This information is according to the Wikipedia page on Ukrainian Rulers:
The Amali dynasty, Amals, Amaler, or Amalings of the Greuthungi ("steppe dwellers" or "people of the pebbly coasts"), called later the Ostrogothi.
Achiulf (Agiulf), born fl. 270 or ca. 273 in Ukraine
(No source listed.)
The only thing that Jordanes writes of him is contained in chapters 79-81 of Getica:
(79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal. Athal begat Achiulf and Oduulf. Now Achiulf begat Ansila and Ediulf, Vultuulf and Hermanaric. And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius;
(80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship.
(81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary Kings:
ATHAL (Ostrogoth Generation 8)
ACHIULF (Ostrogoth Generation 9)
Iordanes names "Achiulf et Oduulf" as the sons of Athal[32].
(At least four sons in Ostrogoth Generation 10)
a) ANSILA . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[33].
b) EDIULF . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[34].
c) VULTWULF . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[35].
d) HERMENRICH . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[39].
[32] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[33] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[34] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[35] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[39] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
From the Dutch Wikipedia page on Achiulf:
Achiulf was koning van het vroege Ostrogotische rijk. Hij was de opvolger van Athanerik. Tijdens zijn regeerperiode werden de omringende volken Sarmaten, Scythen en Gepiden door de Ostrogoten verslagen en schatplichtig gemaakt. Achiulf werd omstreeks 350 opgevolgd door Ermanerik.
In English:
Achiulf was a king of the early Ostrogothic Kingdom. He was the successor to Athanerik (Athal?). During his reign, the surrounding nations of the Sarmatians, Scythians, and Gepids were subjugated by the Ostrogoths. Achiulf was succeeded in around 350 by Ermanerik (Airmanareiks).
Hermann Schreiber; de Goten: vorsten en vazallen (1979)
Ben M. Angel notes: This contradicts the primary source of Jordanes' Getica, which states in Chapters 112-116 that Geberich had preceded Airmanareiks. In Chapter 112, Jordanes names Ariaric as Geberich's predecessor. Both were members of the Balti Dynasty, rather than the Amal Dynasty. Jordanes seems pretty clear in identifying Achiulf as merely the family leader of the Amal and father of Airmanareiks and his three brothers, not the King of the Goths.
From "Cassiodorus, Jordanes and the history of the Goths: studies in a migration myth" by Arne Søby Christensen, pg. 132 - :
Of course, the editing per se does not necessarily undermine the historical value of the names that do appear, provided they build on an authentic Gothic tradition. We have no way of directly verifying the oldest ancestors in the genealogy (that is, the first nine generations from Gapt to Achiulf and Oduulf) since, due to the nature of the genealogy, they are not found elsewhere in the literature.[24] One might obviously form hypotheses regarding the names given. One option would be to amend, as J.Grimm did, the name Gapt to Gaut, thereby having the Goths descend from some Northern deity.[25] Another option would be to believe that Hulmul and Saxo's Humble are identical, thereby linking the Danish royal genealogy to that of Jordanes and the Goths.[26] Yet another would be to determine that Hisarnis was Celtic, thereby demonstrating that the Goths were linked to the Celts for a time.[27] When and where this is supposed to have happened remains unclear, for not even Jordanes mentions anything of this nature. There are at least two prerequisites on which such claims must be based: firstly that Jordanes and Cassiodorus built their work on an authentic Gothic tradition containing genuine names that can be traced back in time to their ostensible Nordic origins, and secondly that an unbroken and unadulterated oral tradition featuring Humble or some similar figure had survived in the Nordic region down through the millennia - independently of Jordanes and the Getica, of course. As noted earlier, this can be neither confirmed nor refuted, but according to Jordanes' own chronology, in which he links the origin of the Ansis concept to the age of Domitian, it has nothing to do with the Nordic region.
Consequently, the early part of the genealogy will not be discussed further. On the other hand, it is possible to investigate the later generations in the Amal genealogy in order to determine whether they are part of an authentic Gothic tradition. If they are not, then at least that may prepare us to lose what faith we have had in the older parts of the genealogy.[28]
(Section follows that says that the names from Theoderic to Germanus are confirmable by contemporary sources.)
The names from Achiulf to Theoderic the Great
The portion of the genealogy stretching from Achiulf to Theoderic is quite a different matter. Here we enter an era during which, admittedly, we cannot always expect to find the names reoccuring in the Graeco-Roman sources, thereby gaining verification, but during which we are in fact dealing with individuals who are the father, paternal uncles, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so on of Theoderic the Great, and similarly the father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so on of his son-in-law Eutharic. This should really leave no doubt whatsoever that all of these poeple were authentic Goths. Examining Athalric's immediate ancestors, they must also have been Gothic kings if his immodest statement that he had 17 generations of royal ancestry was to be true. In his case, he could of course be thinking of kings from both the Vultuulf branch and the Ermanaric branch of the family. As noted earlier, it would have been exceptional if the Amal dynasty had been capable of monopolizing royal pre-eminence for so long. And Cassiodorus did have Athalaric say that Cassiodorus himself had brought them out of oblivion, which must, by inference, have meant that the Goths could not quite remember them all. Here, however, we are investigating the more recent kings, and it must be reasonable to assume that the Goths who were Theoderic's contemporaries would at least know the names of their latest rulers, even though the time span involved was just over a century. The fact that these kings all came from the same family would undoubtedly make things easier.
