In the profile picture, the pioneer Abraham Brubaker was buried. His grave was marked with a sandstone without any dates or inscription. The old part is on the east and most of the graves are marked with small sandstones without names or dates. Barbara Miller Brubaker, wife of Abraham, is buried here. She saved herself and a small daughter in 1759 by running to her husband, who was working in a field, and having him take her across the river to a fort cellar on the farm. When her husband returned he found that the Indians had plundered his home and tried to set it on fire.The reason the graveyard was near the house and had no markers at the old graves, the Brubakers were afraid the Indians might find them and remove the bodies in order to get the scalps.
Shenandoah County Virginia Will Book F Page 265a, b, c. d Written 20 November 1804 Recorded 10 December 1804
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I ABRAHAM BRUBAKER SENR. of the County of Shenandoah County and State of Virginia, Farmer, Being in good State of helth and of perfect mind and Memory, thancks be to God, Calling to mind the Mortallity of my Body, Do make And Ordain this my last will and Testement in the following Manner. First: I Recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body To the Erth from which it was Taken. And as Tuching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me with in this Life, I give Devise and Dispose of the Same in Manner Following; VIZ. Second: I give and bequeth unto my beloveth wife Barbara the full third part of my Estate in the personal, as also a full third part of all the home Plantation During her Natural life for her Suport. Third: It is also my will that all my just Debts Shall be paid out of my Estate first. Fourth: I give and bequeth unto my son Abraham the Plantation where he now lives on adjoining the Town of Woodstock for the Just Sum of five hundred pounds Virginia Currancy, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the use of him Self his heirs or Assigns for Ever. Fifth: I give and bequeth unto my son John the home Plantation where I now and him Now live on for the just sum of Nine hundred pounds Virginia Currency, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the use of him Self his Heirs or assigns for Ever, Exception four Acres of Medow ground which I promised to my son in Law Abraham Strickler for the just Sum of Thirty two Pounds Virginia Currency to be paid unto my Son John, adjoining Isaac Strickler's Medow as the road between them both against the hillside which Said Abraham is to keep under a good fence all round on his own Expense TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the use of him Self and his heirs, (Provided always and with this Exception) That him Self nor his Heirs Shall not have power to Bargin, Sell, Lease, nor Dispose of it no other way then To my Son John his heirs or successors and that if the Said Abraham should Sell his own Plantation where he now lives he Shall Sell The said four Acres back again unto the old Tract which my son John holds to him or his successors for the just Sum of Thirty two pounds and no more. Sixth: I Give and bequeth unto my son Peter that plantation adjoining of my old place which I purchased of Samuel Stover for the Just Sum of Six hundred pound Virginia Currency, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the use of himself his Heirs or assigns for Ever, Provided always that if my son John and Peter Should have a Desire to Build any mill works thay may Do it jointly or is not jointly the one Shall give the other privilege to the water ways, by paying him Damage if any there bea. Seventh: I Give and bequeth unto my Doughter Barbaras Heirs the Mill and Plantation Below the Town of Woodstock for the Just Sum of Three Hundred pounds Virginia Currency and that to be their whole portion if one part in the Division Comes more than that Sum. But if it Doth not amount to that Sum they are to pay out to make them all Equal in the Legacy. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for them selfes their Heirs and Assigns for Ever. Eighth: I Give and bequeth unto my Doughter Elizabeth them Several Tracts of land Lying in the County of Rockingham Called Black horse spring and that which I hold adjoining of it, adjoining Locosts land for the Sum of Three Hundred pounds Virginia Currency TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Occupy and Conduct at her Pleasure During her Natural Life Time and after her Decease to the use of her heirs and Assigns for Ever. Ninth: That land lying and being on the Top of the Blue Ridge in the County of Culpeper I order my Executors to Sell it and Execute a Title for it and aply the money to my Estate, and my son John and Peter are to have the Refusal of it if they will. Tenth: And it is further my last will and Testament that after all my Just Debts Being first paid and the Remaining Sum of the above Said lands and all Which is Justly Due me an Executions, Judgments, Bonds, Bills, notes, or Book accounts, Together with all that any of my Children has had in goods and Chattles money ... have or lent in whatever way or shape it may be justly belonging to my Estate Shall all be put together in Hotchpot or in one Sum and then Equaly Divided between my Ten Children by Name, Abraham, John, and Peter my Sons, and Susana, Barbara, Chatarina, Christina, Anna, Maria, and Elizabeth my Doughters, and Then those that have over their portion Shall pay to them that Lack until Thay an all Equal in Legacy. Eleventh: And it is further my last will and Testement that for Reasons and good Cause and the more Equalizing my Daughters by Name Susana, Chatarina, Christina, Anna and Maria, which have not any Real Estate or landed property as yet, I GIVE AND BEQUETH unto them five in addition To their above legacy the whole income or quit rents of the Town of Woodstock TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the use of them selfs their Heirs or Assigns For Ever. And Do hereby apoint and impower my Son Abraham and my Sons in law Isaac Strickler and John Roads To Collect the Said quit rent and Divides them Eqauly between the Said five Doughters yearly. Twelveth: I Also Give and bequeth unto the above Named five Doughters the lands which I hold in the western County by two Deeds lying and being on the Ohio waters Containing Thirteen hundred and Seventy odd Acres, and Devise it in Manner Following, VIZ, It is to be Divided and Numbered into Five Plantations by three Disinterested men of abillity and Judgment in That Case weighing and Considering the Conveniency and inconveniency and Doing it to the best advantage upon the whole and as Near Equal as be it Can be got in value, and then Seperatly Vallued by Said three men And then Said Five Doughters may personally Draw or who thay may apoint to Draw lots for them, and the number which that Draw respectively Shall be theirs TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the use of them Selfs their Heirs or assigns For Ever. Thirteenth: AND LASTLY, I Constitute make and ordain my Sons in law Isaac Strickler and John Roads my Sole Executors of this my last will and Testament and Do hereby utterly Disalow, Disannul and Revoke all Former Testaments Wills and Legacies, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament, In Witness where of I have here unto set my hand and Seal This twentieth Day of November in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and four and in the 28th year of this Commonwelth.
