Abraham (Abram/Avram) is a name that shows up frequently in the grandchildren of Josel Frankel. Josel's father was Abram ben Tsalko ben Leyba.
Josel's sons Issac and Harry each named a son "Abe".
We do not know for certain what his middle initial was for, but we believe it was NOT for Harold. He was known as AH Frankel.
1892 |
December 9, 1892
Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, United States
1915 |
April 19, 1915
1916 |
October 25, 1916
Grandville Township, Jasper County, IL, United States
1928 |
September 23, 1928
Huntington, Cabell County, West Virginia, United States
1943 |
December 14, 1943
Age 51