Even when at this early stage we can initially conclude that neither Achiulf, Vultuulf, or Valaravans, nor for that matter Beremund or Veteric, are later mentioned as kings (Ben M. Angel notes: actually, Veteric is named as a king, but in exile). The royal succession according to the Getica runs as follows: Geberich (who does not even appear in the genealogy and therefore can hardly be an Amal - Ben M. Angel notes: he wasn't - he was a Balti), Ermanaric, Vinitharius, Hunimund, Thorismund, and then a 40-year interregnum, followed by the brothers Valamer, Thiudimer, and Vidimer. Vandalarius is not mentioned as a king either, but only as the father of the three last-mentioned kings [29] - but note that this man was also the grandfather of Theoderic. Should he not have been described as (a great) king? Otherwise it would seem that Athalaric's claim to royal fame must necessarily cover both branches of the family if we are to get anywhere near the 17 generations. On the other hand, we can also establish that Cassiodorus' description of Hunimund and Thorismund as ancestors of Amalasuentha, whose virtues were likened to theirs, is not strictly correct either, since they are ancestors only to Eutharic. They could have been used to promote him, and they are a necessary element if Athalaric's statement is to be believed. Hence it is more surprising that these two have been emphasized in the "king-list" in Cassiodorus' speech than that Ermanaric is not emphasized, even though scholars have expended much time and provided many ingenious pretexts to explain this fact. Be that as it may, Ermanaric is not a direct ancestor of Amalsuentha, nor is Valamer, even though he is also mentioned in the "king-list."[30]
24. See for instance R. Wenskus (1973): 247: 'Zweifellos gehören die ersten Glieder der Stammreihe in den Bereich des Mythus'.
25. H. Wolfram (1988): 31: "The Ansis stand for the divine descent of the Amal clan. Their genealogy begins with Gaut, the Scandinavian god of war and ancestor of many peoples. His son is Humli-Humul, the divine founding father of the Danes." - This theory was introduced by J. Grimm (1848): 774 - Cf. M. Schönfeld (1911): 103, s.v. Gapt - K. Müllenhoff (1882): 243, s.v. Gapt, however, refuses to believe that a Gothic "u" should have been mistaken for a Gothic "p" as no other examples of this are known. - see also the seminal criticism of this identification in W. Goffart (1995): 18.
26. Saxo GD. I 1. 1: 'Dan igitur et Angul, a quibus Danorum coepit origo, patre Humblo procreati non solum conditores gentis nostrae, verum etiam rectores fuere." In other words Dan and Angel, the sons of Humble, from which the Danes originated, are not the founders of this people, but also their leaders.
27. Cf. for instance H. Wolfram (1988): 31.
28. Cf. P. Heather (1989): 108: "A priory, therefore, such smooth successions are likely to be fiction."
29. Jordanes Getica XLVIII. 252.
30. Cassiodorus, Var. XI 1. 19. - For a discussion of these issues, see later in this chapter and in chapter 6.
Events during Achiulf's possible lifetime (ranging 273 to 350) that might have affected the Goths:
269: Late in the year, Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus (renowned for having routed a major Goth army) arrives in Sirmium (present Sremska Mitrovica in the Vojvodina region of Serbia) in preparation for an attack against the Vandals. Before it can start, the Emperor catches the Plague of Cyprian (likely smallpox) and dies early in the following year. His brother, Quintillus, rules for only days before he too was dead and replaced by Lucius Domitus Aurelianus (Emperor Aurelian).
270: Aurelian is proclaimed Emperor at Sirmium in September by the Roman Legions there, likely after arranging for Quintillus' death. He immediately carries out a campaign to expel the Vandals, Juthungi, and Sarmatians in northern Italy, and earns the title of Germanicus Maximus. Several usurpers attempt to seize power.
271: The Alamanni raid the Po River valley and occupy Placentia. With some initial difficulties, Aurelian drives them out of Italy. He then returns to the Balkans and attacks the Thervingi Goths, killing military leader Cannabaudes. This earns the Roman Emperor the title of Gothicus Maximus. Nonetheless, he carries out a strategic withdrawal of all Romans from Dacia, abandoning the province to the Thervingi and allied tribes. He organizes Moesia into a new province called Dacia Repensis, establishing Serdica as the capital.
