From Davis families of early Roxbury and Boston, by Samuel Forbes Rockwell.by Rockwell, Samuel Forbes, 1878. (1932) “Captain William Davis the Apothecary.” Page 219 - 220. Archive.Org
William Davis (son of William Davis the apothecary), born in 1653, was the mariner who died 1685 leaving a widow Abigail and two daughters, Abigail born 1680, and Margaret born May 29, 1682. We hold to this opinion despite the death date of 1707 given in the Artillery Company biography, which is otherwise correct. ...
From History of the Military Company of the Massachusetts, Now Called ..., Volume 1 By Oliver Ayer Roberts. Page 245. GoogleBooks
William Davis (member in 1677), son of William Davis (member in 1643), was born in Boston, June 25, 1653. He was a brother of Major Benjamin Davis (member in 1673), and a member of the Old South Church. He probably married Abigail Eliot, daughter of Jacob. William (1677) died Jan. 23, 1706-7.
Judge Sewall wrote: "Feb. 25, 1706-7; . . . After that I visit the widow Eliott who dwells with her daughter Davis."
From An Historical Catalogue of the Old South Church (Third Church) Boston By Old South Church (Boston, Mass.), George Frederick Bigelow. Page 252. GoogleBooks
Mary Eliot, daughter of Michael and Abigail Powell; married, first, William Wilcox, and, second, Deacon Jacob Eliot (member 1669). Her daughter, Abigail (member 1685), married William Davis, and she had a daughter Abigail (member 1713), wife of Henry Lowder. Silence Eliot (member 1697) was the wife of her son Joseph.
Dec. 12, 1707; "Mrs. Mary Eliot, widow of my dear friend Capt. Jacob Eliot, and her self a very good woman. Scarf and Gloves. 75." "Bearers to Mrs. Eliot, widow of D[eacon] Jacob Eliot: Sewall, B1omlield; Hill, Williams; Checkly, Mr John Hubbard. Was buried from her daughter Davis's. At the Return to the house, I said to M' llolyoke, it was a happiness that our Condolance for the departure of our friend, was join'd with Congratulation for her being gon to her Rest and Reward."—Sewall.
From Records Relating to the Early History of Boston, Volume 5 By Boston (Mass.) Registry Dept. Page 62 GoogleBooks
i June 1740. Indenture between Benjamin Eliot) .„,. „„. John Eliot [stationera; Rev. Jacob Eliot of Lebanon, Windham co. Conn.; w. of Jona. Willis of Boston, housewright, they four being the heirs of Jacob Eliot, mariner, decd, on the one part. Also John, Edward, Samuel & Jacob (Holyokes all), Mary Arnold, Hannah Burrill, widows, & Sarah w. of John Eliot, stationer: —they seven being the heirs of Mary Holyoke widow decd — who was also an heir of Jacob Eliot & whereas the other sister & heir of Jacob E. was Abigail Davis who sold her right to bro. Benjamin, now they desire to make a division ....
1657 |
December 16, 1657
Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
1680 |
Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States
1682 |
May 29, 1682
Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States
1707 |
Age 49