Historical records matching Abigail McLellan (McLellan)
Immediate Family
About Abigail McLellan (McLellan)
Excerpt from "History of Gorham" page 662part of the discussion of the McLellan Family 2) Abigail, daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth McLellan, married James McLellan, son of Bryce of Portland and settled in Gorham. James's house which stood till within a few years, was situation on the easterly side of South St., about a half a mile south of the village. The site of the house is now owned by Mr. Russell. The building of this house was a family affair; the timber was cut on their own land, and sawed in their own mills, and the house was built for the daughter and her husband, as was their custom when one of the family "put out". Charles Patrick, who later moved to this town from Stroudwater, plastered a room in the house, which was the first room plastered in the town of Gorham. James McLellan was a cooper by trade. He was an excellent man and a devoted Christian, and long a deacon in the First Congregational Church.
From: History of Cumberland Co., Maine, pub. 1880, pgs. 287-8 - Mrs. Abigail McLellan who died about 1821 related the following which was found in the manuscript of the late Col. Hugh D. McLellan: She was a girl living with her father's family at the time of the massacre of the Bryant family on April 19, 1746. "All the families remaining in Gorham had removed into the fort during the winter and early part of the spring, except for four; they remained on their lands, hoping to get their plowing and sowing done so they might raise some crops. Capt. John Phinney, the patriarch of the settlement, who exercised a fatherly care over the weak and feeble plantation, was urgent to have all in the garrison, he feeling certain that the Indians would be upon them as soon as the ground was bared of snow. As the spring opened he entreated the settlers tomake no delay about moving into the fort, a place of comparative safety, and where they might unite in defending each other. The forwardness of the spring increased his anxiety. "On the evening of the 18th of April the McLellan family had completed their day's labor and were assembled in their log house; they expected to complete their work in the field the next day, and then designed to move immediately into the garrison. The evening was pleasant and warm; their door was open and their family dog reclining outside on the ground; suddenly the dog growled and became excited, and acted as if he discovered danger; the dog's conduct alarmed the family, and they uttered the word 'Indians' The door was quickly closed and fastened; their light was extinguished; the windows - small openings cut in the logs of which the house was built - covered and fastened; blankets were hung around the fireplace so that no light might be seen outside; few words were spoken, and those in a low tone. There were four guns in the house and two male persons (Hugh McLellan and his son, William) capable of using them; and Mrs. McLellan was not much infereior to her husband in strength and courage. "When the McLellans had put their house in the best state for defense their means afforded, they had a milk-pan full of gunpowder, and lead enough, but it was not in balls. Here was work for female hands, and while Mr. McLellan and William lay by the loop-holes, each with one gun pointed outside and another within reach, Mrs. McLellan was by the fire, behind the screen, with her little daughter Abigail melting lead in an iron skillet, and with an iron spoon turning it into a bullet-mould, and then making ball-cartridges. No one in the house closed their eyes that night. The tedious hours passed on; the morning came; all was fair and peaceful without, nor could any indications of Indians be discovered, and the McLellans concluded that the alarm of the dog was caused by some wild animal. Mr. McLellan decided to go to his work, and finish it that day, and then go immediately to the garrison. They yoked their oxen, and he and his son went to his field, charging Mrs. McLellan to keep the dog at home to be watchful, and on any alarm to blow the horn. Before they left the house, a neighbor, Mr. John Reed, came to borrow a chain; to him they made known their apprehensions. Reed said he had seen nothing unusual, and did not think the Indians were in the neighborhood; no signs of them had been seen, and he should finish his work before he moved into the fort. Reed took the chain, put it on his shoulder, and started for home. When he arrived at the brook, about a quarter of a mile north of the Gorham Academy (now called 'Tommy's Brook'), he was suddenly set upon by 2 powerful Indians, who had secreted themselves in the bushes. Reed was brave and athletic, but was unarmed; the 2 Indians overpowered him, bond him securely, and took him to Canada. After the close of the war he returned home. The McLellan family owed their escape to the capture of Reed, as the Indians who took him were on their way to the McLellan's house; but having taken Reed, and there being 2 men at McLellan's it would have been hazardous to have made an attack on them. ................................................... Mrs. McLellan, hearing a gun fired, directed her daughter, Abigail, about 12 years of age, to go the Mr. Bryant's and inquire what the gun was fired for; but the child, being afraid secreted herself. When the mother discovered her, she again ordered her to go; the distance was short, and she soon arrived at Bryant's house. She entered, and the sight that presented itself to her astonished eyes paralyzed her voice and limbs for the moment. On the floor lay the 4 children in their blood. They all fell under the tomahawk except the babe. The eldest daughter was alive; she called Abigail by name and asked for water, but Abigail was stricken with horror, and heeded her not; instantly she was flying home, nor stopped to look around. She reached her father's house and fell prostrate at the door. Her mother took her up, laid her on a bed, and immediately blew the horn for her husband and son to come. Animation revived in the girl, and she uttered the word 'Indians' and fainted again. Mr. McLellan heard the horn and hastily ran home, leaving his oxen in the yoke. Abigail, on recovering from her swoon, related what she had seen at Bryant's house. ....................... "The McLellan family maintained anxious watching all that day and the following night. The next day, about noon, men were seen coming over what is now called the Academy Hill towards McLellan's house. At first sight they were supposed to be Indians, but they proved to be a scouting-party going to the fort; there were about a dozen armed men from Falmouth (Portand). ......................McLellan's oxen, still yoked, were found in the woods, near by where they had been left the morning before. What furniture they had was quickly loaded on a cart, and under the protection of the scout they started for the fort. Near Bryant's house they met a party from the fort, who had ventured out that day to learn something of the extent of the mischief done by the savages. The bodies of Mr. Bryant and his children were carried to the fort, and buried near by with due propriety.
Abigail McLellan (McLellan)'s Timeline
1738 |
January 1738
Portland, Cumberland, Maine, United States
1757 |
May 28, 1757
Gorham, Cumberland, Maine, United States
1759 |
July 7, 1759
Gorham, Cumberland, Maine, United States
1761 |
December 21, 1761
Gorham, Cumberland, Maine, United States
1764 |
April 18, 1764
Gorham, Cumberland, Maine, United States
1766 |
October 8, 1766
Gorham, Cumberland, ME, United States
1769 |
March 4, 1769
Gorham, Cumberland, Maine, United States
1771 |
September 5, 1771
Gorham, Cumberland, Maine, United States
1774 |
November 6, 1774
Gorham, Cumberland, Maine, United States