Abraham Brubaker, His Mark and Seal
Signed Sealed and Delivered in presents of: Levi Keenan Samuel Strickler
At a Court held for the County of Shenandoah on Monday the 10 day of December 1804 This last Will and Testament of Abraham Brubaker deceased was proved by the oath of Levi Keenan and the affirmation of Samuel Strickler Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on Motion of John Roads one of the executors therein named a certificate is granted him for obtaining probate thereof in due form he having entered into bond with Henry Hockman, Geo.Houseman and Samuel Strickler his securities in the Penalty of five thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs. Isaac Strickler the other executor refused to qualify. A Copy. Teste P. Williams CSC The reason the graveyard was near the house and had no markers at the old graves, the Brubakers were afraid the Indians might find them and remove the bodies in order to get the scalps.
extracted from will... Equaly Divided between my Ten Children by Name, Abraham, John, and Peter my Sons, and Susana, Barbara, Chatarina, Christina, Anna, Maria, and Elizabeth my Doughters
Here the pioneer Abraham Brubaker was buried. His grave was marked with a sandstone without any dates or inscription. The old part is on the east and most of the graves are marked with small sandstones without names or dates. Barbara Miller Brubaker, wife of Abraham, is buried here. She saved herself and a small daughter in 1759 by running to her husband, who was working in a field, and having him take her across the river to a fort cellar on the farm. When her husband returned he found that the Indians had plundered his home and tried to set it on fire.
The reason the graveyard was near the house and had no markers at the old graves, the Brubakers were afraid the Indians might find them and remove the bodies in order to get the scalps. [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=82921113]
From "The Brubaker Genealogy":
"Emigrated from Switzerland about the year 1710 and settled near Lancaster, Pa. He afterwards bought other land. A patent granted by Thomas and Richard Penn to Woolrick Burckhultor in 1734 of 150 acres of land in Rapho township, Lancaster county, Pa., by him conveyed 1 Jul 1743, to Hans Brubaker. Additional patents of 200 acres February 18, 1745 and January 15, 1754, a total of 455 acres. The place was called Grenage, now Mastersonville, recorded in patent book, A.A. Vol. 7, page 276, Department of Internal Affairs, Harrisburg, Pa.
Abraham was born four years after his father migrated from Ibersheim, Germany.
His father Hans Brubaker built a mill near the place where Columbia Avenue now crosses the Little Conestoga Creek.
Hans.. Hans Brubaker was one of six men appointed to lay out a road from the Susquehanna River to Christian Steinman Mill and from there to "Daniel Cookson's" at the head of the Pequea Creek. Hans was appointed constable on May 26, 1724 for the Donegal district and in August of 1729 for Hempfield Township. Most of his duties probably consisted of simply giving information to the sheriff about conditions and problems. Hans bought other tracts of land at other locations
amounting to a total of more than 2,000 acres. Most of these tracts remained in the family after his death. The buildings at what was probably his homestead were destroyed to make way for a housing development about 1972, and no trace of them exists today.
Here the pioneer Abraham Brubaker was buried. His grave was marked with a sandstone without any dates or inscription. The old part is on the east and most of the
graves are marked with small sandstones without names or dates. Barbara Miller Brubaker, wife of Abraham, is buried here. She saved herself and a small daughter in 1759 by running to her husband, who was working in a field, and having him take her across the river to a fort cellar on the farm. When her husband returned he found that the Indians had plundered his home and tried to set it on fire.
The reason the graveyard was near the house and had no markers at the old graves, the Brubakers were afraid the Indians might find them and remove the bodies in order to get the scalps.
Brother of, Peter (Brubacher) Brubaker
BIRTH 15 Sep 1725
DEATH 15 Jul 1811 (aged 85)
Mastersonville Brethren In Christ Cemetery
Mastersonville, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Feb 15 2024, 21:04:22 UTC
From "The Brubaker Genealogy": "Emigrated from Switzerland about the year 1710 and settled near Lancaster, Pa. He afterwards bought other land. A patent granted by Thomas and Richard Penn to Woolrick Burckhultor in 1734 of 150 acres of land in Rapho Township, Lancaster County, Pa., by him conveyed 1 Jul 1743, to Hans Brubaker. Additional patents of 200 acres February 18, 1745 and January 15, 1754, a total of 455 acres. The place was called Grenage, now Mastersonville, recorded in patent book, A.A. Vol. 7, page 276, Department of Internal Affairs, Harrisburg, Pa. Abraham was born four years after his father migrated from Ibersheim, Germany. His father Hans Brubaker built a mill near the place where Columbia Avenue now crosses the Little Conestoga Creek. Hans Brubaker was one of six men appointed to lay out a road from the Susquehanna River to Christian Steinman Mill and from there to "Daniel Cookson's" at the head of the Pequea Creek. Hans was appointed constable on May 26, 1724 for the Donegal district and in August of 1729 for Hempfield Township. Most of his duties probably consisted of simply giving information to the sheriff about conditions and problems. Hans bought other tracts of land at other locations amounting to a total of more than 2,000 acres. Most of these tracts remained in the family after his death. The buildings at what was probably his homestead were destroyed to make way for a housing development about 1972, and no trace of them exists today. Here the pioneer Abraham Brubaker was buried. His grave was marked with a sandstone without any dates or inscription. The old part is on the east and most of the graves are marked with small sandstones without names or dates. Barbara Miller Brubaker, wife of Abraham, is buried here. She saved herself and a small daughter in 1759 by running to her husband, who was working in a field, and having him take her across the river to a fort cellar on the farm. When her husband returned he found that the Indians...
HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF THE BRUBAKER-BRUBACHER-BREWBAKER FAMILY IN AMERICA pg 51: A-4 Abraham Brubaker, 1723 - 1804; m. Barbara Miller; Page Co., VA., Nr. Luray. Children: A24-A33: Susannah, 1758; ABRAHAM 1761-1805; Barbara 1763; Catherine 1765-1834; John 1766-1844; Christiana 1767-1840; Anna 1773; Mary 1776; Peter 1777-1816; Elizabeth FORERUNNERS: THE STRICKLERS IN AMERICA, pg 93: "Abraham came to Virginia, located in Massanutten, m. Barbara Miller, daughter of Jacob Miller, founder of Muellerstadt (Woodstock now), and by this marriage came into possession of much of the landed estate of his father-in-law. He gave the land whereon the Court House of Shenandoah County now stands. His son, Abraham, lived at Woodstock." dls FORERUNNERS: THE STRICKLERS IN AMERICA, pg 96: "The will of Abraham Brubaker, Senr. is dated Nov. 24, 1804, and recorded in Will Book F. p. 265. His children are: Abraham, John, Peter, Susan, Barbara, Catherine, Christina, Anna, Maria, & Elizabeth" dls FORERUNNERS: THE STRICKLERS IN AMERICA, pg 92: Catherine Brubaker Strickler, wife of Henry D,. Strickler, was the dau. of John and Barbar Mauck Brubaker, the said John being the son of Abraham and Barbara Miller Brubaker, and the said Abraham being the son of John and Anna Brubaker. The last mentioned John came to New York from Berne, Switzerland, June 16, 1710, with three brothers, Jacob, Henry and Abraham. ....Catherine...was a sister to Mrs. John (Major) Strickler,....Barbara... John was....son to Col. Daniel Strickler, and....first cousin of Henry D. son of Joseph....these families earlier inter married....Susan Brubaker married Isaac Strickler...Christina, her sister, married Abram Strickler....their sister Barbara's daughter married Joseph Strickler of Egypt. Peter Brubaker their brother married Barbara Coffman, mother of Gideon, grandfather of Rueben T. Strickler of Egypt.... From deed records, John Brubaker purchased land in Massanutten in 1735. This makes John one of the early settlers of Massanutten. He never came to Virginia, but his son, Abraham, located on the Massanutten plantation. The French and Indian war began in 1754;....continued until 1763 during which time the valley settlements were harassed by the Indians, sometimes led by French officers. Kercheval, in referring to an Indian raid in Massanutten in 1758, says that they plundered old man Brewbecker's home. He was referring no doubt to Abraham (the first) Brubaker. Abraham was not an old man in 1758. Kercheval probably knew Abraham or knew of him in his old age and was referring to him at that time. A neighbor, Mr. Stone, was killed at this time. He says John Brewbecker [sic] was then (1830) living on the farm. A SHORT HISTORY OF PAGE COUNTY, VA by Strickler, Sutro Library, pg. 38-9: The first settlement in the Shenandoah Valley was made at Massanutten in 1726-7 in Page County long before Page County was established. A monument was created in 1929 on the left bank of the river at the White House Bridge about five miles west of Luray, in memory of these Massanutten settlers. The monument was erected near the center of a 5,000 acres patent granted to Jacob Stover who shortly thereafter divided and conveyed the land to several settlers. John Brubaker was one of the original purchasers from Stover. They had severe title troubles which did not postpone their possession of the land but did delay their title papers, patent and deeds. pg. 68 In 1758 John Stone, living on Massanutten Creek, was killed. His wife, infant child and a son seven or eight years old and George Grandstaff a youth of 16 years were carried away as prisoners. On the South Branch Mountain, the Indians killed Mrs. Stone and her infant and took the boys to their towns. Grandstaff was about three years a prisoner and then got home. The little boy, Stone, grew up with the Indians, came home, claimed his father's property, sold it and returned to the Indians. The same Indians killed Jacob Holtimans' wife and her children. They plundered the Brubaker home on Massanutten Creek, the family escaping by Mrs. Brubaker's observing Indians on the Massanutten Mountains about dusk and begged to be removed. Her family did not believe her but she kept a sharp lookout with the infant in her arms ready to flee at any moment. When the Indians appeared next day at the Stone home she fled and was saved. How often has a man been ruined by not heeding his good wife! [Kercheval, page 107]. !1723 BIRTH ABT: NEWSLETTER: Lionberger Family Newsletter, Volume II, #1 Feb. 1985, Page 11. Mrs. Elaine & Jerry Lionberger, 6825 SE Clackamas Rd., Portland, OR 97267 Abstract, P. 11. Abraham Brewbaker Bible Record: Copied c 1930/31 by John W. Coe from old German Bible in possession of Sallie Brubaker, (d. 1935), daughter of Phillip Long & his 2nd wife Mary Catherine Smith. She was the wife of Abram Daniel Brewbaker, b. 20 May 1847. They lived in Massanutten, Page Co., VA. He is the son of Daniel C. Brubaker, b. 5 Sep. 1809, d. 19 Dec. 1880, & Mrs. Mary Koontz Long, b. 2 Jan. 1800, d. 2 May 1858. He is son of Peter, b. 15 Oct. 1777 d. 19 Sep. 1816 & Barbara Kauffman, b. 9 Sep. 1778, d. 6 Jan. 1871, in OH., she m. 2nd John W. Smith and was the mother of the above Mary Catherine Smith. Suzannah Brewbaker, daughter of Abraham & Barbary Brewbaker, b. 15 July 1759. Abraham, son of Abraham & Barbary Brewbaker, b. 14 Dec. 1761. Barbary, daughter of Abraham & Barbary Brewbaker, b. 18 Dec. 1763. Cathrinah, daughter of Abraham & Barbary Brewbaker, b. 31 Mar. 1765. Christinah, daughter of Abraham & Barbary Brewbaker, b. 31 Aug. 1766. Jon, son of Abraham & Barbary Brewbaker, b. 22 Aug. 1768. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ann, b. 7 Feb. 1773. Mary, b. 22 June 1776. Peter, b. 1 Nov. 1777. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elizabeth, b. 1786, not in the list, the name and date came from the Brubaker Reunion Association Records, which mainly came from cousin Mary S. Brubaker, on the descendants of the above Abraham Brewbaker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also found in the Brewbaker Family Bible the following unidentified children, recorded in German. 1. 1 Oct. 1796, My son Samuel, born. 2. 26 May 1799, is Katherine, born. 3. 19 Aug. 1801, is our Petrus, born. 4. 22 Sep. 1803, is our Elizabeth, born. 5. 29 Nov. 1805, is our Susany, born. 6. 4 Jan. 1808, is our Johannnes, born. 7. 2 Jan. 1815, is our Davis, born.
1723 |
June 14, 1723
E Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
1759 |
July 15, 1759
Shenandoah County, Virginia, United States
1760 |
Lancaster County, PA, United States
1761 |
June 14, 1761
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
1763 |
December 18, 1763
1765 |
March 31, 1765
Shenandoah County, VA, United States
1767 |
August 31, 1767
Shenandoah County, Virginia, United States
1768 |
January 22, 1768
Luray, Page, Virginia, United States