Aélis de Montdidier-Roucy was born ABT 1049-1050 in France, Picardie, Aisne, Roucy, daughter of
She married Foulques (Conan) de Grandison [Grandson], de Joux. He was born ABT 1050 in La Sarraz, Waadt, Switzerland.
She died c 1114
Children of Adelheid de Roucy and Foulques de Grandison are:
1. ADALBERT, son of --- . An undated charter, maybe dated to 27 Sep 1049, records a dispute between Romainmotier and “Adalbertus” regarding “villa...Ferrarius” taken by “senior Adalbertus”, naming “domnus Otto filius eius”[618]. He is named as father of Othon, Conon and Rigaud in the [1075/87] charter quoted below. m ---. The name of Adalbert's wife is not known. Adalbert & his wife had three children:
a) OTHON (-after [1075/87]). An undated charter, maybe dated to 27 Sep 1049, records a dispute between Romainmotier and “Adalbertus” regarding “villa...Ferrarius” taken by “senior Adalbertus”, naming “domnus Otto filius eius”[619]. “Rigaldus” donated property “in villa Tritiniaco” to Romainmotier, with the consent of “uxor mea Helena”, by charter dated to [1050/1100], witnessed by “Otto frater eius...”[620]. “Rigaldus miles de Grantione filius Adalberti” donated serfs to Romainmotier, when “filio nostro Petro” entered the convent, with the consent of “uxore mea Helena et filiis meis Ottone, Ademaro, Artaldo atque Jarentone et fratribus meis Ottone atque Conone qui et Falco”, by charter dated to [1075/87][621].
b) CONON [Falcon] (-[before 1114]). “Rigaldus miles de Grantione filius Adalberti” donated serfs to Romainmotier, when “filio nostro Petro” entered the convent, with the consent of “uxore mea Helena et filiis meis Ottone, Ademaro, Artaldo atque Jarentone et fratribus meis Ottone atque Conone qui et Falco”, by charter dated to [1075/87][622]. [Bouchard suggests that the husband of Aelis de Ramerupt was the same person as Foulques de Bourgogne, son of Renaud Comte de Bourgogne[623]. However, if it is correct, as shown in Europäische Stammtafeln, that Conon died soon "before 1114" (which date has not been verified), the suggestion is unlikely to be correct.] The Miraculis S. Mariæ Laudunensis names him “quidam...nobilissimus princeps in Burgundia...Falco de Jur, vel de Serrata” when recording his marriage[624]. The explanation for “de Jur” [Joux?] has not been found. No connection has been found between Conon/Falcon and the family of the seigneurs de Joux (whose genealogy was studied in the mid-19th century by Estavayer[625]). One possible explanation is confusion with “Falco” son of Amaury de Joux, who witnessed the following charter: “Amaldricus” [identified as Amaury [I] de Joux] disputed properties with Romainmotier by charter dated Jan [before 1075], witnessed by “...filiis Amaldrici, Hugone, Falcone, Landrico”[626]. He presumably died before 4 Jun 1114, the date of the charter of his sons quoted below. m AELIS de Ramerupt, daughter of HILDUIN [IV] de Montdidier et de Ramerupt Comte de Roucy & his wife Adelaide de Roucy. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Aeliz de Sarrata in Burgundia" as fifth daughter of Hilduin Comte de Roucy[627]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "sexta filia Hilduini comitis Adelidis" as mother of "filium columbine simplicitatis nomine Bartholomeum…[et] Ebalum"[628]. The Miraculis S. Mariæ Laudunensis records that "nobilissimus princeps in Burgundia…Falco de Jur, vel de Serrata" married "comitis Hilduini [comes Rociensis]…unam ex filiabus eius…Adeladam"[629]. Conon & his wife had [nine] children:i) BARTHELEMY [I] (-1158). The Miraculis S. Mariæ Laudunensis names "episcopum domnum Bartholomæum [Remensis ecclesiæ Beatæ Mariæ canonicum et thesaurarium]" as the son of Foulques de Joux and his wife[630]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "filium columbine simplicitatis nomine Bartholomeum, qui prius fuit thesaurius Remensis ecclesie et Sancti Quintini et Lausannensis, postea vero Laudunensis antistes, novissime devotus in Fusniaco monacus…post quem mater eius genuit Ebalum cum aliis liberis utriusque sexus" as children of "sexta filia Hilduini comitis Adelidis"[631]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ebalum et…episcopum Laudunensem Bartholomeum et eorum sorores" as children of "Aeliz de Sarrata in Burgundia"[632]. Bishop of Laon 1113, resigned 1150. The Continuatio Praemonstratensis of Sigebert's Chronica records in 1150 that “Bartholomeus Laudunensis episcopus” became a monk at “Fusniaci” [Foigny] after 38 years as bishop[633].
