Wikipedia (last edited 3 July 2022) "Áedán mac Gabráin" - An extensive webpage, multiply sourced.
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Lluan ferch Brychan; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id39.html. (Steven Ferry, March 22, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bridei and Domlech, "Children" of Maelgwn Gwynedd; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id281.html. (Steven Ferry, July 24, 2021.)
Wikipedia "List of kings of Dál Riata"
The Scottish History Society "Dalriada: A Brief Account of Events", (A.D. 563–723).
University of Corpus of Electronic Texts. The Annals of Tigernach.
University of Corpus of Electronic Texts. The Annals of Ulster.
University of Corpus of Electronic Texts. Annals of Inisfallen.
Anderson, Alan Orr. 1922. “Establishment of the Kingdoms of Dalriata and Northumbria”, Early Sources of Scottish History, A.D. 500 to 1286], Vol. 1, Pt. 1.
Note: There is a 2018 reprint of this book – supposedly with edits to correct errata et al. (Ken Shelley, July 2022)
The following is taken from an Internet posting of Michael R. Davidson of Edinburgh. Scotland, on 23 Oct 1995: Aedan mac Gabran Aedan succeeded to the kingship upon his cousin Conall's death in 574. There is an entertaining story in Adomnan's _Life of Columba_ which relates how Columba would have preferred to support Eoganan as king. According to the life, an angel commanded Columba three times to support Aedan, and Columba did not relent until the angel struck him with a scourge. In 575 Aedan attended the Convention of Druim Cett in Ireland, which apparently convened to decide the political relationship between Dal Riata and the kings of the Northern Ui Neill in Ireland, whose power was growing. In 581 he led an expedition to the Orkney islands, and he won a victory at the Isle of Man in the following year. In 590, he won a battle against the Maetae, his British neighbours, but lost two of his sons in the battle. In 596, in the first battle between Scots and English, two more of his sons were slain. In 600, he lead an army against the English of Northumbria, but was decisively defeated at Degsastan. He was victorious in a battle against the Picts sometime between 596 and 606. He died, at the age of seventy-four according to the annals, in 606, and was succeeded by his son Eochaid Buid. The _Senchus_ notes that he fathered seven sons, but other sources tell of two others, Artur and Domangart. Children: 1. *Eochaid Buid. 2. Eochaid Find, killed 590. 3. Tuathal. 4. Bran, killed 596. 5. Baithine. 6. Conaing, drowned 622. 7. Gartnait. (The same Gartnait that was king of the Picts and died in 599?) 8. Artur, killed 590. 9. Domangart, killed 596.
He was a contemporary of Saint Columba, and much that is recorded of his life and career comes from hagiography such as Adomnán of Iona's Life of Saint Columba. Áedán appears as a character in Old Irish and Middle Irish language works of prose and verse, some now lost.
The Irish annals record Áedán's campaigns against his neighbours, in Ireland, and in northern Britain, including expeditions to the Orkney Islands, the Isle of Man, and the east coast of Scotland. As recorded by Bede, Áedán was decisively defeated by Æthelfrith of Bernicia at the Battle of Degsastan. Áedán may have been deposed, or have abdicated, following this defeat.
The sources for Áedán's life include Bede's Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum; Irish annals, principally the Annals of Ulster and the Annals of Tigernach; and Adomnán's Life of Saint Columba. The Senchus fer n-Alban, a census and genealogy of Dál Riata, purports to record his ancestry and that of his immediate descendants. None of these sources are contemporary. Adomnán's work was written in the very late 7th century, probably to mark the centenary of Columba's death. It incorporates elements from a now lost earlier life of Columba, De virtutibus sancti Columbae, by Cumméne Find. This was written perhaps as early as 640. However, neither the elements incorporated from Cumméne's work nor Adomnán's own writings can be treated as simple history. Bede's history was written some 30 years after Adomnán's. The surviving Irish annals contain elements of a chronicle kept at Iona from the middle of the 7th century onwards, so that these too are retrospective when dealing with Áedán's time.[1]
The Rawlinson B. 502 manuscript, dated to c. 1130, contains the tale Gein Branduib maic Echach ocus Aedáin maic Gabráin (The Birth of Brandub son of Eochu and of Aedán son of Gabrán).:
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps05/ps05_459.htm
Also spelled AEDAN, king of the Scottish kingdom of Dalriada. He was the son of Gabran, king of Dalriada.
