public profile
Szülei és férje bizonytalan (több forrás más-más adatot tartalmaz)
Nagy Iván: Magyarország (nemes) családai Vol. VII. p. 564.
Móricz család. (Medgyesallyi +.) A medgyesallyi Móricz kihalt család a Poki nemzetségből (genus) származik ), s leány-ágon az Árpádházba viszi föl családfáját. Ugyan is IV. Béla királynak leányát Sabinát Moys nádor vette nőül, kitől az ifjabb Moyson kivül született Erzsébet, felesége a Poki nemből eredt Miklós erdélyi vajdának, ki Medgyesről, s utóbb Medgyesallyáról írá nevét.
Translate: (Ivan Nagy: Families (noble) of Hungary: She was the daughter of King Béla IV., her husband was palatine Moys.
Marriage and children
IV. Béla ∞1218: Maria Laskarina, a daughter of the Emperor Theodore I Lascaris of Nicaea and Anna Angelina
IV. Béla magyar király Családja [szerkeszt%C3%A9s]
1218-ban Béla feleségül vette Laszkarisz Máriát. Béla édesapja, II. András szerezte meg a lány kezét fia számára, miközben hazafelé tartott 1217-es szentföldi hadjáratáról. Mária a kis-ázsiai nikaiai görög császár, I. Teodor és felesége, Anna Angelina lánya volt. A párnak nyolc leánya és két fia született:
Note from FARKAS Mihály László: According the MedLands and EuWeb: Elisabeth ►Szabina's father wasn't Béla IV., but Prince András the brother of Béla IV., and son of King András II. Her mother was IELENA Mstislavna
5. ANDRÁS ([1210/12]-1234). The Chronicon Dubnicense names "Belam, Colomannum Andream et beatam Elyzabeth" as the children of "Andreas filius Bele" and his wife "domina Gerdrudis de Alemania"[869]. He replaced his father-in-law as Prince of Galich in 1226, until 1234. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the death in 1234 of "dux Andreas…regis Andree filius"[870]. Betrothed ([27 Jan 1216/25 Jan 1217], contract broken 1219) to ZABEL of Armenia, daughter of LEO I King of Armenia [Rupenid] & his second wife Sibylle of Cyprus ([1216]-Ked 23 Jan 1252, bur Trazarg). Smbat Sparapet's Chronicle records that "the king of Hungary Andre…gave his son as a son-in-law to King Lewon and [this son] would inherit Lewon's throne", during a visit to Tarsus in [27 Jan 1216/25 Jan 1217][871]. It is not certain that András was the son who was betrothed to Zabel. However, the Hungarian king is unlikely to have betrothed his oldest son to this rather remote princess, especially with the prospect of his inheriting both thrones, while King András's second son Kálmán was already married at that date (assuming his marriage date is correct as stated above). Smbat Sparapet's Chronicle records that "the son of the Hungarian king was in the vicinity and came to become [Lewon's] son-in-law" while the king was dying, and that King Lewon "ordered his princes to implement the oaths they had sworn to him", in [26 Jan 1219/25 Jan 1220][872], but the proposed marriage must have been abandoned as soon as the king died as there no further mention of it in the Chronicle. m (1221) IELENA Mstislavna, daughter of MSTISLAV Mstislavich "Udaloi" ex-Prince of Novgorod, Prince of Galich & his wife --- of the Kumans. Baumgarten names the wife of András and gives her origin citing sources in support[873]. Prince András & his wife had [one child]:
Géza I King of Hungary (1074-77); *1044/5, +25.4.1077; 1m: ca 1062 Sophie von Looz (+ca 1065); 2m: 1065-74 Synadena (+after 1077), dau.of Theodulus Synadenos and niece of Emperor Nikophorus III of Byzantium. He had issue:
<nowiki>---------------------</nowiki> The wife of palatine Moys possible was an other Erzsébet
1234 |
1296 |
Age 62
1295/96; 1298
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