Historical records matching Abner T. Farrow
Immediate Family
About Abner T. Farrow
Civil War confederate soldier
Southern Christian Advocate October 23, 1913
FARROW. - Bro. Abner T. Farrow was born in Spartanburg county, near Cross Anchor, February 3, 1832, and died September 4, 1913. He was twice married, first to Miss Malissa Red, near Cross Anchor, S. C. to them were born five daughters and one son: Mrs. Joe Jones, Mrs. W. J. Hill, Mrs. P. A. Gardner, Mrs. M. W. Bobo, Mrs. C. T. Boyd, and Sheridan F. Farrow, who died several years ago. His first wife died nine days after her son's death. His second marriage was to Miss Sarah Williams, of Glenn Springs. Of this union were born two daughters: Juanita and Bessie. His widow still survives him, although quite feeble. Brother Farrow was an honored citizen, a kind neighbor, a good husband, and an effectionate father. He was a faithful steward of the methodist Church, and as long as he was able he was regular in his attendance upon Church services. He was a good soldier during the war of the sixties, a member of 3rd Regt. of S. C. V. and remained in service until the surrender of Gen. R. E. Lee. His house was the home of the preachers, hospitable, kind, and entertaining. He died a Christian and will be missed by the Church, his family, and friends. He was laid to rest in the cemetery at New Hope church, at Cross Anchor, S. C., in the midst of a large number of friends and loved ones. May God comfort the surviving ones and grant them all to meet where parting isknown no more. D. P. Boyd,
Abner T. Farrow's Timeline
1832 |
February 2, 1832
Spartanburg, SC, United States
1860 |
January 9, 1860
Cross Hill, Laurens, South Carolina, United States
1861 |
August 9, 1861
1865 |
November 18, 1865
1867 |
September 5, 1867
1869 |
September 13, 1869
1871 |
September 21, 1871
1891 |
August 29, 1891
1893 |
May 3, 1893
1913 |
September 4, 1913
Age 81
Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States