Aidan was crowned at Iona by St. Columba. He refused to allow his kingdom to remain dependent on the Irish Dalriada; but, coming into collision with his southern neighbours, he led a large force against Aethelfrith, king of the Northumbrians, and was defeated at Degsanstan, probably in Liddesdale
Aidan ruled the Scottish kingdom of Dalriada, succeeding his kinsman King Conall; Aidan was crowned at Iona by St. Columba; he refused to remain dependent upon the Irish Dalriada; he was defeated by Aethelfrith, King of Northumberland, at a place called Daeganstane (probably Liddesdale). {see Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1956 Ed., 1:441; 6:994.} Dalriada was
the name of two Gaelic kingdoms, one in Ireland and one in Scotland (settled from northern Antrim in Ireland ca. 500 A.D.),
the latter based in Argyllshire and dependent upon the Irish Dalrieda until about 575 when Aidan asserted its independence.
He was consecrated by his cousin St. Columba.
He invaded Northumbria in 603. He was defeated at Daegastan in 603.
Events in the life of Àedán "the Treacherous" mac Gabráin
birth 1 .
ABT 0533, in "near the Forth".
† death 1 .
17 Apr 0608, in Kilkerran.
event 1 .
0574, in Scotland.
·was crowned and anointed King of Scots Dalriada and Pendragon of the Celtic Isle (Aedàn Pen Draco Insularis) by (his 3rd cousin) St. Columba of Iona
event 1 .
BEF 0590.
·asked St. Columba which of his three sons-Artúr, Eochaid Find, or Domangart-will succeed him
burial 1 .
in Kilkerran.
event 1 .
0603, in the Battle of Degsastan, Liddesdale, Lothian.
·defeated by Aethelfrith, King of the North-Eastern kingdom of Bernicia, though both sides had heavy losses, and Aedan lost another son, Domangart
event 1 .
BETWEEN 0590 AND 0596, in the Battle of Miathi.
·defeated the Southern Picts, the Maeatae, in the battle which he lost two sons, Arthur and Eochaid Find,
event 1 .
·succeeded his 1st cousin, Conall I, to the throne of Dál Riata
event 1 .
0573, in the Battle of Arfderydd.
·served, probably, as a chief of the Gododdin Britons, commanding the lands around Aberfoyle, the region where he subsequently granted land to St. Berach for a monastery, and this capacity fought for the Britons
event 1 .
0575, in Drumceat, Derry, Ireland.
·concluded an agreement with the High King of Ireland, Aed mac Ainmerech, in which Aedan retained authority, to tax and collect tribute, over the Dál Riatan peoples who still lived in the original homeland of Fergus in Ulster, but these Dál Riatans were ultimately answerable to the Irish High King for military support, showing the Dál Riatan kings, even in Scotland, were subject to some degree to the High Kings of Ireland,
event 1 .
·ejected Baetán mac Cairill from the Isle of Man
event 1 .
·undertook a raid on the Orkney Islands, otherwise the territory of the Picts and King Brude, whose piratical inhabitants, Norseman, were conducting raids on Dál Riatan territory, most likely Iona,
event 1 .
BETWEEN 0580 AND 0584.
·fought a series of skirmishes with the Picts under King Brude, and generally won the advantage,
event 1 .
AFT 0603, in Kilkerran.
