http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~taitandtate/Lin/roberttate... 17. AARON3 TATE (ROBERT (JR.)2, ROBERT (SR.)1) was born 1788 in Russell County, VA, and died June 1862 in Fort Payne, DeKalb County, AL. He married ELIZABETH (BECKY) CONNELLY 1809 in Russell County, VA, daughter of HENRY CONNELLY and ANN MCGREGOR. She was born April 08, 1789 in Guilford, Guilford County, NC, and died December 22, 1871 in DeKalb County, AL.
Notes for AARON TATE:
Excerpt from Tate Families of the Southern States, Volume II, 1984, by Laura W. Mentzel & Ethel S. Updike
Aaron Tate had several land grants in Warren County, TN and lived for some time adjoining his brother Robert H. Tate who sold his home place on January 12, 1819. He lived on Wannamaker Branch, a tributary of the Collins River in Warren County, TN, a planter. In 1820 they had a large family but we know they didn't marry until 1810, consequently it is thought that on their help was counted on the Census. By 1840 they migrated to Dekalb County, AL. They lived near Fort Payne, Dekalb County, AL for many years. He died and was buried near the same.
Warren County, TN land grants, Dekalb County, AL Deed Book F, page 554, 567. Marriage Record, SAR Lineage number 199606.
Notes from the Estate Files of Aaron Tate, Sr., John Tate, Elizabeth Connelly Tate, and Maben Dock Tate, all late of Dekalb County, Alabama, by Roland Tate, descendant.
A personal note is as follows; many of the documents one would expect to find in these estate files are missing, and may never be recovered. In the course of trying to arrange and flatten these files for a forthcoming microfilming, I found that the papers had been misfiled between folders and some were difficult to read from their mishandling and abuse over the years, as well as poor penmanship and some illiteracy on the part of the initiators. For my part, I will hit the high points for the purpose of genealogy.
I found no documents requesting assignment as Administrator for the Estate and no document where the Bond was signed for the Estate. Aaron's date of death has been given as June of 1862, but I found no confirmation of that. It is clear that by January 12, 1863, Elizabeth Connelly Tate and Elias Killian were the Administrators, because they made application on that date to sell most of the lands of the Estate to Daniel Killian for $900.00. This would include the NE ¼ of the SE ¼, of Section 14, the NE ¼ of the NW !/4, the SE ¼ of the NW ¼, the W ½ of the NW ¼ , and the W ½ of the SW ¼ , excepting the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ (Description not included - all in Section 13, Township 7 South, Range8 East of the Huntsville Meridian).
On January 20, 1863, Elizabeth signed her consent to sell her Third part dower in the lands above. At some point in time, an apprenticeship Bond was entered into the Estate settlement. This Bond was made for the apprenticeship of Thomas Cunningham, a Sixteen year old minor (Born - 16 October 1622), and was signed July 14, 1838.
On March 25, 1864, John N. Franklin, Probate Judge, issued citations for the Court to be held the 2nd Monday in April. Summoned were: Elizabeth Killian, wife of Elias Killian; Maburn Tate; Aaron Tate; Robert Tate; Elizabeth Little, wife of William Little; John K. Hoge, Guardian ad Litem of the minor heirs " William Tate (a space) John Tate, Elizabeth Little wife of Thomas Little - decd."
Here, is the explanation for a number of things. Ethel Updike had a family chart that listed the Eleven children of Aaron Tate, but in view of the numbers found in the old census records changed it to Fourteen. She likewise indicated that no trace could be found of William. In her Book, Tate Families of the Southern States - Vol. II, she brings in the statement of Hood Tate that Stephen that died at Shiloh was a nephew of John and not a son. Here, I can but draw one conclusion. William Tate was married and had Three children; Elizabeth Louise who married Thomas Little, Stephen who died at Shiloh, and John, who married Elizabeth Weaver and died before May 06, 1863. William and his wife probably both died early on while the children were quite young.
On March 02, 1870, the court issued a citation to Elizabeth to file the account for final settlement. Again there are missing documents. A document confirming that James Cunningham and Susannah Cunningham had signed Power of Attorney to J. H. Davis, relating to this Estate, was signed in Comanche Co., Texas May 08, 1871, and was entered in this file.
Research: Family Search Ancestral Files, (Church of Latter Day Saints), show a Family Group Record on the Connelly (Conley) family.
Elizabeth (Becky) was the second of eleven children born in Guilford County, NC. David, born June 24, 1781, died 1862; John, born August 8, 1785, died 1855 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, KY; Edmund born June 2, 1775, died 1865 in Johnson City, KY, buried in Caudill Cemetery; Thomas born January 25, 1777, died March 25, 1872 Hager Hill, Johnson County, KY, buried in Conley Cemetery; Peggy, born August 8, 1779, died 1826; David born June 24, 1791; Rachael, born April 8, 1783, died June 7, 1855, buried in Denver, Johnson County, KY; Henry, born December 1, 1787, died September 8, 1859 in Fennimore, Clay County, WI, buried in Mt. Ida Cemetery, Grant, WI; William, born July 8, 1791, died 1882, Floyd, KY; Joseph, born July 8, 1795, died 1860, Floyd, KY.
