Matching family tree profiles for Abraham d.ä "The Elder" Plagman
Immediate Family
About Abraham d.ä "The Elder" Plagman
1626 - Abraham came to Sweden from Mecklenburg, Germany because he had inherited his cousin Mr Magnus Wulf (who died childless in the service of Oxenstierna).
1634 - Abraham was a barber in Stockholm at the Södermanlands Regiment. He decided to stay in Sweden and joined the army as a barber at Östgöta Kavalleri.
1640 - He became a physician at Östgöta Horse Cavalry.
1645 - A farm called Blästad in S:t Lars congregation Linköping was donated to Abraham as a reward for serving the Swedish Crown “honestly and well” for a long time.
1664 - he was working as a ‘Master’ at the Royal Andra Lifgrenadjärregementet
1667 - 11 December: he received surgeon rights .
Old letters written by Abraham Plagman d. ä. to Mr Oxenstierna existing (in German). Possibly a nephew of Abraham joined him to Sweden; Jacob Plagman (Born 1640, Died 12 July 1716). This is not confirmed. However, after the 30-year war many Germans got important administrative roles in Sweden.
Diverse dokument / skrivelser
Riksarkivets ämnessamlingar. Personhistoria, , SE/RA/756/756.1/P/I/P 17, bildid: A0070053_00128
Abraham d.ä "The Elder" Plagman's Timeline
1600 |
1645 |
1686 |
Age 86
St Lars, Blästad, Linköping, Östergötland
???? |