·is said to have abdicated after his defeat at the hands of the Angles of Bernicia and retired to a monastery
The king lists make Áedán the successor of Conall mac Comgall (d. ca. 573), and the predecessor of his son Eochu Buide, who succeeded about 604. Áedán is given a reign length of 24 years [Duan Albanach, 131] or 34 years [Poppleton MS, KKES, 253; Regnal Lists "D", "F", "I", "K", KKES, 264, 270, 281, 286]. During the reign of Áedán, the well known Convention of Druim Cett was held, involving him and the Irish king Áed mac Ainmirech [Adomn%C3%A1n i, 49 (p. 89); Bannerman (1974), 157-170], the purpose of which is believed to have been to decide the status of Scottish and Irish Dál Riata with respect to the Irish king [On the date, see Meckler (1997); Jaski (1998)].
Aedon, King of Dalriada, d. 608
Father: Gabran "the Treacherous", King of Dalriada, d. 559, He became King of Dalriada, ca. 538 in Dungad, Scotland
Mother: Ingenach
King Aidan secured the independence of Dalriada in about 575. He was ordained King of Dalriada by Saint Columba.
Eugene IV, King of Dalriada, d. 630, He became King of Dalriada, ca. 608 in Dungad, Scotland
Maithgemma of Monad, m. Cairell of the Dal Fiach
1) GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page 228; G929.72;
C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
Edhan (Aidan), King of Scots 574-608
2) GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page; 226; G929.72;
C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
6. AIDAN (AIDANUS)6 (Gavran (Goranus)5, Domangart (Dongardus)4, Fergus the Great3, Ercc of DALRIADA2, Eochy (Eugenius) MUNREVAR1), son of (5) King Gavran (Goranus)5, was born before 574, and died between 606/8 and 608/10. [16]
Was crowned by his kinsman, St. Columba, on the island of Iona, 574; declared the independence of his kingdom at the council of Drumcreat in Ireland, 575; was defeated by Aethelfrith, King of Bernicia, and d. 606-608.
"574. Aidan, the son of gavran, reigned 34 years.
608. The death of Aidan, the son of Gavran."
Child: + 7 i. KING EOCHY I (EUGENIUS I)7 BUIDE of Scots, b. before 608, d. in 629.
Edhan (Aidan) . Died ABT 608. !GENEALOGY: Royal
Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page; 226; G929.72; C6943ra;
Denver Public Library; Genealogy
Children of Edhan (Aidan) and _____:
5 i Eochaidh_I BUIDHE
574-608: King of Dal Riata [Ref: Tapsell Dynasties p180] ruled Dalriada in Scotland for about 37 years 571-608 [Ref: Weis AR7 #170]
ordained King by his cousin St. Columbia [Ref: Moncreiffe RoyalAnc p20]
details of his life and those of his children and grandchildren are well attested in the near-contemporary life of St. Columa, by Adamnan [Ref: Weis AR7 #170]
succeeded to the kingship upon his cousin Conall's death in 574. [Ref: Michael Davidson SGM 10/23/1995-115700]
575: attended the Convention of the Druim Cett in Ireland, which apparently convened to decide the political relationship between Dal Riata and the kings of the Northern Ui Neill in Ireland, whose power was growing. [Ref: Michael Davidson SGM 10/23/1995-115700]
581: led an expedition to the Orkney Islands, and he won a victory at the Isle of Man in the following year. [Ref: Michael Davidson SGM 10/23/1995-115700]
590: won a battle against the Maetae, his British neighbours, but lost two of his sons in the battle. [Ref: Michael Davidson SGM 10/23/1995-115700]
596: in first battle between Scots and English, two more of his sons were slain. [Ref: Michael Davidson SGM 10/23/1995-115700]
600: he led an army against the English of Northumbria, but was decisively defeated at Degsastan [Ref: Michael Davidson SGM 10/23/1995-115700]
Gabhran, King of DalRiada married Lleian of South Wales, daughter of Brachan (Brychan) of South Wales. Gabhran, King of DalRiada died in 560.
c.603 Worried about the expansive policies of King Aethelfrith of Bernicia, King Aedan invades his territory, wit a large contingent of Irish allies. While the Scots are busy despoiling the country, the Bernicians gather a strong army and the two clash at the Battle of Degsastan (Addinston) King Aethelfrith is victorious, but suffers heavy losses.
c.606 King Aedan of Dalriada abdicates his throne in favor of his son, Eochaide Buide, and retires to the monastery of Kilkerran.
