GEDCOM is a standard file format used to save, transfer, and transport genealogical information. You may export a GEDCOM file focused on yourself or any profile you've added, limited by the number of profiles you've added to Geni. You may also import a GEDCOM file into a new branch, or merge it into any profile that you can edit and add onto. Note: Because an import may bring thousands of duplicate profiles that already exist on Geni, the import process will guide you through importing a limited number of ancestor and descendant generations. The process will automatically continue importing additional branches until a match is found to other profiles already on Geni. You must then resolve those matches before the import can continue.
A GEDCOM import will construct a family tree focused on a particular person.
A GEDCOM export must start with a particular person in the tree. If the export will be focused on you, you may jump directly to the GEDCOM Export page to begin the export. If you wish to export a GEDCOM file starting from a profile other than your own, the easiest way to begin is to find that person's Geni profile and then choose "Export GEDCOM" from the Actions pull-down menu. (Note: you may only export a GEDCOM file focused on profiles that you added to Geni.)