272: Aurelian carries out a campaign against Queen Zenobia and the breakaway Palmyrene Empire (present Syria, Palestine/Israel, Egypt, and southeastern Turkey) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Queen Zenobia was captured and paraded onto the Roman streets as a captive. For this, he became known as the Restitutor Orientis.
273: Achiulf is supposedly born in Scythia, the son of Athal "The Mild", as emperor Aurelian defeats the Carpi in Dacia, earning the title Carpicus Maximus. Many Carpi prisoners, evacuated with Roman troops from Dacia (Roman citizens had likely evacuated long before this), are settled into Pannonia near present Pecs, Hungary. Nonetheless, the Carpi, also called "Free Dacians" remained a functioning entity that perhaps dominated much of evacuated Dacia (albeit under Goth protection).
274: Aurelian defeats the breakaway Gallic Empire, earning the title Restitutor Orbis. His "restoration of the world" adds 200 years to the life of the Roman Empire.
275: Aurelian is murdered at Caenophrurium (present Corlu, Turkey) by a conspiracy of high-ranking officers that appeared likely to face punishment (urged on by Zosimus, his secretary).
276: In the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea) Rhescuporis V's son Synges, his co-ruler, dies. The aging king brings his next eldest son Teiranes to the throne before he himself passes away. Teiranes tries to co-rule with his eldest son Sauromates IV, but his son dies before the end of the year. All that is known of Teiranes' reign is that his coinage contained a copper-based alloy not previously found in bronze and silver coins of the realm.
277: Emperor Probus, who came to succession after a brief term by Tacitus, carried out a new attack against the Thervingi Goths on the lower Danube River, defeating them. He was given the title of Gothicus. A year later, after defeating the Franks and Burgundians invading Gaul, he inflates this to Gothicus Maximus, to go along with his new title Germanicus Maximus.
278: King Teiranes of the Bosporan Kingdom crowns his son Theothorses as co-ruler.
279: In the Bosporan Kingdom, King Teiranes dies, leaving Theothorses as the sole ruler. The only thing that is known about Theothorses' reign is that his coins contained large amounts of lead in them (his sons would be the last to rule the Bosporan Kingdom). In Illyricum within the Roman Empire, Emperor Probus defeats a Vandal invasion.
282: After Emperor Probus leaves Rome to carry out a new campaign in the east, Senator and Praetorian Guard Prefect Marcus Aurelius Carus carries out a coup. When Probus sends troops to put it down, they change sides. Upon news of this mass defection reaching his headquarters in Sirmium in October, his remaining soldiers turn on him and kill him.
283: Shortly after seizing power, Emperor Carus marches eastward and carries out an attack against the Quadi and Sarmatians on the Danube River before continuing on to Asia Minor and the Persian Sassanid Empire. While there, in August, Carus is found dead after a lightning storm. His son Numerian and his brother Carinus (who had gone west) rush back to Rome to reestablish their authority.
284: Carinus returned quickly to Rome, but Numerian hardly made it to Bithynia near the Sea of Marmara when he was found dead in his carriage. Diocletian is chosen to succeed him. the new Emperor's first task was to secure the border and to purge the empire of all threats to his power - he establishes a Tetrarchy to better organize his control. At the same time, Aurelius Julianus takes possession of northern Italy and Pannonia, at least until Carinus overruns his capital of Siscia (present Sisak, Croatia).
285. In Spring, Emperor Diocletian meets with armies sent by Carinus in Moesia near present Belgrade. Carinus is killed by his own men, who turn on him during the Battle of Margus. Following this, Diocletian turns north and attacks the Quadi and Marcomanni on the Danube River. After a brief visit to Rome, the Emperor returns to meet with the Sarmatians in November near present Ptuj,Slovenia. The Sarmatians demand assistance in recovering lands lost to them within the Empire, to which Diocletian refused. Instead, he drove them off.
291: The Thervingi are described by Claudius Mermentinus as "another division of the Goths" who joined with the Taifali in a tribal confederation to attack the Vandals and Gepidae Goths (then under King Fastida).
296: Constantine carries out a campaign against barbarians on the Danube before switching eastward against the Persians the following year.
297: Diocletian crushes the Carpi in their 13 year long war in Dacia, effectively removing them as a threat to the Empire. Except for a handful of refugees, the tribe is deported into Roman territory. Some may have been integrated into the Gothic Empire
299. Emperor Diocletian's haruspices (fortune tellers) claim that they cannot predict the future because of the presence of Christians in the Roman Royal House. Driven on by Galerius, the Emperor demands a sacrifice be made by all members of his household, and a purge of any Christian living there.
303: The Wikipedia page author for Ukrainian rulers estimates that Airmanareiks was born this year. One of his first conquests, Tiberius Julius Rhescuporis VI, is crowned co-ruler of the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea) by his father, King Theothorses. In November, Diocletian begins the last great Roman persecution of Christians after attacking the Manicheans.
305: After becoming deathly ill, Diocletian leaves office, becoming the first to voluntarily retire. He settles at his palace on the Dalmatian coast (present Split) where he spends the last six years of his life tending his garden. Galerius continues the fight against the Persians and persecutions of Christians during this same time period, effectively leaving the Goths to their own devices.
309: King Theothorses of the Bosporan Kingdom dies, leaving Rhescuporis VI as sole king. Not long after, Rhadamsades is crowned as his father's replacement as co-ruler, alongside Rhescuporis VI.
310: Licinius carries out a major campaign against the Sarmatians, defeating them.
311: The Christian cross is reported to have been first seen in Gothic Crimea. In the Roman Empire, Galerius dies of what was likely bowel cancer. Licinius carries out a 2-year war of succession against rival Daia and Constantine in order to secure the Empire for himself.
312: During the lull in Roman action against the barbarians, Constantine begins construction of a series of walls across the Pannonian plains and around "Free Dacia" that are later called "Devil's Dykes". This system of walls will take the remaining 25 years of Constantine's life to complete.
316: Constantine defeats Licinius in a Balkan-based contest for supremacy in the Roman Empire resulting in a division of rule between the two Emperors.
318: Licinius attacks the Sarmatians. During the attack, likely the Carpi tribe is transferred from Dacia into Pannonia and integrated into the Empire.
323: In the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea), co-ruler Rhadamsades dies, leaving his older brother Rhescuporis VI as the last Bosporan King. In the Balkans, after Constantine twice enters Licinius' territory to pursue first the Sarmatians, then the Thervingi Goths in Thrace, Licinius complains that Constantine had broken the treaty between them. Constantine immediately prepares for war.
324: After sinking Licinius' fleet, Constantine declares war on his rival. Licinius is backed by a contingent of Thervingi Goth mercenaries. By September he defeats his western rival, and has him executed the following year. This ends the domination of Rome in the Empire as Emperor Constantine begins work on a New Rome of Constantinople upon the site of the city of Byzantium.
325: The Council of Nicaea is held, during which, the Nicene Creed is agreed upon (establishing the Catholic Church in its modern form, and setting apart the Arian Church from the Catholics as a consequence). Among the participants is a bishop named Theophilas Gothiae.
328: Constantine conquers Oltenia, and resettles a large number of Taifi from the Goth protectorate of Dacia into Phrygia on Asia Minor.
330: The ancient Bosporan city of Tanais (near present Azov at the mouth of the Don River on what was then called Lake Maeotis - the present Sea of Azov) is destroyed by the Greuthungi Goths (possibly an early conquest of Airmanareiks?).
332: After rebuilding Trajan's Bridge, Constantine carries out a campaign against the Thervingi Goths in Dacia. Weather and famine (as well as an attack to the rear from their longtime enemies, the Gepidae, either along the Maros River at Arad, or from the direction of the Szamos and Kraszna rivers) wear down the barbarians, killing off 100,000 of them before the Thervingi surrendered to Constantine's son, Flavius Claudius Constantius.
334: After the Sarmatian people overthrew their leadership, the Romans under Constantine carry out a campaign against the Sarmatian rebels, effectively annexing their region. After two years, Constatine takes on the title of Dacicus Maximus.
336: The Taifi revolt in Oltenia and it takes four Roman generals to put down the insurrection.
337: After receiving a Christian baptism, Emperor Constantine the Great dies during Pentecost 337 (May 22). His elder son Constantine II (Flavius Claudius Constantius) succeeds him, while his younger son Constans defends the Empire against a Sarmatian invasion in August following their father's death.
340: Ufilas, a Goth or half-Goth (he was the grandson of a female Christian captive from Sadagolthina in Cappadocia), is ordained as bishop of the Goths by Eusebius at Nicomedia (the man who baptized Constantine, and would later be instrumental in promoting Arianism within the Roman Empire - it would take decades before Catholicism could overcome its rival) and sent back to his homeland. In the Roman Empire, Constantine II, jealous of the gains in lands that his younger brother Constans had obtained, provoked a war against him. Constance had to return from Dacia to Italy, where he trapped his brother at Aquileia and killed him.
341: In the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea), the last known coins are minted by the ancient Greek kingdom (still described as a Roman client state, though the Romans had long since abandoned their defense of it) as Emperor Constans institutes a ban against pagan sacrifices and suppresses African Donatism,
342: According to the Wikipedia page on Rhescuporis VI, the Bosporan Kingdom came to an end with the invasion of "King" Airmanareiks of the Goths. Other sources say that the kingdom fell to the Huns (who would not be in the region for another three decades). It is possible that (1) Airmanareiks was crowned before 342, (2) Airmanareiks established his own kingdom on the ruins of the state, and then was elected to be King of the Goths afterward, (3) another people conquered them, (4) later coins exist but have not yet been found, or (5) they simply stopped minting coins for some unknown reason not related to conquest.
343. Emperor Constans, after the failure of the Council of Sardica to resolve the Catholic-Arianism dispute, supported the Nicene Orthodoxy against Arianism, championed by his younger brother Constantius.
346. Constans and Constantius nearly go to war over the Catholic-Arianism conflict, but decide instead to allow each other to suport their own priests within their own spheres of influence.
348: After running into difficulties with the Thervingi chief Athanaric, Arian Christian Bishop Ulfilas flees with his followers from the lands of the Goths and resettles under Roman protection in Moesia (present northern Bulgaria). Over the next few decades, he translates the Bible into Gothic. (Likely, Arian Christianity didn't really take hold among the Goths until Airmanareiks' generation or later.)
350: After becoming more openly homosexual, Emperor Constans alienates his legions, allowing general Magnentius to declare himself Emperor at Augustodunum. Constans fled, but was cornered in the Pyrenees and killed. Soon after, Constantius emerges supreme.
children :
1. Ansila;
2. Ediulf;
3. Vuftwulf (A-06);
4. Hermanaric (A-05a);
•Father: Athal, King Of The OSTROGOTHS
•Birth: 0258
•Partnership with: (Unknown)
?Child: Vudulf Of The OSTROGOTHS Birth: 0287, Ukraine,Hun Empire,,
Ancestors of King ACHIULF
/-Hunuil, King Of The OSTROGOTHS
/-Athal, King Of The OSTROGOTHS
Descendants of King ACHIULF
2 Vudulf Of The OSTROGOTHS
3 Valavarans Of The OSTROGOTHS
4 Vinithar King Of The OSTROGOTHS
XIV (79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal.
Athal begat ACHIULF and Oduulf.
Now ACHIULF begat Ansila and Ediulf,
Vultuulf and Hermanaric
And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and
Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius; (80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship. (81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud. Now Thorismud begat Beremud, Beremud begat Veteric, and Veteric likewise begat Eutharic, who married Amalasuentha and begat Athalaric and Mathesuentha. Athalaric died in the years of his childhood, and Mathesuentha married Vitiges, to whom she bore no child. Both of them were taken together by Belisarius to Constantinople. When Vitiges passed from human affairs, Germanus the patrician, a cousin of the Emperor Justinian, took Mathesuentha in marriage and made her a Patrician Ordinary. And of her he begat a son, also called Germanus. But upon the death of Germanus, she determined to remain a widow. Now how and in what wise the kingdom of the Amali was overthrown we shall keep to tell in its proper place, if the Lord help us.
1. Achiulf King of Ostrogoths was born 0265, and died 0330.
Child of Achiulf King of Ostrogoths is:
+ 2 i. Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths was born 0290 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 2
2. Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths (Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0290 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Child of Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths is:
+ 3 i. Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths was born 0316 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 3
3. Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths (Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0316 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Child of Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths is:
+ 4 i. Vinithar King of Ostrogoths was born 0345 in Hun Empire, Ukraine, and died 0420.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 4
4. Vinithar King of Ostrogoths (Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths3, Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0345 in Hun Empire, Ukraine, and died 0420.
Child of Vinithar King of Ostrogoths is:
+ 5 i. Wedelphus King of Thuringians was born 0378 in Thuringen, Germany , and died Aug 0408.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 5
5. Wedelphus King of Thuringians (Vinithar King of Ostrogoths4, Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths3, Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0378 in Thuringen, Germany , and died Aug 0408.
Children of Wedelphus King of Thuringians are:
6 i. Wedelphe of Saxe was born ABT 0402 in Sachen-Anhalt, Germany. was born ABT 0402 in Sachen-Anhalt, Germany. She married Chief Clodoweg de Franks ABT 0421. He was born ABT 0400 in France.
+ 7 ii. Basinus von Thuringia was born ABT 0400 in Thuringen, Germany .
Descendant Register, Generation No. 6
7. Basinus von Thuringia (Wedelphus King of Thuringians5, Vinithar King of Ostrogoths4, Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths3, Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born ABT 0400 in Thuringen, Germany .
Child of Basinus von Thuringia is:
+ 9 i. Basina von Thuringia was born ABT 0439 in Thuringen, Germany . married Childeric I Meroving King of Franks
Athal was born in 0220. Athal's father was Hunuil and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Ostrogotha and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 220
P: Southern Scandinavia
General Notes
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Goths which formed the two tribes of the Visigoths & the Ostrogoths, came (legend says by boat) from Southern Scandinavia south to what is now the Ukraine in the latter half of the 2nd century
Hunuil was born in 0200. Hunuil's father was Ostrogotha and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hisarna and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 200
P: Southern Scandinavia
Ostrogotha was born in 0180. Ostrogotha's father was Hisarna and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Amal and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 180
P: Southern Scandnavia
Hisarna was born in 0160. Hisarna's father was Amal and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Augis and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 160
P: Southern Scandinavia
Amal was born in 0140. Amal's father was Augis and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hulmul and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 140
P: Southern Scandinavia
Augis was born in 0115. Augis' father was Hulmul and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Geata or Jat and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 115
Hulmul was born in 0085. Hulmul's father was Geata or Jat and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Taetwa (Tecti) and <Unknown>. He had a brother named Godwulf (Gudolfr). He was the older of the two children.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 85
P: Asgard, Asia
Geata or Jat
Geata or Jat was born in 0065.1 Geata or Jat's father was Taetwa (Tecti) and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Taetwa (Tecti)
Taetwa (Tecti) was born in 0040. Taetwa (Tecti)'s father was Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Sceldw (Skjold) and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa
Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa was born in 0015. Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa's father was Sceldw (Skjold) and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Sceaf and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Sceldw (Skjold)
Birth Notes
Birth: Abt. 10 B.C.
