Geni.com record shows he was born in England....
Abraham Tilton b c 1641, d 28 March 1728 m (1) Mary Cram; (2) Deliverance Littlefield. He was the son of William Tilton & Susanna.
Abraham married Mary Cram 25 Jan 1665/6 in Hampton, NH and the family moved to Kittery, ME soon after. In 1670 the Tiltons removed to Wells where Francis Littlefield Sr (a.k.a. - The Elder) was a Tilton neighbor. Mary released her dower in the 1671/2 deed to Myles Thompson and Israel Hodgsdon, dying within a few years. The first child of Abraham and Deliverance was Sarah, but there is no birth information for her. Their second child was Abigail who was born 1 Apr 1679 in Ipswich, MA.
Deliverance mentions her three step-sons (the children of Mary Cram), calling them "my three sons - Abraham Tilton, Samuel Tilton, & Isaac Tilton" in her will.
A headstone for Abraham was noted as existing at this cemetery by Walter Davis in his book The Ancestry of Phebe Tilton, sometime prior to the 1940s. The inscription on the headstone was recorded in that book. However, the headstone has since disappeared. According to the history of the Tilton family written by Francis Tilton, the cemetery is situated on land formerly owned by Abraham Tilton.
Abraham Tilton
From "The Hammatt Papers" by Abraham Hammatt 1854, The Early Inhabitants of Ipswich:
"When the meeting house was completed in 1700, the committee appointed for that purpose assigned to Mr. Abraham Tilton, Sen'r, and Abraham Tilton, Jun'r, ye 1st pew on ye east of ye pulpit for their wives and families; a passage to be allowed thro sd pew to Mr. Wardwell's pew.
To Mr. Tilton, Sen'r, was appointed a place on ye first of ye short seats, near the pulpit, among the most elderly men."
Jun 11, 2010 - Explore genealogy for Abraham Tilton Sr born 1638 Lynn, Essex, ... Tilton Jr B: ABT 1666 - Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts D: 7 Jan 1756 - Ipswich ...
Abraham was a carpenter and millwright. He was apprenticed to John Hoodweaver of Lynn December 5, 1653. At Kittery 1669, Wells 1671. Freeman 1681. He set up family life in Maine. For more on Abraham and his descendants, see the work by John H. Tilton of Australia, The Australian Tilton Family and its American Origins, which can be found at the Lynn Historical Society.
1639 |
August 8, 1639
Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts, British Colonial America
1666 |
Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts, British Colonial America
1668 |
Hampden, Hampden Co, Massachusettes
1670 |
Hampden, Hampden Co, Massachusettes
1672 |
Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
1677 |
Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
1679 |
April 1, 1679
Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America