Historical records matching Abraham Elzas
Immediate Family
About Abraham Elzas
Abraham Elzas
- England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
- Death date: July-Aug-Sep 1880
- Death place: Sculcoates, Yorkshire East Riding, England
- Birth date: Circa 1835
Minister and author; born in Elbergen, Holland, in 1835; died at Hull, England, 1880. He was educated in Holland, and went to England from Russia about 1867. He travelled extensively, visiting for scholastic purposes many parts of the world. In 1871 he removed from Leeds to Hull, and there became master of the Hebrew school, and for some years filled the post of minister to the congregation. Owing to failing health he was obliged to resign his positions in 1877. For some years previous to his death he was occupied in literary as well as scholastic pursuits; and he published translations of several books of the Bible, including "Proverbs," 1871; "The Book of Job," 1872; "Minor Prophets," 1873-80, with critical notes.
- Jewish World (London), Aug. 6, 1880;
- Hull and Lincolnshire Times, Aug., 1880;
- Jacobs and Wolf, Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica, Nos. 1957, 1960, 1963, London, 1888.
In 1871 Abraham Elzas, then of Leeds, was appointed minister and teacher in Hull and became the superintendent of the local Jewish schools. This Dutch- born scholar arrived in England in 1867 at the age of thirty-two. His translation of several books of the Bible in the 1870s and his notes thereon attracted wide attention among Jews and Christians. His annotated translation of the Minor Prophets (so called) was described by the Jewish Chronicle on 6 June 1873 as ‘marking the commencement of a new period in the hitherto sluggish flow of Anglo-Jewish literary interest’. Each of his works was the subject of lengthy comment in the local press. Under his superintendence the Jewish schools advanced, but the draw of the new, and soon free, ‘Board’ schools affected the numbers who attended.
Abraham Elzas’s tenure as minister, teacher, and supervisor of the schools and classes gave him in practice freer rein than was enjoyed by his predecessors in the sphere of education. In addition to teaching in the boys’ school, he taught Hebrew studies (on Sundays) in the girls’ school. In charge of the latter school was Miss Jones, a Christian lady. He had more time and opportunity to deploy his pedagogic skills and enthusiasm than was formerly made available, and over a wider range of pupils.
Parents were expected to provide their children with the necessary books. Occasionally private gifts of books were made for children’s use at the schools. Adler allotted a grant from his fund raised for such purposes and undertook to ensure that Bibles would be sent by the Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge. The problem of providing adequately qualified teachers was not resolved. Ill-health compelled Elzas to retire in 1876, and in 1880 he died in Hull.
Among other prominent local Jewish masons was Abraham Elzas.
The Jewish Chronicle - Aug 6 1880
THE LATE MR. ELZAS.—We regret to learn that the late Mr. Elzas, of Hull, the author of a commentary on the Minor Prophets, has left his widow and family quite destitute. Mr. John Symons, of 15, Coltman Street, Hull, is endeavouring to raise a small fund in their behalf.
Abraham Elzas's Timeline
1838 |
January 30, 1838
Eibergen, Berkelland, Gelderland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
1867 |
border area between East Prussia and Russia, Eydtkhunen, Germany
1875 |
June 1, 1875
Hull, England, United Kingdom
1878 |
January 2, 1878
Hull, England
1880 |
Age 41
Hull, UK