A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor #: A061442
1775 - was 20 years old when he fought in the Revolutionary War as a member of the Pennsylvania Militia. He was a private in Company F under Captain William Roberts. The regiment was commanded by Col. Hart. He served for 8 months. He resided in Bucks County until he was 31 years old.
1786 - moved to Frederick County, Maryland.
1790 - moved to Pendleton, S. Carolina wwwhere he lived from 1790 - 1802 (Eglis Associators in New Britain Inf. Pa. Rev. 4 vols.1802 - moved via N. Carolina to Dickson County, Tenn. near Charlotte on Yellow Creek where he bought 157 acres of land - being part of the 1000 acres granted David Wilson by the state of N. Carolina, Jan. 4, 1792 (Deed Book A page 30. Dickson County 1804 - 1812)
MESSAGE: (#553) The JAMES Family of Yellow Creek (con't.)
AUTHOR: Russell James
DATE: Friday, 10 December 2004, at 7:41 a.m.
The 1790 census and 1800 census provides some evidence that Revoluntionary War
Aaron JAMES had two sons and at least 1 daughter. In Chapter 11 of his book
"The Primal Families of the Yellow Creek Valley", William NESBITT correctly
names one son, Enos JAMES.
I believe the other son was Abel JAMES.
Unfortunately both Enos and Abel died before their father, Aaron JAMES, died
and I have not yet been able to find a record of any estate settlement for
Aaron in Dickson Co. However, the relationship is proven by the unbroken
possession of the tract of land originally purchased by Aaron JAMES from
Hezikiah BARR in 1804 passing to the children of Enos and Abel.
We have proof of the chldren of Enos JAMES and in 1852 two of the children
(Dr. Aaron JAMES and Dudley JAMES) sell their interest in the tract to their
brothers, John and Elcanor. The entire list of the children of Enos will be
covered later.
In the case of Abel we have very few documents to support his existence but
those few documents are significant.
1. The 1790 and 1800 censuses suggest there were two sons not just one.
2. In 1803 Aaron JAMES signed the petition that ultimately resulted in the
formation of Dickson County. Abel JAMES signed right beneath Aaron.
then the kicker....
3. In 1839 there is a deed record filed in Dickson Co. where "Alhannon" JAMES
of Poinsett Co. Co. AR sells his 1/2 interest in a tract of land in Dickson
County which came to him through his "father" Abel JAMES, deceased. He sold
this 1/2 interest to John JAMES (s/o Enos).
Subsequent research in Poinsett Co. has shown a guy known as Hannon JAMES. The
spelling of his first name varies considerably from record to record. His
mother was widowed young and he was raised by his stepfather.
The description of the land tract in Dickson Co "matches perfectly" in all
these deed records with the land Rev. War Aaron JAMES bought from Hezekiah
BARR providing conclusive proof that Aaron's land passed (1/2) to the heirs of
Abel JAMES and (1/2) to the heirs of Enos JAMES.
In the case of Abel there was only one heir (Alhannon). In the case of Enos
their were 8 children to be covered later.
4. Additional support is found in the Tax lists of Dickson County for a couple
of years in which "the heirs of Abel JAMES" are taxed on the land. In the case
of Enos, his wife, Sarah, is mentioned in the tax records but it is
I would note that Allen NESBITT and Huel PARRISH are shown as witnesses on the
deed from Alhannon JAMES to John JAMES. I believe Hewel PARRISH was an Uncle
of the children of Enos JAMES and he might be an Uncle of Alhannon as well but
more on that later!
Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in Dickson County, TN A monument, honouring the Revolutionary War soldiers buried in this county stands on the front lawn of the Charlotte Courthouse. The monument was dedicated on July 4, 1976.
In Memory Of Soldiers Of The American Revolution Buried In Dickson County
Source: http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMAEK4_Revolutionary_Soldiers_Bu...
1755 |
Bucks, Pennsylvania, Colonial America
1790 |
Tennessee, United States
1839 |
March 4, 1839
Age 84
Dickson, Dickson, Tennessee, United States
???? |