Historical records matching Abraham Kline, Sr.
Immediate Family
About Abraham Kline, Sr.
A Patriot of the American Revolution for NEW JERSEY. DAR Ancestor # A065958
Northumberland County, p. 162
In 1799, three of the sons of Herman Kline came to Pennsylvania, two of them (Abraham and another) settling on Fishing Creek, in Columbia County.
"The Kline Klan", 1960, by Helen Kline, Mr. M.P. Whitenight, Mrs. Henry Stoll, available at DAR Library, Washington, D.C.
Military Service: 1777 Captain, 2nd Regiment, Hunterdon County, NJ Militia
Last Will & Testament of Abraham Kline, born 1735
Will was signed and witnessed on September 2, 1819
Will was probated in Columbia County, Penn., on September 13, 1828
In the name of God, amen. I, Abraham Kline of Fishing Creek Township of the County of Columbia and the state of Pennsylvania, being advanced in years of life but of sound mind, memory and understanding, Blessed be God for the same, but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life, do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following, to wit, Principally and first of all I commend my Immortal Soul into the hands of God, who gave it, and my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent and Christian-like manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named, and as to such Worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bestow me in this life, I give and dispose of the same in the following manner, to wit,
First, it is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and satisfied as soon as convenient after my decease.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my dear wife, Anne Charity Kline one bed and bedding together with such of my household furniture and kitchen utensils as she may choose to keep for her use
Item: I give and bequeath unto my said wife the use and occupancy of the room in my house with the Franklin stove in it with the privilege of using the kitchen as often as she may have occasion.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my said wife the sum of Fifty-three Dollars and thirty-three cents yearly and every year during her natural life to be paid unto her in lawful money of the United States in equal shares by my five sons, to wit, Harmon, Abraham, Matthias, George, and Isaac.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Harmon Kline all that plantation and tract of land called partnership situate partly in Greenwood and Fishing Creek Townships in the Cty of Columbia aforesaid with Three Hundred acres and the allowance be the same more or less.
Item: I give and Devise unto my son Abraham Kline all my Plantations and tract of land situate in Fishing Creek Township aforesaid adjoining lands of Daniel McHenry (note: name is difficult to read; could be Daniel W. Henry, or other) good and others containing one Hundred and twelve acres and allowance be the same more or less.
Item: The said Abraham Kline to pay unto my Daughter Elizabeth the sum of Five Hundred Dollars to be paid unto her in the following manner, to wit, One Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars part thereof one year after my decease and the sum of one Hundred and Twenty-Five ...(paper torn at bottom of page) ...year after my decease and the sum of one Hundred.........(paper torn at bottom of page).....year after my decease and the sum of (page two of will begins) one Hundred and twenty-five Dollars the fourth year after my decease, and I do order and direct that my Executor herein after named deliver unto my said son Abraham all Bonds, Notes or Book accounts that is in my possession against him without collecting any part thereof.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Matthias Kline all that plantation and tract of land now in his occupancy together with all and singular the appurtenances* thereunto belonging and also all that plantation and tract of land of one Hundred and twenty acres & one hundred and twelve (unreadable word; could be perches** ) and allowance of six (unreadable A***) being part of a tract of land containing two hundred and thirty seven acres and one hundred & fifty perches situated in Fishing Creek Township aforesaid the lines to be run Agreeably to a Draft dated sixteenth day of March, one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen, marked No. 3 Matthias Kline and signed Samuel Webb Jr..
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son George Kline all that plantation and tract of land now in his occupancy together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging and also that piece or parcel of land containing fifty-eight acres and ninety perches and allowance of six (unreadable A***) part of a tract of land in Fishing Creek Township aforesaid containing two hundred and thirty seven acres and one hundred & fifty perches and Allowance, the lines to be run agreeable to a Draft dated the 16th day of March AD 1813 marked No. 2, George Kline and signed Samuel Webb Jr.
Item: I also give and bequeath unto my said son George Kline two tracts of land situated in the township of Fishing Creek aforesaid including part of the Nob Mountain, one of said tracts containing fifty-one acres and allowances of six (unreadable A***) Marked No. 1 George Kline the lines to be run Agreeable to a Draft dated the 15th of March A.D. 1813 signed Samuel Webb Jr. The other of said tracts containing fifty-four acres and half such allowance of (unreadable due to decay of paper at fold) No. 3 George Kline lines to be run agreeable to a Draft dated the 15th of March A.D. 1813.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Isaac Kline all that plantation and tract of land now in his occupancy with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging except the use of the room and kitchen in my dwelling house as before mentioned and I also give and bequeath unto my son Isaac Kline all that piece or parcel of land containing fifty-eight acres and ninety-nine perches as be the same more or less being the residue of the tract of land of two hundred thirty-seven acres & one hundred and fifty perches aforesaid, I also give and bequeath (unreadable; paper torn at bottom of page two of will) two tracts of land situate in the township of Fishing Creek aforesaid including part of the Nob Mountain, one of said tracts containing fifty-one acres, allowance of six (unreadable A***) marked No. 2 Isaac Kline the lines to be run agreeable to a Draft dated the 15th day of March A.D. 1813 signed Samuel Webb Jr. The other of said tracts of land containing fifty-four acres & three fourths and allowance of six (unreadable A***) marked No. 4 Isaac Kline.
Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Robbins, the wife of Thomas Robbins Eight hundred and sixty three Dollars & thirty-three cents to be paid unto her by my said Executors in two equal yearly payments the first thereof to be paid one year after my decease which Legacy of Eight Hundred and sixty-three Dollars and thirty three cents together with the five hundred Dollars to be paid by my son Abraham shall be her share in full of my Estate both real and personal.
I give and bequeath to my grand Daughter Ann (hard to read; possibly Emmery) Eighty to be paid unto her by my Executor immediately after my Decease or whenever demanded.
And as touching all the residue and remainder of my Estate both real and personal of what kind of nature (unreadable due to decay of paper at fold) Will and I so order and direct that my Executors as soon as conveniently can be after my decease to sell and dispose of the same to such persons and for such price (unreadable)as may be reasonably gotten for the same and for that purpose I do hereby empower the said Executors or the survivor of them to sign (unreadable) execute and acknowledge all such Deed or Deeds of conveyance as may be requisite and necessary for the granting and assuring the same to the purchased or purchasers (unreadable) of in fee simple and the monies arising from such sale to be equally divided between my five sons after paying the Legacies aforesaid but if these should not be sufficient (unreadable due to decay of paper at fold) Legacies I do order and direct that my said sons, to wit, Harmon, Abraham, Matthias, George & Isaac pay an Equal Share of what should be wanting to pay the Legacies aforesaid, and
Lastly, I nominate constitute and appoint my sons Harmon Kline & Isaac Kline to be the Executors of this my will hereby revoking all other Wills, Legacies and bequests by me heretofore made and declaring this to be my last will and testament in witness thereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the 2nd day of September A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred & Nineteen.
Abraham Kline
Signed, sealed, Published Pronounced and declared by one the said testator as his last will and testament in the presence of use who in his presence and at his request have subscribed as witnesses:
George Vance
William Willet
John T. Evans
Probate Papers attached to the Will of Abraham Kline
Columbia County, Pennsylvania
Be it Remembered of that on the thirteenth day of September Anno Domini 1828, before Rudolph Scehler, Register for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for the County of Columbia, Personally came William Willet and John T. Evans, the two subscribed as witness to the within will and after being all duly Sworn accepting today that the testator, Abraham Kline (unreadable) that he signed his name to the within Instrument of writing and acknowledged the same to be his last will and testament and that at the time of so doing, that the said testator was of Sound and (unreadable) Mind, Memory and understanding, according of the Defendants knowledge, observation, and belief and that the named William Willet & John Evans (unreadable......)
Sworn and Subscribed the day and year aforesaid, before me, Rudolph Scehler
Signed William Willet
John T. Evans
- KLINE, ABRAHAM, DAR Ancestor #: A065958
- Birth: 11-18-1735 HUNTERDON CO NEW JERSEY
- Service Description: 1) FURNISHED SUPPLIES
Abraham Kline was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and served from 1780-1783 as a private with Capt. Ream in the 3rd battalion, Penn. troops.
About 1785, Abraham, his wife and children, some of whom were grown and had families of their own, settled in Fishing Creek Valley,Columbia County, Pennsylvania. They came from New Jersey across the Broad Mountains to the present site of Berwick, Pennsylvania, and then west to the present mouth of Fishing Creek. They followed the creek through dense woods to Light Street, then represented by only one house, and the further most settlement from the river in the valley below, to a spot three miles above the foot of Knob Mountain, or about the present location of Jonestown, Pennsylvania.
The Klines lived in their wagons and in tents until land could be cleared and cabins built. The first log cabin was built between Green and Fishing Creek and has since been torn down and replaced. In three or four years enough land had been cleared to raise corn and wheat. This grain was taken on horseback to the river and transferred to rafts and floated to the mill at Sunbury, PA, 35 miles away. Later a mill was built closer, at Catawissa, PA.
Abraham's sons farmed the lands along the creeks and built cabins for their families. When Abraham was convinced the region was healthy and the lands fertile, he had the land surveyed and purchased a tract of 600 to 700 acres. One portion he called "Wheatfield" and the other "Union".
In 1792, Abraham and his oldest son, Harmon/Herman received a land warrant for 350 acres. It cost them 50 shillings per acre and the description reads the west side of Big Fishing Creek to almost the mouth of Green Creek.
Abraham can be seen in the 1787 and 1788 tax lists for what was then Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Abraham is recorded as having 200 acres and his son Hermon had 50 acres. Abraham can also be seen in the 1790, 1800 (and the 1800 tax list), 1810, and 1820 census, plus the 1821 tax list; the last two being the newly formed Columbia County, but always for Fishing Creek township. Later this area became Orange township.
Abraham Kline, Sr.'s Timeline
1735 |
November 18, 1735
Hunterdon County, NJ, United States
1760 |
June 30, 1760
Sussex, New Jersey, United States
1761 |
December 5, 1761
Kingwood, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, United States
1765 |
Duhren, Switzerland
1766 |
December 26, 1766
Hunterdon, NJ
1770 |
June 15, 1770
Hunterdon, NJ
1772 |
July 29, 1772
Hunterdon, NJ, United States
1778 |
December 15, 1778
Kingwood,Hunterdon,New Jersey,USA
1827 |
August 24, 1827
Age 91
Hidley Church Cemetery, North Centre, Columbia, Pennsylvania, United States