Abraham Goldschmidt

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Abraham Goldschmidt

Birthplace: Sterbfritz, Sinntal, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany
Death: September 1942 (76)
KZ Treblinka, Poland (Holocaust)
Immediate Family:

Son of Maier Baruch Goldschmidt and Jeanette Goldschmidt
Husband of Amalia Goldschmidt
Father of Erna Oppenheim; Bella Goldschmidt; Hilde Goldberg and Nette Goldschmidt
Brother of Ursula (Buehnche) Meyer; Joseph Goldschmidt; Fanny Hamburger; Dinah Seligmann; Bernhard Baruch Goldschmidt and 3 others

Managed by: נחמה
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About Abraham Goldschmidt

Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:

Goldschmidt, Abraham

geboren am 01. April 1866 in Sterbfritz / Schlüchtern / Hessen-Nassau wohnhaft in Sterbfritz

Deportation: ab Kassel-Chemnitz 07. September 1942, Theresienstadt, Ghetto 29. September 1942, Treblinka, Vernichtungslager

Schicksal: für tot erklärt

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Abraham Goldschmidt's Timeline

April 1, 1866
Sterbfritz, Sinntal, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany
September 1906
Sterbfritz, Hesse, Germany
September 1906
Sterbfritz, Hesse, Germany
December 14, 1910
Sterbfritz, Hesse, Germany
September 1942
Age 76
KZ Treblinka, Poland
Sterbfritz, Hesse, Germany