Sceldw (Skjold)'s father was Sceaf and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Heremode and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Birth Notes
Birth: Abt. 30 B.C.
Heremode's father was Itermon or Itormann and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hathra (Athra) and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Itermon or Itormann
Birth Notes
Birth: Abt. 50 B.C.
Itermon or Itormann's father was Hathra (Athra) and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hwala and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
it continues on furthur back
The Amali dynasty, Amals, Amaler, or Amalings of the Greuthungi ("steppe dwellers" or "people of the pebbly coasts"), called later the Ostrogothi.
Achiulf (Agiulf), born fl. 270 or ca. 273 in Ukraine
(No source listed.)
The only thing that Jordanes writes of him is contained in chapters 79-81 of Getica:
(79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal. Athal begat Achiulf and Oduulf. Now Achiulf begat Ansila and Ediulf, Vultuulf and Hermanaric. And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius;
(80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship.
(81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary Kings:
ATHAL (Ostrogoth Generation 8)
ACHIULF (Ostrogoth Generation 9)
Iordanes names "Achiulf et Oduulf" as the sons of Athal[32].
(At least four sons in Ostrogoth Generation 10)
a) ANSILA . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[33].
b) EDIULF . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[34].
c) VULTWULF . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[35].
d) HERMENRICH . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[39].
[32] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[33] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[34] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[35] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[39] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
From the Dutch Wikipedia page on Achiulf:
Achiulf was koning van het vroege Ostrogotische rijk. Hij was de opvolger van Athanerik. Tijdens zijn regeerperiode werden de omringende volken Sarmaten, Scythen en Gepiden door de Ostrogoten verslagen en schatplichtig gemaakt. Achiulf werd omstreeks 350 opgevolgd door Ermanerik.
In English:
Achiulf was a king of the early Ostrogothic Kingdom. He was the successor to Athanerik (Athal?). During his reign, the surrounding nations of the Sarmatians, Scythians, and Gepids were subjugated by the Ostrogoths. Achiulf was succeeded in around 350 by Ermanerik (Airmanareiks).
Hermann Schreiber; de Goten: vorsten en vazallen (1979)
Ben M. Angel notes: This contradicts the primary source of Jordanes' Getica, which states in Chapters 112-116 that Geberich had preceded Airmanareiks. In Chapter 112, Jordanes names Ariaric as Geberich's predecessor. Both were members of the Balti Dynasty, rather than the Amal Dynasty. Jordanes seems pretty clear in identifying Achiulf as merely the family leader of the Amal and father of Airmanareiks and his three brothers, not the King of the Goths.
From "Cassiodorus, Jordanes and the history of the Goths: studies in a migration myth" by Arne Søby Christensen, pg. 132 - :
Of course, the editing per se does not necessarily undermine the historical value of the names that do appear, provided they build on an authentic Gothic tradition. We have no way of directly verifying the oldest ancestors in the genealogy (that is, the first nine generations from Gapt to Achiulf and Oduulf) since, due to the nature of the genealogy, they are not found elsewhere in the literature.[24] One might obviously form hypotheses regarding the names given. One option would be to amend, as J.Grimm did, the name Gapt to Gaut, thereby having the Goths descend from some Northern deity.[25] Another option would be to believe that Hulmul and Saxo's Humble are identical, thereby linking the Danish royal genealogy to that of Jordanes and the Goths.[26] Yet another would be to determine that Hisarnis was Celtic, thereby demonstrating that the Goths were linked to the Celts for a time.[27] When and where this is supposed to have happened remains unclear, for not even Jordanes mentions anything of this nature. There are at least two prerequisites on which such claims must be based: firstly that Jordanes and Cassiodorus built their work on an authentic Gothic tradition containing genuine names that can be traced back in time to their ostensible Nordic origins, and secondly that an unbroken and unadulterated oral tradition featuring Humble or some similar figure had survived in the Nordic region down through the millennia - independently of Jordanes and the Getica, of course. As noted earlier, this can be neither confirmed nor refuted, but according to Jordanes' own chronology, in which he links the origin of the Ansis concept to the age of Domitian, it has nothing to do with the Nordic region.
