Matching family tree profiles for Abigail Philbrick
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Immediate Family
About Abigail Philbrick
- History of the town of Hampton, New Hampshire, from its settlement in 1638 to the autumn of 1892 (1893) Vol.2
- http://archive.org/details/historyoftownofh02dowj
- http://archive.org/stream/historyoftownofh02dowj#page/878/mode/1up
- Pg.878
- I. John Nay, born about 1660, came to Hampton at an unknown date, and settled on the present homestead of John C. Marston. He married Abigail, youngest daughter of Thomas Webster (1). He died Dec. 8, 1750. Their children :
- http://archive.org/stream/historyoftownofh02dowj#page/879/mode/1up
- Pg.879
- John (2), b. ab. Aug., 1703; m., 1st, Deliverance Leavitt ; 2d, Elizabeth Ladd ; d. Feb. 22, 1779.
- Sarah, b. June, 1705 ; m. Dea. Joseph Philbrick (13) ; d. Dec. 9, 1779.
- Samuel, b. Aug. 24, 1707; d. June 29, 1715.
- Hannah, bp. Dec. 3, 1710; m. Moses Perkins (10) ; d. Jan. 15, 1797.
- Ebenezer, bp. July 19, 1713; prob. d. young.
- Abigail, bp. Jan. 13, 1717; d. young.
- Joseph, bp. July 22, 1722 ; prob. d. young.
- Abigail, bp. Sept. 6, 1724; m. Joseph Philbrick (17) ; d. Nov. 16, 1797.
- http://archive.org/stream/historyoftownofh02dowj#page/921/mode/1up
- Pg.921
- XIII. Joseph Philbrick, Deacon, son of James (6), married, first, Dec. 5, 1717, Anne, daughter of Deacon John Dearborn (12), of North Hampton ; second, Nov. 26, 1719, Elizabeth, daughter of James Perkins (7); third, Nov. 18, 1736, Sarah, daughter of John Nay (1) ; lived on the ancestral estate. Children:
- Anne, b. May 10, 1724; d. Sept. 1, 1726.
- Joseph (17), b. Dec. 3, 1725; m. Abigail Nay; d. June 5, 1801.
- etc.
- http://archive.org/stream/historyoftownofh02dowj#page/922/mode/1up
- Pg.922
- XVII. Joseph Philbrick, son of Deacon Joseph (13), married Oct. 24, 1749, Abigail, daughter of John Nay (1), and sister of his father's third wife ; settled where Henry P. Wingate now lives. Children :
- Joseph, b. Aug. 7, 1750; d. Jan. 30, 1754.
- James, b. June 3, 1752; d. Feb. 12, 1754.
- John (20), b. Jan. 20, 1754; in. Hannah Batchelder; d. May 20, 1821.
- Hannah, b. Dec. 11, 1755; m. James Hobbs, son of Morris (17) ; d. before 1790.
- Edmund, b. Dec. 19, 1757; d., unm., in the army at Ticonderoga, 1776.
- Sarah, b. Jan. 22, 1760.
- Joseph, bp. Mar. 28, 1762; m. May 19, 1782, Mary Fogg.
- Moses, bp. Jan. 27, 1765; d. Sept. 16, 1766.
- ______________
- NAY, Abigail
- b. 13 JAN 1716/7 Hampton, Rockingham, NH.
- d. 16 NOV 1797 Hampton, Rockingham, NH.
- Gender: Female
- Parents:
- Father: NAY, John
- Mother: WEBSTER, Abigail
- Family:
- Marriage: 24 OCT 1749 Hampton, Rockingham, NH.
- Spouse: PHILBRICK, Joseph
- b. 3 DEC 1725 Hampton, Rockingham, NH.
- d. 5 JUN 1801 Hampton, Rockingham, NH.
- Gender: Male
- Parents:
- Father: PHILBRICK, Joseph
- Mother: PERKINS, Elizabeth
- Children:
- PHILBRICK, Joseph b. 7 AUG 1750 Hampton, Rockingham, NH. d. 30 JAN 1754 Hampton, Rockingham, NH. Gender: Male
- PHILBRICK, James b. ABT 1752 Hampton, Rockingham, NH. Gender: Male
- PHILBRICK, Edmund b. 19 DEC 1757 Hampton, Rockingham, NH. Gender: Male
- PHILBRICK, Sarah b. ABT 1758 Hampton, Rockingham, NH. Gender: Female
- PHILBRICK, Moses b. ABT 1764 Hampton, Rockingham, NH. Gender: Male
- From: http://www.genealogyofnewengland.com/f_1c6.htm#151
- _________________
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Abigail Philbrick's Timeline
1724 |
September 6, 1724
Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire
September 6, 1724
1754 |
January 20, 1754
1757 |
December 19, 1757
1797 |
November 16, 1797
Age 73
Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire