Aaron Horn Jr. is born to Aaron Horn Sr. and Elizabeth in Betterton, Kent County, MD. and was in Fort Boonesborough during the siege of 1778. Aaron settled in what became Madison County, KY, near the old Fort at Booneborough and is believed to have lived there the remainder of his life. Most of his children left the area for points west. Some of his descendents still reside in Davies Co, Ky and in Iowa.
Aaron Horn II Pension Application
Aaron Horn R5225 of VA Service applied May 5,1834 in Madison Co Ky. age 72, states that in 1778 he joined Capt Riddle's company on Holston (river) He thinks in the now county of Washington Co Va which was raised as he understood to to protect the western country against the British and Indians. He joined as a volunteer but whether the company belonged to the State Troops of Va. or not he is unable to say. He has understood it did. The company was marched to Ky and reached Boonesboro Fort which is in the now county of Madison aforesaid in the Spring of 1778. He continued to do duty in Capt Riddle's company as a soldier in said fort for a considerable time until Capt Riddle returned to Va or was appointed to command at some other fort in Ky; that he applicant then joined and was transferred to a company commanded by Capt John Holden; that afterwards Capt David Gass was his capt and he also served in Capt Starnes company. Col Calloway he thinks was colonel when he first reached the fort at Boonesboro, he was subsequently killed by the Indians, old Daniel Boone after he escaped and returned from his imprisonment with or among the Indians acted as the colonel. Applicant was also under Col Bowman in 1779, He thinks it was in his expedition across the Ohio against the Indians. He continued at the fort at Boonesboro his best recollection is untill 1783, except when out on campaigns , or in scouting parties against the Indians. He sometimes hunted for the fort and was sometimes out as a spy. When at the fort he performed military duty as a soldier duty enrolled . He states that he served from the Spring of 1778 more than 2 years as a private, a volunteer in the army of the Revolution under several captains, and officers as he has before stated. He can prove his service by Joseph Proctor and Matthias Horn of Estill Co Ky. He states that he was born in Baltimore Maryland in 1762, removed to Va when young with his parents and was residing on {the} Holston in the now county of Washington Co Va when he joined Capt Riddle's company.since the close of the Revolution he has resided in Madison Co Ky {near} the old Boonesboro fort. Affidavits of Thomas S Bronston, a clergyman and Gabrial Duncan are well acquainted with him and can testify concerning character. Affidavit of Major Oswald Townsend , a resident of Madison Co Ky 1835 April 8, states that he came from Va to Ky to the fort at Boonesboro in the now county aforesaid {in }1775 , that he was then about age 18, that in 1778 he knew Aaron Horn, now resident in Madison Co Ky when the old fort at Boonesboro stood and who is an applicant for a pension, knew him as a soldier in the fort in 1778, from that to the close of the Revolution, that said Horn performed military duty at the fort and was frequently out on scouts and campaigns against the Indians and was always considered a good soldier. Joseph Proctor made his affidavit in Estill Co Ky 1834 April 23 stating that in 1778 he came from Va as a soldier in Capt Riddle's company to the fort at Boonesboro Ky; that Aaron Horn came along at the same time as a soldier in said company and continued to do duty at Boonesboro in said fort during the Revolution in service part of the time in Capt John Holder's company and sometime in Capt David Gass's company and was awhile in Capt Starnes's company. Col Calloway and Col Benj. Logan were the colonels in Ky at the time, and old Daniel Boone, That said Horn served part of the time in said fort and part of the time was out on campaigns as a hunter and spy for the fort. He has resided at and near Boonesboro since 1778 and is a man of good character. Also affidavit of Matthis Horn of Estill Co Ky 1834 April 23 , states that in the spring of 1778 he came from Va as a soldier in Capt Riddle's company to Boonesboro Ky. That Aaron Horn of the county of Madison Ky came out with him in said Riddle's company as a soldier at the same time, that said Aaron Horn continued at the fort during the Revolution. And after Spring 1778 he sometimes acted as a spy and a hunter and when at the fort performed military duty. Said Aaron Horn now resides near the old fort at Boonesboro, where he has resided since the close of the Revolution.
1762 |
Betterton, Kent County, Province of Maryland
1793 |
June 18, 1793
Madison County, Kentucky, United States
1800 |
February 16, 1800
Madison, Kentucky, United States
1802 |
Madison, Kentucky, United States
1809 |
Estill, Kentucky, United States
1810 |
Estill, Kentucky, United States
1812 |
North Carolina, United States
1814 |
Estill, Kentucky, United States
1815 |
Estill, Kentucky, United States
1819 |
Kentucky, United States