Abel Marie Jensdtr. Strandenes

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Abel Marie Jensdtr. Strandenes

Birthplace: Strandenes gård, dale, Fjaler, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
Death: August 05, 1913 (66)
Kleppenes gård, Holmedal, Fjaler, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
Place of Burial: Holmedal, Fjaler, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jens Monsen Nistad and Johanne Jansdtr. Strandenes
Wife of Kornelius Klemetsen Kleppenes
Mother of George John Klippness; Klemet Klippness; Kristiane Klippness; Johanna Dorthea Klippness; Soren Kleppenes and 3 others
Sister of Jan Jensen Strandenes; Mons Jensen Strandenes; Catharina Jensdtr. Strandenes; Annanias Jensson Strandenes/Boge and Tine Carine Jensdtr. Strandenes

Managed by: Svein Arne Vårdal
Last Updated:
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Abel Marie Jensdtr. Strandenes's Timeline

October 9, 1846
Strandenes gård, dale, Fjaler, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
November 8, 1846
Fjaler, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
August 5, 1913
Age 66
Kleppenes gård, Holmedal, Fjaler, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
August 12, 1913
Age 66
Holmedal, Fjaler, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway