Link to grave http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=33117051
Abigail and her sister Rhoda married half brothers
1760 |
October 31, 1760
Tiverton, Rhode Island, United States
1781 |
September 24, 1781
Tiverton, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States
1783 |
September 10, 1783
Tiverton, Rhode Island, United States
1785 |
October 17, 1785
Tiverton, Rhode Island, United States
1787 |
May 14, 1787
Tiverton, Rhode Island, United States
1789 |
November 22, 1789
Tiverton, Rhode Island, United States
1792 |
February 21, 1792
Tiverton, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States
1794 |
March 9, 1794
Tiverton, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States
1796 |
May 5, 1796
Tiverton, Rhode Island, United States