Abigail is the daughter of Samuel Stevens, son of John Stevens and Mary Coit, of New London and New Haven. https://archive.org/stream/coitfamilyordesc00chap#page/16/mode/2up/...
She married Ebenezer Hickok, as his 2nd wife, in 1729. Ebenezer's family was from Waterbury, CT, but they removed to Danbury, Fairfield County around 1724/5.
1699 |
September 13, 1699
West Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut Colony
1730 |
July 21, 1730
Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut Colony
1732 |
Waterbury, Connecticut
1734 |
April 17, 1734
Waterbury, Connecticut
1741 |
December 5, 1741
Waterbury, Connecticut
Age 41
Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut Colony
???? |