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About Abigail Alvord (Phelps)
- John Alvord was born on 12 August 1649 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.[1]
- He was the son of Alexander Alvord and Mary Vore.[2]
- John Alvord married Abigail Phelps,
- daughter of Deacon Nathaniel Phelps and Elizabeth (?), at Northampton, Hampshire Co., MA;
- no children.[1]
- John Alvord died on 17 March 1727 at Northampton, Hampshire Co., MA, at age 77.
- John "Aluard" signed "Petition against Imposts" Nov. 4, 1668. Oath of Allegiance was given to Jno. Alvord at Northampton, Mass., Feb. 8, 1678.
- At a legal Town meeting in Northampton, Mass., July 23, 1675, "The Town granted John Alvord a lot of six acres for a home lot in some convenient place, we say, where it may not prejudice the Town, provided he dwell in the Town for years and build on that or some other and possess it four years."
- In his will, dated April 18, 1721, probated Dec. 8, 1727,
- he bequeathed all his property to his widow, Abigail Alvord.
- Mrs. Alvord was considered a lady of dignity.
- "Abigail Alvord, wife to John Alvord of Northampton, being presented by the Grand Jury, to this Court, for wearing silk contrary to law & it being found the witnesses were sometimes mistaken, she was dismissed." (Court Rec. March 27, 1676.)
- There were twenty-two others brought into court at the same time. They were charged with "wearing silk in a flaunting manner, wearing long hair and other extravagances contrary to honest and sober order and demeanor not becoming a wilderness state, at least the profession of Christianity and religion."
- She conveyed her property to her nephew Joseph Alvord.
- Abstract of an original deed, now in the possession of a descendant of Joseph Alvord:
- "Abigail Alvord relict of John Alvord dec. of own free will, as also upon the account of ye love and affection I have unto my kingsman Joseph Alvord, son unto Ebenezer Alvord as alsoe for and upon ye Consideration of my sd kingsman Joseph Alvord taking care of mee and my estate during my natural Life; therefore I ye sd Abigail Alvord having by my sd husband John Alvord's last will all his estate of all sorts both Real & Personal; now upon ye considerations aforesaid of ye sd Abigail Alvord; doe for myself &c. give unto my sd kingsman all ye whole of my sd both Real & Personal, descending or given to me by said husbands will, for belonging to mee, or descending to me, by any other ways or means.
- "Provided this conveyance is to be understood with this limitation, that it is not to take effect till after my decease; only my sd kingsman is to use and improve my estate out of which I am to have a Comfortable and honorable maintenance according to my degree, which if my said kingsman should fail in, then I doe reserve to myself a Liberty, to Lease out any of my Real Estate or sell any of my personal estate for my support and maintenance. Signed Jan. 8, 1727-8"
- Mrs. Alvord died at the house of Joseph Alvord.
- The town records say: "1756, Aug. 26, Died, the aged Wido Abigail Alvord, said to be about one hundred and two years, said to have been born in the same year this town was first planted."
- Savage says: "She was the oldest person that ever died in Northamption; but exact truth, after the correction of old style, makes her age 101 years, 4 months and 11 days."
- She attended church in three meeting houses, through the ministry of Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Edwards, and part of that of Mr. Hooker. [3]
- "Abigail Alvord, wife to John Alvord of Northampton, being presented by the Grand Jury, to this Court, for wearing silk contrary to law & it being found the witnesses were sometimes mistaken, she was dismissed." (Court Rec. March 27, 1676.)
- 1. [S432] Samuel M. Alvord, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Alexander Alvord (Webster, NY: A. d. Andrews, 1908). Hereinafter cited as Alvord. Page 34.
- 2. [S432] Samuel M. Alvord, Alvord, Page 29.
- 3. [S432] Samuel M. Alvord, Alvord.
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Nov 12 2019, 1:20:28 UTC
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Abigail Alvord (Phelps)'s Timeline
1655 |
April 5, 1655
Windsor, Hartord County, Connecitcut Colony, (Present USA)
1756 |
August 16, 1756
Age 101
Northampton, Hampshire County, Province of Massachusetts, (Present USA)
August 1756
Age 101