ii) EBLES [I] (-15 May [1130/35]). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "filium columbine simplicitatis nomine Bartholomeum, qui prius fuit thesaurius Remensis ecclesie et Sancti Quintini et Lausannensis, postea vero Laudunensis antistes, novissime devotus in Fusniaco monacus…post quem mater eius genuit Ebalum cum aliis liberis utriusque sexus" as children of "sexta filia Hilduini comitis Adelidis"[634]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ebalum et…episcopum Laudunensem Bartholomeum et eorum sorores" as children of "Aeliz de Sarrata in Burgundia"[635]. “Donnus Hebalus et donnus Ugo frater suus” donated “homines et feminas...in villa...Ferreres” to Romainmotier by charter dated 4 Jun 1114[636]. He founded Joux abbey: a charter dated 1140 records that “Ebalus Falconis de Grandissono filius” founded the abbey of the Lac-de-Joux, in the presence of “Vdricus de Grandissono...”[637]. A charter dated 4 May [1130/35] records that, while living, “donnus Eubalus de Grantione” made various donations to Romainmotier, with the consent of “coniuge eiusdem Eubali Adaleide...et filiis suis Eubalo, Bartholomeo, Raimundo”, witnessed by “Donnus Galcherius de Grantione...”, confirmed the day of his burial by his wife and sons (witnessed by “Aimone de Monte Falcone, Conone de Grantione, Falcone nepote eius et Conone fratre eius”)[638]. m ADELAIDE, daughter of --- (-after 1141). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to the wife of "Ebalus" as "sorore comitis Ulardi"[639]. A charter dated 4 May [1130/35] records that, while living, “donnus Eubalus de Grantione” made various donations to Romainmotier, with the consent of “coniuge eiusdem Eubali Adaleide...et filiis suis Eubalo, Bartholomeo, Raimundo”, confirmed the day of his burial by his wife and sons[640]. “Eubalus et Bartolomeus frater eius de Grantione” confirmed donations made to Romainmotier by “pater eorum Eubalus”, with the support of “matre eorum Adeleyde”, by charter dated 1141[641]. Ebles & his wife had five children:(a) EBLES [II] de Grandson (-after 1141). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Ebalum et Bartholomeum" as sons of "Ebalus" & his wife[642]. A charter dated 4 May [1130/35] records that, while living, “donnus Eubalus de Grantione” made various donations to Romainmotier, with the consent of “coniuge eiusdem Eubali Adaleide...et filiis suis Eubalo, Bartholomeo, Raimundo”, confirmed the day of his burial by his wife and sons[643]. “Eubalus et Bartolomeus frater eius de Grantione” confirmed donations made to Romainmotier by “pater eorum Eubalus”, with the support of “matre eorum Adeleyde”, by charter dated 1141[644].
(b) BARTHELEMY [II] de Grandson (-Jerusalem 1158). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Ebalum et Bartholomeum" as sons of "Ebalus" & his wife[645]. Seigneur de Grandson et de Belmont. Avocat of Joux.
- see below.
(c) RAYMOND de Grandson (-after 4 May [1130/35]). A charter dated 4 May [1130/35] records that, while living, “donnus Eubalus de Grantione” made various donations to Romainmotier, with the consent of “coniuge eiusdem Eubali Adaleide...et filiis suis Eubalo, Bartholomeo, Raimundo”, confirmed the day of his burial by his wife and sons[646].
(d) GAUCHER de Grandson (-after 1154). “Dominus Falco et Cono frater eius” transferred rights to certain serfs to Romainmotier and to “domino de Grantione”, with the support of “uxor Falconis”, by charter dated 1154 in the presence of “...dominorum Grantionis Bartolomei, Gaucherii, Cononis, filiique eius Willelmi”[647].
(e) CONON de Grandson (-after 1154). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. The name order in the following charter suggests that Conon was another brother of Barthélemy [II]. “Dominus Falco et Cono frater eius” transferred rights to certain serfs to Romainmotier and to “domino de Grantione”, with the support of “uxor Falconis”, by charter dated 1154 in the presence of “...dominorum Grantionis Bartolomei, Gaucherii, Cononis, filiique eius Willelmi”[648]. m ---. The name of Conon's wife is not known. Conon & his wife had four children:(1) GUILLAUME de Grandson (-after 1184). “Dominus Falco et Cono frater eius” transferred rights to certain serfs to Romainmotier and to “domino de Grantione”, with the support of “uxor Falconis”, by charter dated 1154 in the presence of “...dominorum Grantionis Bartolomei, Gaucherii, Cononis, filiique eius Willelmi”[649]. "Dunnus Guielmus, Girardus et Quono fratres eius, Grandissoni" donated certain serfs to Romainmotier by undated charter [dated to the second half of the 12th century][650]. “Girard de Granzon et ses frères Guillaume et Conon” donated property “à Boussens” to Théla abbey by charter dated 1184[651]. An undated charter records donations made to Lausanne Notre-Dame by “dominus Williermus de Grancon et fratres eius Girardus et Cono” of property “apud Warens”[652].
(2) GERARD de Grandson (-after 1184). "Dunnus Guielmus, Girardus et Quono fratres eius, Grandissoni" donated certain serfs to Romainmotier by undated charter [dated to the second half of the 12th century][653]. “Girard de Granzon et ses frères Guillaume et Conon” donated property “à Boussens” to Théla abbey by charter dated 1184[654]. An undated charter records donations made to Lausanne Notre-Dame by “dominus Williermus de Grancon et fratres eius Girardus et Cono” of property “apud Warens”[655].
(3) CONON de Grandson (-after 1184). "Dunnus Guielmus, Girardus et Quono fratres eius, Grandissoni" donated certain serfs to Romainmotier by undated charter [dated to the second half of the 12th century][656]. “Girard de Granzon et ses frères Guillaume et Conon” donated property “à Boussens” to Théla abbey by charter dated 1184[657]. An undated charter records donations made to Lausanne Notre-Dame by “dominus Williermus de Grancon et fratres eius Girardus et Cono” of property “apud Warens”[658].
(4) daughter . Her parentage and marriage are indicated by the following document: “Petrus de Sancto Martino miles” donated rights “in villa de Crisiaco” and renounced rights in property of “W. de Grancon avunculus eius”, by charter dated 2 May 1199[659]. m PIERRE de Saint-Martin, son of --- (-after 2 May 1199).iii) HUGUES (-after 4 Jun 1114). “Donnus Hebalus et donnus Ugo frater suus” donated “homines et feminas...in villa...Ferreres” to Romainmotier by charter dated 4 Jun 1114[660].
iv) LOUIS (-18 Mar [1160/62]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Deacon at Lausanne. Bishop of Sion 1130.
v) [ERMENTRUDE [de Joux] . Three different sources specify somewhat different versions of the parentage of Ermentrude. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ebalum et…episcopum Laudunensem Bartholomeum et eorum sorores" as children of "Aeliz de Sarrata in Burgundia", specifying that one sister married "Henrico comiti de Grandi prato"[661]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to "unam sororum domni Bartholomei" as wife of "Henricus de Grandi-prato"[662]. The Miraculis S. Mariæ Laudunensis names "Ermentrudis" as one of "aliis filiis et filiabus" of Foulques de Joux and his wife, adding that she married "Henricus comes de Grandiprato"[663]. It is possible that Ermentrude was the sister of Ebles [I] de Grandson, although the reference to “Joux” has not been clarified. m HENRI Comte de Grandpré et de Porcien, son of HENRI [Hezelin] Comte & his wife --- de Porcien (-before 1151).]
vi) daughter . The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names the husband of "alteram Bartholomei episcopi sororem" as "Erchenbaldus vicecomes de Mascuns" and their children "Hugonem thesaurarium Remensis ecclesie et Stephanum monachum, Ertaldum, Erchembaldum et sorores eorum" names the children of Ertald as "equivocum sibi Ertaldum" names the husband of one of Ertald's sisters as "Amedeo de Alta-ripa" names "Amedeum Lausanensem episcopum"as son of "Amedeo de Alta-ripa"[664]. m ARCHAMBAUD Vicomte de Mazuns, son of ---.
vii) daughter . The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names the husband of "terciam sororem domni Bartholomei" as "Trombertus de Alta-villa" and their sons as "Wibertum et fratrem eius"[665]. m TROMBERT de Hauterive, son of ---.
viii) daughter . The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names the husband of "quartam [sororem domni Bartholomei]" as "Paganus de Sancci, que filias habuit"[666]. m PAGAN de Sanci, son of ---.
ix) daughter . The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names the husband of "quintam [sororem domni Bartholomei]" as "Berlo de Mureno"[667]. m BERLO de Mureno, son of ---.c) RIGAUD (-after [1075/87]). “Rigaldus” donated property “in villa Tritiniaco” to Romainmotier, with the consent of “uxor mea Helena”, by charter dated to [1050/1100], witnessed by “Otto frater eius...”[668]. “Rigaldus miles de Grantione filius Adalberti” donated serfs to Romainmotier, when “filio nostro Petro” entered the convent, with the consent of “uxore mea Helena et filiis meis Ottone, Ademaro, Artaldo atque Jarentone et fratribus meis Ottone atque Conone qui et Falco”, by charter dated to [1075/87][669]. m HELENE, daughter of --- (-after [1075/87]). “Rigaldus” donated property “in villa Tritiniaco” to Romainmotier, with the consent of “uxor mea Helena”, by charter dated to [1050/1100], witnessed by “Otto frater eius...”[670]. “Rigaldus miles de Grantione filius Adalberti” donated serfs to Romainmotier, when “filio nostro Petro” entered the convent, with the consent of “uxore mea Helena et filiis meis Ottone, Ademaro, Artaldo atque Jarentone et fratribus meis Ottone atque Conone qui et Falco”, by charter dated to [1075/87][671]. Rigaud & his wife had five children:
i) OTHON . “Rigaldus miles de Grantione filius Adalberti” donated serfs to Romainmotier, when “filio nostro Petro” entered the convent, with the consent of “uxore mea Helena et filiis meis Ottone, Ademaro, Artaldo atque Jarentone...”, by charter dated to [1075/87][672].
ii) ADEMAR . “Rigaldus miles de Grantione filius Adalberti” donated serfs to Romainmotier, when “filio nostro Petro” entered the convent, with the consent of “uxore mea Helena et filiis meis Ottone, Ademaro, Artaldo atque Jarentone...”, by charter dated to [1075/87][673].
iii) ARTAUD . “Rigaldus miles de Grantione filius Adalberti” donated serfs to Romainmotier, when “filio nostro Petro” entered the convent, with the consent of “uxore mea Helena et filiis meis Ottone, Ademaro, Artaldo atque Jarentone...”, by charter dated to [1075/87][674].
iv) JARENTON . “Rigaldus miles de Grantione filius Adalberti” donated serfs to Romainmotier, when “filio nostro Petro” entered the convent, with the consent of “uxore mea Helena et filiis meis Ottone, Ademaro, Artaldo atque Jarentone...”, by charter dated to [1075/87][675].
v) PIERRE . “Rigaldus miles de Grantione filius Adalberti” donated serfs to Romainmotier, when “filio nostro Petro” entered the convent, with the consent of “uxore mea Helena et filiis meis Ottone, Ademaro, Artaldo atque Jarentone...”, by charter dated to [1075/87][676]. Monk at Romainmotier.
1050 |
Roucy, Aisne, Picardie, France
1080 |
La Sarraz, Vaud, Switzerland
La Sarraz, Morges District, VD, Switzerland
1087 |
La Sarraz, Vaud, Waadt, Switzerland
1089 |
1114 |
Age 64
Grandson, Vaud, Switzerland
1992 |
August 28, 1992
Age 64
October 7, 1992
Age 64
November 24, 1992
Age 64