Abigael Sophie Holmsen Borch Jensdtr

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Abigael Sophie Holmsen Borch Jensdtr (Jensdatter Grydeland)

Also Known As: "Abigael Sophie Holmsen Borch"
Birthplace: Ås, Akershus, Norway
Death: January 28, 1913 (77)
Midtsem, Kråkstad, Nordre Follo, Akershus, Norge (Norway)
Place of Burial: Oslo, Oslo, Norge
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jens Svendsen and Synni Halvorsdtr
Wife of Abraham Borch Holmsen Dahl and Abraham Holmsen Borch Dahl
Mother of Elise Sophie Dahl; Holm Julius Abrahamsen; Christiane Abrahamsdtr; Hanna Amalie Abrahamsdtr; Hans Abrahamsen and 3 others

Managed by: Private User
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About Abigael Sophie Holmsen Borch Jensdtr

FT 1865: Bor med ektemann og 4 barn på Hauge i Kråkstad
FT 1875: Enke. Bor med 5 barn på Midsem (Hestehagen) i Kråkstad
FT 1900: Gårdbruker,enke. Bor med datteren Alette på Hestehagen på i Kråkstad

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Abigael Sophie Holmsen Borch Jensdtr's Timeline

April 15, 1835
Ås, Akershus, Norway
June 2, 1835
Ås, Akershus, Norway
Kraakstad, Norway
February 6, 1858
Kråkstad, Akershus, Norway
February 27, 1860
Haga i Aas, Kråkstad, Nordre Follo, Akershus, Norge (Norway)
February 27, 1860
Kråkstad, Akershus, Norway
April 14, 1862
Kråkstad, Akershus, Norway
October 12, 1863
Hauge, Kråkstad, Akershus, Norway