Aénor? de Laval

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Aénor? de Laval

Birthplace: Laval, Mayenne, Maine/Pays de la Loire, France
Death: 1137 (62-72)
Beaumont, Maine, France
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Guy II, III. seigneur de Laval and Denise de Mortain
Wife of Raoul de Beaumont, VI, Vicomte Beaumont-au-Maine
Mother of Roscelin de Beaumont, Vicomte de Beaumont; Raoul V Roscelin de Beaumont, VIII; Godehildis de Beaumont; Guillaume de Beaumont; Tiphanie de Beaumont, Abbess of La Charité and 1 other
Sister of Guy de Guyon, III
Half sister of Agnès de Laval and Guy de laval, Seigneur de Laval, III

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Aénor? de Laval



? de Laval daughter of Guy II sire de Laval and Denise de Mortain

From Medlands:


Raoul VI de Beaumont m (1095) --- de Laval, daughter of [GUY [II] Sire de Laval] & his [first/second] wife [---/Denise de Mortain]. A charter of the monks of Saint-Vincent du Mans dated 24 May 1095 records the donation by "bonæ memoriæ Huberti vicecomitis…filius…Radulfus", adding that this was the year in which he married "sororem Widonis de Valle"[621]. In that year Guy [II] is recorded as sire de Laval. However, he would then have been too old to have had a sister of marriageable age, assuming that the 11 Nov 1039 charter in which he is named is correctly dated. It is therefore more likely that the wife of Raoul [VII] Vicomte du Maine was the daughter not sister of Guy [II]. It is also possible that the charter in question was written later than 1095. If that is correct, Guy [III] may by then have been sire de Laval and Raoul´s wife could have been described as "sororem Widonis de Valle" to indicate the current sire de Laval rather than the sire de Laval when she married. If Raoul´s wife was the daughter of Guy [II], she must have been born from either his first or second marriage.
Raoul [VI] & his wife had six children:

1. ROSCELIN de Beaumont (-[1176]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He succeeded his father as Vicomte de Beaumont. "Roscelinus vicecomes Bellimontis…cum Radulpho fratre suo" donated revenue from a mill to the abbey of Saint-Aubin d´Angers, for "filiis suis Richardo et Guillelmo", by charter dated 1156[622]. "Rosselinus vicecomes Cenomannus…et Richardus filius eius" donated property to Cluny, with the support of "Constantia vicecomitissa", by charter dated 1173[623]. m CONSTANCE [Mathilde], illegitimate daughter of HENRY I King of England & his mistress ---. Robert of Torigny names "Mathildem filiam notham primi Henrici regis Anglorum" as wife of "Roscelini vicecomitis Cenomannensis"[624]. Orderic Vitalis records the marriage of Roscelin Vicomte du Mans and Constance illegitimate daughter of King Henry I[625]. "Rosselinus vicecomes Cenomannus…et Richardus filius eius" donated property to Cluny, with the support of "Constantia vicecomitissa", by charter dated 1173[626]. Roscelin & his wife had four children:

2. RAOUL de Beaumont (-after 1156). "Roscelinus vicecomes Bellimontis…cum Radulpho fratre suo" donated revenue from a mill to the abbey of Saint-Aubin d´Angers, for "filiis suis Richardo et Guillelmo", by charter dated 1156[661].