Becky's father was Capt. Henry Connelly, born May 2, 1752 in Chester County, PA, died May 7, 1840, Oil Springs, Floyd County, KY. He was Captain of the North Carolina Calvary in the Revolutionary War. He married Ann McGregor in 1774. She was born February 14, 1756 in Guilford, Guilford County, NC, died 1830, Oil Springs, Johnson County, KY.
Capt. Henry's father was Thomas Connelly, b 1720-1725, Charlestown, Charleston County, SC, died 1783 in Guilford County, NC. His wife was Mary Van Harlingden, born Abt. 1724 in Guilford, Guilford County, NC.
Thomas Connelly's father was Edmund Connelly, b 1688, Charlestown, Charleston County, SC, died 1783, Guilford, NC. He was wounded at Battle of King's Mountain. Conflicting accounts exist as to whether Dr. Hicks was the father-in-law or nephew of Thomas' brother Harmon. Dr. Hicks is said to have passed a silk handkerchief several times through the wound entirely through the body to cleanse it. Thomas died two years later as a result of this would. His wife was Mary Edgefield, born abt 1692, Charlestown, Charleston, SC, died Guilford, Guilford County, NC.
Becky's mother, Ann MacGregor was the daughter of Archibald MacGregor, born 1720, Scotland, died 1758, Guilford County, NC. He married Edith Mac Alpine, born February 14, 1756, Scotland, d Guilford County, NC, in 1755.
Edmund Connelly's father was Henry Connelly, b 1656, County Armaugh, Ireland, died Charleston, SC. His wife was Betsy Vaux Buckley, born 1666, County Armaugh, Ireland.
Notes from the Estate Files of Aaron Tate, Sr., John Tate, Elizabeth Connelly Tate, and Maben Dock Tate, all late of Dekalb County, Alabama, by Roland Tate.
February 07, 1872, Henry Killian filed an application to administer the Estate of Elizabeth (Connelly) Tate, stating that more than 40 days had elapsed since her death. Henry E. Killian, Elias Killian, and Daniel Killian signed Bond for $600, and Henry was made the administrator. A list of the personal property of Elizabeth Tate that had been sold was submitted December 12, 1874.
Burial: Unknown, DeKalb County, AL
51. i. NANCY A.4 TATE, b. December 25, 1809, Bathsheeba Springs, Grundy County, TN; d. April 27, 1878, DeKalb County, AL.
ii. WILLIAM TATE, b. 1810, Warren County, TN; d. Unknown.
52. iii. MAYBEN (DOCK) TATE, b. Abt. 1813, Warren County, TN; d. Bef. 1887, DeKalb County, AL.
53. iv. AARON (JR.) TATE, b. July 01, 1814, Warren County, TN; d. February 21, 1893, DeKalb County, AL.
54. v. MARY TATE, b. 1816, Warren County, TN; d. Unknown.
55. vi. SUSANNAH (SUSIE) TATE, b. December 22, 1817, Warren County, TN; d. June 08, 1899, Newburg, Comanche County, TX.
56. vii. ROBERT HOOD TATE, b. November 30, 1819, Grassy Cove, Warren County, TN; d. January 24, 1902, Newburg, Comanche County, TX.
57. viii. SARAH A. TATE, b. 1821, Warren County, TN; d. January 28, 1852, Pulaski Co, KY.
58. ix. HENRY L. TATE, b. 1822, Warren County, TN; d. Unknown, AR.
59. x. ELIZABETH TATE, b. September 09, 1826, Grassy Cove, Warren County, TN; d. Bef. 1862, Blount, AL.
60. xi. JOSEPH TATE, b. 1827, Warren County, TN; d. Unknown.
61. xii. ELIZA LOUISE TATE, b. August 11, 1829, Warren County, TN; d. April 01, 1898, Comanche County, TX.
62. xiii. JOHN TATE, b. 1833, Warren County, TN; d. Abt. 1863, DeKalb County, AL.
1788 |
Lebanon, Russell County, Virginia, United States
1809 |
December 25, 1809
Russell County, Virginia, United States
1810 |
1811 |
Tennessee, United States
1814 |
July 1, 1814
Warren County, TN, United States
1816 |
1817 |
December 22, 1817
Warren County, Tennessee, USA
1819 |
November 30, 1819
Warren County, Tennessee, United States
1821 |
1822 |
Tennessee, USA