Matching family tree profiles for Abel Janes
Immediate Family
About Abel Janes
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His fourth son, Abel, born in New Haven 1644, married 4 Nov. 1679 Mary Judd, daughter of William, of Farmington. He participated in the "Great Falls Fight" heretofore mentioned [see William Janes]. A random item noted indicates that on "27 Mar. 1676, Abel Janes was presented in Court with 22 other persons, for dressing in an extravagant manner - not only were rich garments prohibited, but 'taylors' were forbidden to fashion them."
It appears that after his marriage in 1679 Abel remained in Northampton most of the time until 1706, when he moved to Lebanon, Conn. - an early pioneer, "highly respected as an intelligent father, friend and councillor, leading a respectable family of influential children and grandchildren in the paths of virtue and true religion. When he died he left behind him a legacy of a good name, that his children might profit by his example." Of these there were ten, of whom Ruth - the second - married Ebenezer Chapin.
A History of the American pioneers seems incomplete without at least one example of early tombstone epitaphs - hence we include those of Abel and Mary Janes:
Here lieth the Body of Mr. Abel Janes
ye husband of Mrs. Mary Janes, who
Died December ye 18, 1718, in ye
73 year of his age.
Let Heaven's Blessings rest upon
ye Derling of my youthful dayes
& alfo my children youg
To keep them all in Wifdom's wais.
Here lyes ye Body of ye worthy
virtuous & pious Mother in Israel
wife to Mr. Abel Janes, Mrs. Mary
Janes by name when She had
Lived Long and holy and Patient Life
Dyed April 24, 1735, in ye
80 year of Her age.
Farewell my Loving Children
My neighbors and my Friends
Serve God in Truth while in your youth
& Til Your Life doth end.
(NEB genealogy) Son of William and Mary Janes. Inscription: Here Lieth the Body of Mr Abel Janes ye Husband of Mrs Mary Janes, who Died December ye 18 1718 in ye 73 year of his age
Leet Heavens Blessings rest upon ye Derling of my youthful dayes & also one my children yong To keep them all in wisdom's wais
- Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Feb 7 2016, 2:44:25 UTC
Abel Janes's Timeline
1644 |
New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, Colonial America
1648 |
March 19, 1648
Age 4
1678 |
1682 |
June 5, 1682
Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1684 |
July 22, 1684
Lebanon, New London, Connecticut, USA
1685 |
Hatfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
1686 |
1692 |
Lebanon, New London County, Connecticut Colony
1695 |
Northampton, Hampshire, Mass