år, at vedvare derefter med at navngive personerne "til", er fantasi. "til" er en beskrivelse af ejerskab, så længe dette forefindes, det er ikke et personnavn.