Consequently, the early part of the genealogy will not be discussed further. On the other hand, it is possible to investigate the later generations in the Amal genealogy in order to determine whether they are part of an authentic Gothic tradition. If they are not, then at least that may prepare us to lose what faith we have had in the older parts of the genealogy.[28]
(Section follows that says that the names from Theoderic to Germanus are confirmable by contemporary sources.)
The names from Achiulf to Theoderic the Great
The portion of the genealogy stretching from Achiulf to Theoderic is quite a different matter. Here we enter an era during which, admittedly, we cannot always expect to find the names reoccuring in the Graeco-Roman sources, thereby gaining verification, but during which we are in fact dealing with individuals who are the father, paternal uncles, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so on of Theoderic the Great, and similarly the father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so on of his son-in-law Eutharic. This should really leave no doubt whatsoever that all of these poeple were authentic Goths. Examining Athalric's immediate ancestors, they must also have been Gothic kings if his immodest statement that he had 17 generations of royal ancestry was to be true. In his case, he could of course be thinking of kings from both the Vultuulf branch and the Ermanaric branch of the family. As noted earlier, it would have been exceptional if the Amal dynasty had been capable of monopolizing royal pre-eminence for so long. And Cassiodorus did have Athalaric say that Cassiodorus himself had brought them out of oblivion, which must, by inference, have meant that the Goths could not quite remember them all. Here, however, we are investigating the more recent kings, and it must be reasonable to assume that the Goths who were Theoderic's contemporaries would at least know the names of their latest rulers, even though the time span involved was just over a century. The fact that these kings all came from the same family would undoubtedly make things easier.
Even when at this early stage we can initially conclude that neither Achiulf, Vultuulf, or Valaravans, nor for that matter Beremund or Veteric, are later mentioned as kings (Ben M. Angel notes: actually, Veteric is named as a king, but in exile). The royal succession according to the Getica runs as follows: Geberich (who does not even appear in the genealogy and therefore can hardly be an Amal - Ben M. Angel notes: he wasn't - he was a Balti), Ermanaric, Vinitharius, Hunimund, Thorismund, and then a 40-year interregnum, followed by the brothers Valamer, Thiudimer, and Vidimer. Vandalarius is not mentioned as a king either, but only as the father of the three last-mentioned kings [29] - but note that this man was also the grandfather of Theoderic. Should he not have been described as (a great) king? Otherwise it would seem that Athalaric's claim to royal fame must necessarily cover both branches of the family if we are to get anywhere near the 17 generations. On the other hand, we can also establish that Cassiodorus' description of Hunimund and Thorismund as ancestors of Amalasuentha, whose virtues were likened to theirs, is not strictly correct either, since they are ancestors only to Eutharic. They could have been used to promote him, and they are a necessary element if Athalaric's statement is to be believed. Hence it is more surprising that these two have been emphasized in the "king-list" in Cassiodorus' speech than that Ermanaric is not emphasized, even though scholars have expended much time and provided many ingenious pretexts to explain this fact. Be that as it may, Ermanaric is not a direct ancestor of Amalsuentha, nor is Valamer, even though he is also mentioned in the "king-list."[30]
24. See for instance R. Wenskus (1973): 247: 'Zweifellos gehören die ersten Glieder der Stammreihe in den Bereich des Mythus'.
25. H. Wolfram (1988): 31: "The Ansis stand for the divine descent of the Amal clan. Their genealogy begins with Gaut, the Scandinavian god of war and ancestor of many peoples. His son is Humli-Humul, the divine founding father of the Danes." - This theory was introduced by J. Grimm (1848): 774 - Cf. M. Schönfeld (1911): 103, s.v. Gapt - K. Müllenhoff (1882): 243, s.v. Gapt, however, refuses to believe that a Gothic "u" should have been mistaken for a Gothic "p" as no other examples of this are known. - see also the seminal criticism of this identification in W. Goffart (1995): 18.
26. Saxo GD. I 1. 1: 'Dan igitur et Angul, a quibus Danorum coepit origo, patre Humblo procreati non solum conditores gentis nostrae, verum etiam rectores fuere." In other words Dan and Angel, the sons of Humble, from which the Danes originated, are not the founders of this people, but also their leaders.
27. Cf. for instance H. Wolfram (1988): 31.
28. Cf. P. Heather (1989): 108: "A priory, therefore, such smooth successions are likely to be fiction."
29. Jordanes Getica XLVIII. 252.
30. Cassiodorus, Var. XI 1. 19. - For a discussion of these issues, see later in this chapter and in chapter 6.
Events during Achiulf's possible lifetime (ranging 273 to 350) that might have affected the Goths:
269: Late in the year, Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus (renowned for having routed a major Goth army) arrives in Sirmium (present Sremska Mitrovica in the Vojvodina region of Serbia) in preparation for an attack against the Vandals. Before it can start, the Emperor catches the Plague of Cyprian (likely smallpox) and dies early in the following year. His brother, Quintillus, rules for only days before he too was dead and replaced by Lucius Domitus Aurelianus (Emperor Aurelian).