Arthur of legend was only called a king after the 12th century cleric Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote a fabled account called "The History of the Kings of Britain", in which he called Arthur a king, placing him in the first half of the 6th century AD. Before Geoffrey's fictional story there are no historical references to a King Arthur - only references to a warlord Arthur and a Prince Arthur (559-603), the son of Aidan, King of the Scots of Dalriada. This Prince Arthur of Argyll (Prince of Scotland) married Gwenhwyfar De Bretagne (Guinevere of Brittany, daughter of Leo de Grance). "The two would be later known through the romanticization of actual history as King Arthur of the Round Table and his wife, Gwenivere." [12]. This opinion or interpretion is shared by many authors. [19] [21] [22] [23]
This Prince Arthur was the third of eight children (2nd son) of Aedan (Aidan/Aedham) Mac Gabran, King of Dalriada (b.525 r574-604) and Ygerna ferch Amlawdd of Wales. Aeden's parents were Gabran (Gabhran) of Argyll Mac Domangart (~500 - ~560) (King of Dalriada & Scots) and Lleian (Liuan) b~526 (a.k.a. Ingrain). [11] [15]
MacGabhran, Aidan of Argyll; consecrated by his cousin as St. Columba. Aedan succeeded to the kingship upon his cousin Conall's death in 574. A story in Adomnan's "Life of Columba" related how Colimba would have preferred to support Eoganan as king, but an angel commanded Columba three times to support Aedan, and Columba did not relent until the angel struck him with a scourge.
In 575, Aedan attended the Convention of Druim Cet in Ireland, which apparently convened to decide the political relationship between Dalriada and the kings of northern Ui Neill in Ireland, whose power was growing. In 581, he led an expedition to the Orkney Isles, and he won a victory at the Isle of Man in the following year. In 590, he won a battle against the Maetae, his British neighbors, but lost two of his sons (Eochaid Find and Artur) in the battle. In 596, in the first battle between the Scots and English, two more of his sons (Bran and Domangart) were slain. In 600, he led an army against the English of Northumbria, but was decisively defeated at Degsatan. He was victorious in a battle against the Picts sometime between 596 and 606. He died at the age of seventy-four, and was succeeded by his eldest son Eochaid Buide. The Senchus Notes say he fathered seven sons, but other sources tell of two others: Artur and Domangart.
Acceded about 574. Consecrated by his cousin St. Columba. In 575 Aedan attended the Convention of Druim Cett in Ireland, which apparently convened to decide the political relationship between Dal Riata and the kings of the Northern Ui Neill in Ireland, whose power was growing. In 581 he led an expedition to the Orkney islands, and he won a victory at the Isle of Man in the following year. In 590, he won a battle against the Maetae, his British neighbours, but lost two of his sons in the battle. In 596, in the first battle between Scots and English, two more of his sons were slain. In 600, he lead an army against the English of Northumbria, but was decisively defeated at Degsastan. He was victorious in a battle against the Picts sometime between 596 and 606.
Children of Aidan MacGabhran are: i.+I Eochaidh, b. 565, Scotland, d. 629, Scotland.
540 |
556 |
Dalriada, Argyll, , Scotland
560 |
Dalriada, Argyle, Scotland (United Kingdom)
570 |
Age 30
King of, , , Scotland
Age 30
King of, , , Scotland
Age 30
King of, , , Scotland
571 |
- 608
Age 31
King of Dalriada
574 |
Age 34
King of the Scots
585 |