Abigail was the fifth of ten children born to Samuel Cady and Elizabeth Winter of Killingly, Connecticut and Shutesbury, Mass. She was married in Shutesbury on 4 December 1774 to Samuel Crossett, the son of Robert Crossett and Mary Savage.
"One Cent Reward
Run Away from me the subscriber, on the 18th init. an indented servant girl, fifteen years of age, by the name of Juidah Whitaker, I hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as they respect the laws of Massachusetts. The above reward shall be paid the person who shall return said girl, but no charges.
ABIGAIL CROSSETT New-Salem, June 19, 1813 26*" [3]
Abigail and her husband were originally interred in Fish Hill Cemetery in Prescott, Mass., but in 1939 were re-interred in Quabbin Park Cemetery. This occurred because most of the occupants of the original cemetery were moved in preparation for it being flooded by the Quabbin Reservoir.
Samuel Cady 1724–1799
Elizabeth Winter Cady 1728–1831
Samuel Crossett 1750–1803
Lurana Cady Henry 1748–1820
Jason Cady 1750–1825
Jeremiah Cady 1752–1848
Elizabeth Cady Crossett 1754–1826
Samuel Cady 1759–1813
Tamar Cady Shaw 1762–1805
Rhoda Cady Allen 1765–1850
Chloe Cady Kibbey 1767–1817
Abigail Crossett Woodcock 1784–1852
[1] https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/118541395/abigail-crossett
[2] http://www.cowhampshireblog.com/2014/06/12/killed-in-action-on-the-...
[3] Franklin Herald, vol XXIII, p 3 (6 July 1813) may pertain to this Abigail Crossett:
1756 |
January 4, 1756
Killingly, Windham County, Connecticut, Colonial America
1776 |
June 22, 1776
New Salem, Franklin County, MA, United States
1781 |
1784 |
June 8, 1784
New Salem, Franklin, Massachusetts, United States
1814 |
August 29, 1814
Age 58
New Salem, Hampshire County, MA, United States