3. GERVAIS de Beaumont . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1112.

4. GODEHILDIS de Beaumont . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Nun at La Charité.

5. TIPHANIE de Beaumont . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. 1154/1160. Abbess of La Charité.

6. GUILLAUME de Beaumont . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1163.


GUY [II] de Laval, son of HAMON Sire de Laval & his wife Hersende --- (before [1037/38]-after 1105, bur Marmoutier). "Wido" relinquished rights to the chapter of Le Mans, before leaving for Jerusalem, with the consent of "Haimo, supra scripti Guidonis filius et uxor eius Hersendis filiique eorum Guido…et Hugo", by charter dated 11 Nov 1039[444]. The date of this charter is open to doubt. The brothers Guy [II] and Hugues are recorded well into the 12th century and two of the known children of Guy [II] must have been born in the last decade of the 11th century. If the date of the charter is correct, both Guy [II] and Hugues would have been unusually old when they died. "Hamon de Laval" donated property to Ronceray, at the request of "ses sœurs Agnès et Hildelinde", for the souls of "Guy son père et de Berthe sa mère", with the approval of "Guy son fils et de Hersende son épouse", by charter dated to [1075][445]. He succeeded his father as Sire de Laval. An undated charter records that "Guido de Lavalle" succeeded to "honore patris sui Hamonis post mortem eius" and confirmed his father´s donations to the monastery of La Charité Sainte-Marie d´Anjou, with the consent of "uxor…Dionisia…Hugone fratre predicti Guidonis…"[446]. "Guy II et sa mère Hersende" assented to the donation of property to Ronceray by "Foulques du Bignon", by charter dated to [1085][447]. A charter dated to [1080/90] records that "Guidone de Valle" sold "boscum…Monduluet" to "domnus Rivallonus monachus" at Marmoutier, with the consent of "Hugo frater eius…et Dionisia uxor eius"[448]. A charter dated 1090 records that "Guido junior" succeeded "in paternum…honorem" on the death of "Haimonis senioris de Valle Guidonis" and that when, after some time, "supradicti domni Guidonis conjugem" died, he granted further rights to Marmoutier when she was buried "juxta patrem suum Haimonem"[449]. A charter dated [10/16] Mar 1095 recalls donations to Montmajour by "Hamo dominus Latævallis" amd that "filius eius Guido, succedens patri suo in honorem" refused to ratify these donations until Pope Urban II arrived "ad concilium Turonense"[450]. Pope Urban is recorded in Tours in early Mar 1096 (N.S.) from where he addressed letters dated 4, 14, 20, 21 and 24 Mar 1096[451]. An undated charter records the lifting of the sentence of excommunication against "Guy fils de Hamon", imposed for the fire of the church of Gennes, in the presence among others of Renaud Bishop of Angers [appointed in 1102][452]. A charter dated to 1 Dec [1104/1111] records that "Guy de Laval et Hugues son frère" arbitered an agreement between the abbess of Ronceray and "Guérin de Saint-Berthvin"[453]. "Mauricius dominus castelli…Credonum" was condemned to repair the damage he caused to La Trinité de Vendôme "uxor eius domna Mathildis", by charter dated 1105, which names "Goffridus…Vindocinensis abbas…consanguineus Mauricii", and is signed by "Mauricius dominus Credonis, Robertus frater eius…Guido de Lavalle…"[454]. "Guido…et Cecilia uxor eius…et filius eorum Guido…Gervasiusque alius filius" donated property to the monastery of La Charité Sainte-Marie d´Anjou, with the approval of "Hugo de Lavalle", by undated charter witnessed by "…Adelardus de Castro Gunterii, Hugo de Cretone, Hugo de Mathefelone…"[455]. Assuming that the hypothesis concerning Guy [II]´s supposed daughter, wife of Raoul [VII] Vicomte du Maine, is correct as shown below, it is probable that Guy [II] died before her marriage. The marriage is recorded as having taken place in 1095 and the bride described as "sororem Widonis de Valle", suggesting that her father was deceased at the time. However, the charter itself is undated and it is not clear from the text how much time may have passed between the marriage and the date the charter was written. It is possible, therefore, that her father was alive when she married, but died soon afterwards. [m firstly ---. No direct evidence has been found of this supposed first marriage of Guy [II]. However, Guy´s estimated birth date suggests that it is unlikely that Denise de Mortain, whose birth is most likely dated to [1065/70] considering the general chronology of her family, was his first wife.] m [secondly] ([1085]%29 DENISE de Mortain, daughter of ROBERT Comte de Mortain & his first wife Mathilde de Montgommery ([1065/70]-1090, bur Marmoutier). Robert of Torigny names "unum filium Guillermum et tres filias" as the children of "Robertus comes Moritonii uterinus frater Willermi regis", specifying that one unnamed daughter (mentioned second) married "Guido de Laval"[456]. An undated charter records that "Guido de Lavalle" succeeded to "honore patris sui Hamonis post mortem eius" and confirmed his father´s donations to the monastery of La Charité Sainte-Marie d´Anjou, with the consent of "uxor…Dionisia…Hugone fratre predicti Guidonis…"[457]. A charter dated to [1080/90] records that "Guidone de Valle" sold "boscum…Monduluet" to "domnus Rivallonus monachus" at Marmoutier, with the consent of "Hugo frater eius…et Dionisia uxor eius"[458]. "Guido de Lavalle" donated the priory of Parné to the church of Saint-Nicholas d'Angers "pro salute sua et uxoris sue Dionisie" by charter dated [1080/90][459]. A charter dated 1090 records that "Guido junior" succeeded "in paternum…honorem" on the death of "Haimonis senioris de Valle Guidonis" and that when, after some time, "supradicti domni Guidonis conjugem" died, he granted further rights to Marmoutier when she was buried "juxta patrem suum Haimonem"[460]. m [thirdly] (after 1090) CECILE, daughter of ---. A charter dated to [1093/1110] records that "Guido filius Hamonis…et eius uxor Sicilia, filiusque eius…Guido" donated property to Marmoutier when "fratrem suum Hugonem" appeared to be dying, and a later donation by "Guido filius eius et Secilia uxor illius et Hugo frater illius"[461]. "Guido…et Cecilia uxor eius…et filius eorum Guido…Gervasiusque alius filius" donated property to the monastery of La Charité Sainte-Marie d´Anjou, with the approval of "Hugo de Lavalle", by undated charter witnessed by "…Adelardus de Castro Gunterii, Hugo de Cretone, Hugo de Mathefelone…"[462]. "Cécile épouse de Guy" witnessed the charter dated to [1093/1110] under which the nuns of Ronceray recorded a donation and the judgment of "Guy" which enabled them to retain possession[463]. Guy [II] & his [first/second] wife had [one child]: 1. [daughter . A charter of the monks of Saint-Vincent du Mans dated 24 May 1095 records the donation by "bonæ memoriæ Huberti vicecomitis…filius…Radulfus", adding that this was the year in which he married "sororem Widonis de Valle"[464]. In that year Guy [II] is recorded as sire de Laval. However, he would then have been too old to have had a sister of marriageable age, assuming that the 11 Nov 1039 charter in which he is named is correctly dated. It is therefore more likely that the wife of Raoul [VII] Vicomte du Maine was the daughter not sister of Guy [II]. It is also possible that the charter in question was written later than 1095. If that is correct, Guy [III] may by then have been sire de Laval and Raoul´s wife could have been described as "sororem Widonis de Valle" to indicate the current sire de Laval rather than the sire de Laval when she married. If Raoul´s wife was the daughter of Guy [II], she must have been born from either his first or second marriage. m (1095) RAOUL [VI] Vicomte du Maine, son of HUBERT Vicomte du Maine et de Beaumont & his wife Ermengarde de Nevers (-14 Jan [1120/25], bur Etival).]

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Aénor? de Laval's Timeline

Laval, Mayenne, Maine/Pays de la Loire, France
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
Age 67
Beaumont, Maine, France
Brother Guy de Laval