Abraham Peltzer

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Abraham Peltzer

Birthplace: Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Death: circa 1762
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Son of Abraham Pelzer, SV/PROG and Elizabeth van den Berg
Husband of Engela Saaijman
Father of Abraham Libregt Peltzer/Pelser; Anna Maria Jacoba Peltzer/Pelser, b2c3 SM/PROG; Barbara Jacomina Peltzer/Pelser; Carel Johannes Pelser; Petrus Cornelis Pelser and 2 others
Brother of Jacomina Pelzer, SM and Maria Eykhof
Half brother of Johanna Ras; Jacoba Buys; Johannes de Hoogh and Liebrecht Elart

DVN: b2c4
Managed by: Petrus Johannes Erasmus
Last Updated:

About Abraham Peltzer

Hy word in Kaapstad gedoop op 20 Julie 1721.


31 JAN 2013


  • Baptism Date 20/7/1721
  • Death Date 1762
  • First Name Abraham
  • Last Name Peltzer
  • Gender Male
  • Baptism Date 7/20/1721
  • Death Location Cape, South Africa

Baptism of Abraham

  • Name Abraham Peltzer
  • Event Type Baptism
  • Event Date 20 Jul 1721
  • Event Place Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
  • Father's Name Abraham Peltzer
  • Mother's Name Elizabeth Van Den Berg
  • Source South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives); Family Search https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VRL9-4FY


PELTZER lyn = a1b2

Naam: Abraham PELTZER, ook PELSER in huweliksregister.

≈ 20 JUL 1721 te Cabo (Kaapstad).

Getuies by doop:-

Bernardus BUIJS


X Stellenbosch op 16 JUL 1741 met Engela Catharina ZAAIJMAN, (ook SAAIJMAN, ZAAIMAN in kinders se doopinskrywings), gedoop 11 MEI 1721. Sy was die dogter van Pieter ZAAIJMAN van Mauritius en Anna Maria COOPMAN ( ook KOOPMAN). [Sien hul profiele vir meer inligting].

Enigste seun van Abraham PELTZER (Stamvader) en Elizabeth VAN DEN BERG.


c1 Abraham Libregt PELSER, gedoop Stellenbosch op 10 SEP 1741, ongetroud

c2 Elisabeth Catharina PELTZER, gedoop Paarl 9 JUN 1743, trou (1) Dirk COETZEE te Paarl op 12 OKT 1760, trou (2) Willem STRESAU (ook STREESO of STRESOW)

c3 Anna Maria Jacoba PELTZER, gedoop Stellenbosch 13 JUN 1745, trou (1) Johannis David GROOTSCHEL (van verander na GRISCHEL in 1771, GRISEL in 1776 tot GRIESEL in 1800)

cx Geen PELTZER dope tussen 1745 en 1754 in die Kaap.

c4 Carel Johannis PELTZER, gedoop Tulbagh 22 DES 1754, trou (1) Maria WAGENAAR (gebore 16 NOV 1755) te Tulbagh op 15 FEB 1778, trou (2) Anna Cornelia BOTHA (wed. v. Cornelis VAN TONDEREN) te Kaapstad op 18 OKT 1795, trou (3) Johanna BEZUIDENHOUT (wed. v. Johannis Michiel BREEDENBERGH ook Johannis Melchior BREITENBACH)

c5 Petrus Cornelis PELTZER, gedoop Tulbagh 3 JUL 1757, trou (1) Martha Maria BOSHOFF (gebore 2 NOV 1766) te Kaapstad op 8 SEP 1782, trou (2) Elsje VAN DER MERWE (ook Elsabe)

c6 Willem Jacobus PELTZER (PELTSER in kinders se doopinskr., PELSER in S/K), gebore Vier-en-twintigriviere, gedoop te Tulbagh 2 DES 1759, trou (1) Jannetje STEENKAMP (ook Janetta STEENKAMP en Johanna STEENKAMP in kinders se doopinskr.) (gebore 31 JUL 1764) te Tulbagh 2 APR 1784

c7 Barbara Jacomina PELTZER (PELSER in ander dokumente), gedoop Swartland 25 JUL 1762, trou (1) Johannis Hercules VILJOEN (wew. v. Anna Jacoba KRUGER) te Paarl 30 MEI 1779

Bron: Die Geslagsregister van die familie PELSER, PELSTER, PELSZER, PELTSER, PELTZER en PELZER in Suid-Afrika sedert 1708 deur R. DE V. PIENAAR, Stellenbosch, 2004. Bl. 7, 8, 13 en 16.

(Y. DROST, 17 AUG 2009 en 3 MEI 2011.)


Die volgende deur Daan BOTES op 27 SEP 2009:-

Ek kry nie meer my papiere nie, maar as jy op : http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?surname=peltzer&giv... kyk, kry jy o.a. die onderstaande wat aandui waar die Petrus vandaan kom en ook die geboorteplek.

My profiel toon wel die geboorte en doopdatum aan soos jy sê - joune het nie datums in nie. My profiel sien ek het ontstaan agv 'n merge met Jaco Srauss en toon die doop wel op die datum aan binne Suid Afrika. Dit is onwaarskynlik dat vervoer in daardie tyd so vinnig was dat die geboorteland Duitsland kon wees en ek is dus gemaklik oor die Kaap as geboorteplek. Oor die Petrus voel ek ook nie sterk nie en uit bostaande verwysings sal jy sien dat die meerderheid bronne net Abraham het asook die Kaap as geboorteplek. Ek verander dus die Petrus na (Petrus?) as middelnaam asook die geboorteplek.



ID: I463 Name: Abraham PELSER Given Name: Abraham Surname: PELSER 1 2 3

Name: Abraham (Petrus) PELSER Given Name: Abraham (Petrus) Surname: PELSER

Name: Abraham PELTZER Given Name: Abraham Surname: PELTZER

Name: Abraham POLSER Given Name: Abraham Surname: POLSER Sex: M Birth: in Hamburg, Germany 4 Christening: 2 Jul 1721 Cape Town 5 6 Death: Y 5 7 8 9 10 11 Event: Notes Note: b2 _UID: 252643B5795B4E2CA4A1544024AD92612E6D Change Date: 31 Jul 2008 at 11:54

Father: Abraham (PELTZER) PELSER b: in v Hamburg, Germany Mother: Elizabeth VAN DEN BERG

Marriage 1 Engela Catharina ZAAIMAN c: 11 May 1721 Married: 16 Jul 1741 in Stellenbosch Change Date: 31 Jul 2008 Children Abraham Libregt PELSER c: 10 Sep 1741 in Stellenbosch Elizabeth Catharina PELSER c: 9 Jun 1743 in Paarl Anna Maria Jacoba PELSER c: 13 Jun 1745 in Stellenbosch

Carel Johannes PELSER c: 22 Dec 1754 in Tulbagh Petrus Cornelis PELSER c: 3 Jul 1757 in Tulbagh Willem Jacobus PELSER c: 2 Dec 1759 in Tulbagh Barbara Jacomina PELSER c: 25 Jul 1762 in Swartland


Abbrev: South African Genealogies Vol 07 O-Ph Title: South African Genealogies Vol 07 O-Ph Page: p 375 Quality: 3

Abbrev: Per e-mail vanaf Christo Viljoen Title: Per e-mail vanaf Christo Viljoen

Abbrev: Suid Afrikaanse Geslagsregisters Volume 7 Title: Suid Afrikaanse Geslagsregisters Volume 7 Author: Heese, JA Geredigeer deur GISA Publication: GISA Stellenbosch 2002 Page: Vol 7, Bls 375 Quality: 3

Abbrev: Janet Mellville, csajam@upe.ac.za Title: Janet Mellville, csajam@upe.ac.za Page: e-mail dated 6 Jun 2000 Quality: 3 Media: Book

Abbrev: De Villiers/Pama Title: GESLAGSREGISTERS VAN DIE OU KAAPSE FAMILIES Author: C.C. de Villiers Revised and expanded by C. Pama Page: p685 Quality: 3

Abbrev: Peltzer File Title: Peltzer File Author: Prof. R.D. Pienaar

Abbrev: Richard Ford.ged Title: Richard Ford.ged

Abbrev: Pretorius.paf Title: Pretorius.paf Author: Dennis Pretorius

Abbrev: Erasmussa.ged Title: Erasmussa.ged

Abbrev: Hein Voorouers.ged Title: Hein Voorouers.ged

Abbrev: Pama II Title: Pama II Author: C. Pama Page: p685 Quality: 3


ID: I008140 Name: Abraham Petrus Peltzer Sex: M Name: Abraham Petrus Pelser Birth: 1721 in Kaapstad, Cape, South Africa Christening: 20 JUL 1721

Father: Abraham Peltzer b: 1695 in Hamburg, Germany Mother: Elizabeth Van den Berg b: 1701 in Kaapstad, Cape, South Africa

Marriage 1 Engela Catharina Zaayman b: 1721 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa c: 11 MAY 1721 Married: 16 JUL 1741 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa


Verwys na die stamvader Abraham Peltzer vir inligting verskaf deur Judi Meyer op 25 NOV 2009.

b2 Abraham

» 20.7.1721, x Engela Catharina Zaalman

Gr - C C de Villiers Vol 2 bygewerk deur Cor Pama

2. Judi Marais-Meyer register - PELSER


Voortrekkerstamouers 1835 - 1845 deur Jan C. VISAGIE. Protea Uitgewers, Pretoria, 2011. Tweede uitgawe, derde druk 2011. ISBN 978-1-86919-372-0.

Bladsy 351

Abraham Johannes PELZER - b2c6d5 * 25/4/1797

Carel Johannes PELZER - b2c4d1e1 ≈ Graaff-Reinet 17/11/1798

Johannes Jacobus PELZER - b2c4d1e4 * 6/12/1806

Petrus Cornelis PELZER - b2c5d3e3 (d4) * 26/12/1811

Petrus Cornelis Jacobus PELZER - b2c4d1e6 * 31/10/1814

Pieter Andries Hendrik PELZER - b2c5d3e4 (d4) * 25/12/1813

Added by Y. DROST, 14 SEP 2015



Dutch_Cape_ColonyCategory:Cape_of_Good_Hope_Project_Needs_Transcription Category:Cape of Good Hope Ready


Birth ===::Date: Abraham Petrus Pelser was born about <ref>Entered by Meyer-2493 | Pieter Meyer, Mar 20, 2013.</ref> 1721 <ref name="text-85">May5, 2013 by Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak.</ref> / [on] 2 Jul 1721<ref name="text-12">Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar.</ref> :: Place: Hamburg, [Germany] <ref name="text-85">May 5, 2013 by Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak.</ref>

Baptism ===:: Date: 20 Jul 1721<ref name="text-12">Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar.</ref><ref name="text-13">Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper.</ref><ref name="text-85">May 5, 2013 by Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak.</ref>:: Place: Kaapstad / Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, [South Africa] <ref name="text-13">Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper.</ref><ref name=ESME/><ref name="text-85">May 5, 2013 by Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak.</ref><ref name=ESME>"South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers, 1660-1970," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VRL9-4FY : accessed 22 October 2015), Abraham Peltzer, 20 Jul 1721, Baptism; citing p. , Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, State Archives, Cape Province; FHL microfilm 2,214,107. Added by Pieterse-13 | Esmé van der Westhuizen, 21 Oct 2015.</ref> / Stellenbosch, Cape, [South Africa] <ref name="text-85">May5, 2013 by Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak.</ref>

Marriage===::Spouse - Zaaiman-18|Engela Catharina Zaaiman<ref name=ESME2>"South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers, 1660-1970," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VFTM-RC3: accessed 22 October 2015), Abraham Pelser and Engela Saayman, 16 Jul 1741, Marriage; citing p. , Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, State Archives, Cape Province; FHL microfilm 2,214,092. Added by Pieterse-13 | Esmé van der Westhuizen, 21 Oct 2015.</ref>

::Date : 16 July 1741<ref name=ESME2/>::Place : Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa<ref name=ESME2/>

Death ===:: Date: 1757<ref name="text-12">Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar.</ref><ref name="text-85">May 5, 2013 by Vermaak-85| Dina Vermaak.</ref>:: Place: Stellenbosch, [South Africa] <ref name="text-12">Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar.</ref>


* WikiTree profile Pelser-20 created through the import of Ancestors_DippenaarAndre_noinfo.GED on Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar. User ID: DFE7DFB8-1C4D-464E-952F-00E96CBC0CCE : Record ID Number: MH:I1600 : UPD 16 SEP 2012 23:08:44 GMT+2

* WikiTree profile Pelser-18 created through the import of wikitree upload.ged on Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper. User ID: F5636E6655CF7549AC7CBAA462090EE7F44D Prior to import, this record was last changed 7 Apr 2010.
* WikiTree profile Pelser-6 created through the import of My Family.Pretorius.Van_Wyk.DeWaal.Potgieter.2011.ged on Sep 19, 2011 by Pretorius-12 | Judy Potgieter.
* WikiTree profile Peltzer-14 through the import of Vermaak Family Site - 05 May 2013.GED on May 5, 2013 by Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak. User ID: 35F09C3A-7D6D-41EE-87C6-9CB71984BB73 : Record ID Number: MH:I1474 : UPD 30 NOV 2008 14:50:27 GMT+2* Source: Author: Ben van Niekerk Title: van Niekerk Web Site Text: MyHeritage.com Page: Abraham Pelser* Source: Author: <unknown> Audrey Title: Audrey Web Site Text: MyHeritage.com Page: Abraham Pelser
<references />

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Abraham Peltzer's Timeline

July 20, 1721
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
July 20, 1721
Cape Town, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa

Getuies: Bernardus BUIJS en Alida VAN DEN BERG.
Bron: Die Geslagsregister van die familie PELSER, PELSTER, PELSZER, PELTSER, PELTZER en PELZER in Suid-Afrika sedert 1708 deur R. DE V. PIENAAR, Stellenbosch, 2004.
Bygelas deur Yolanda SIM, gebore DROST op 17 AUG 2009.

September 10, 1741
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
June 13, 1745
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
December 22, 1754
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
July 3, 1757
Swellendam, Cape Province, South Africa
Vier-en-twintigriviere, South Africa
July 25, 1762
Swartland, South Africa
Age 40
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa