His profile is a big mess !!
It shows three fathers and two mothers.
He was not a grandson of an Altshuler.
The photo could not possible be him dressed as in western European clerical gowns and with a tallis folded around his neck like that !
He did not have a son Matthew.
Seems "too many cooks spoil the broth" - a common affliction with Geni.
Someone should sort it out if that's possible now.
Chaim Freedman
The picture appears at http://www.jewishpress.com/pageroute.do/19202 - as the photo of Bernard Drachman - a different person altogether!
The "incorrect attribution" may come from http://www.kosherculture.org/rabgallery.html - see 12th down in the Ashkenazi column
See also http://personal.stevens.edu/~llevine/Facforum/index.html where Israel Salanter's name appears a little below the photo - but not intending to say that this is his photo.