270: Aurelian is proclaimed Emperor at Sirmium in September by the Roman Legions there, likely after arranging for Quintillus' death. He immediately carries out a campaign to expel the Vandals, Juthungi, and Sarmatians in northern Italy, and earns the title of Germanicus Maximus. Several usurpers attempt to seize power.
271: The Alamanni raid the Po River valley and occupy Placentia. With some initial difficulties, Aurelian drives them out of Italy. He then returns to the Balkans and attacks the Thervingi Goths, killing military leader Cannabaudes. This earns the Roman Emperor the title of Gothicus Maximus. Nonetheless, he carries out a strategic withdrawal of all Romans from Dacia, abandoning the province to the Thervingi and allied tribes. He organizes Moesia into a new province called Dacia Repensis, establishing Serdica as the capital.
272: Aurelian carries out a campaign against Queen Zenobia and the breakaway Palmyrene Empire (present Syria, Palestine/Israel, Egypt, and southeastern Turkey) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Queen Zenobia was captured and paraded onto the Roman streets as a captive. For this, he became known as the Restitutor Orientis.
273: Achiulf is supposedly born in Scythia, the son of Athal "The Mild", as emperor Aurelian defeats the Carpi in Dacia, earning the title Carpicus Maximus. Many Carpi prisoners, evacuated with Roman troops from Dacia (Roman citizens had likely evacuated long before this), are settled into Pannonia near present Pecs, Hungary. Nonetheless, the Carpi, also called "Free Dacians" remained a functioning entity that perhaps dominated much of evacuated Dacia (albeit under Goth protection).
274: Aurelian defeats the breakaway Gallic Empire, earning the title Restitutor Orbis. His "restoration of the world" adds 200 years to the life of the Roman Empire.
275: Aurelian is murdered at Caenophrurium (present Corlu, Turkey) by a conspiracy of high-ranking officers that appeared likely to face punishment (urged on by Zosimus, his secretary).
276: In the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea) Rhescuporis V's son Synges, his co-ruler, dies. The aging king brings his next eldest son Teiranes to the throne before he himself passes away. Teiranes tries to co-rule with his eldest son Sauromates IV, but his son dies before the end of the year. All that is known of Teiranes' reign is that his coinage contained a copper-based alloy not previously found in bronze and silver coins of the realm.
277: Emperor Probus, who came to succession after a brief term by Tacitus, carried out a new attack against the Thervingi Goths on the lower Danube River, defeating them. He was given the title of Gothicus. A year later, after defeating the Franks and Burgundians invading Gaul, he inflates this to Gothicus Maximus, to go along with his new title Germanicus Maximus.
278: King Teiranes of the Bosporan Kingdom crowns his son Theothorses as co-ruler.
279: In the Bosporan Kingdom, King Teiranes dies, leaving Theothorses as the sole ruler. The only thing that is known about Theothorses' reign is that his coins contained large amounts of lead in them (his sons would be the last to rule the Bosporan Kingdom). In Illyricum within the Roman Empire, Emperor Probus defeats a Vandal invasion.
282: After Emperor Probus leaves Rome to carry out a new campaign in the east, Senator and Praetorian Guard Prefect Marcus Aurelius Carus carries out a coup. When Probus sends troops to put it down, they change sides. Upon news of this mass defection reaching his headquarters in Sirmium in October, his remaining soldiers turn on him and kill him.
283: Shortly after seizing power, Emperor Carus marches eastward and carries out an attack against the Quadi and Sarmatians on the Danube River before continuing on to Asia Minor and the Persian Sassanid Empire. While there, in August, Carus is found dead after a lightning storm. His son Numerian and his brother Carinus (who had gone west) rush back to Rome to reestablish their authority.
284: Carinus returned quickly to Rome, but Numerian hardly made it to Bithynia near the Sea of Marmara when he was found dead in his carriage. Diocletian is chosen to succeed him. the new Emperor's first task was to secure the border and to purge the empire of all threats to his power - he establishes a Tetrarchy to better organize his control. At the same time, Aurelius Julianus takes possession of northern Italy and Pannonia, at least until Carinus overruns his capital of Siscia (present Sisak, Croatia).
285. In Spring, Emperor Diocletian meets with armies sent by Carinus in Moesia near present Belgrade. Carinus is killed by his own men, who turn on him during the Battle of Margus. Following this, Diocletian turns north and attacks the Quadi and Marcomanni on the Danube River. After a brief visit to Rome, the Emperor returns to meet with the Sarmatians in November near present Ptuj,Slovenia. The Sarmatians demand assistance in recovering lands lost to them within the Empire, to which Diocletian refused. Instead, he drove them off.
291: The Thervingi are described by Claudius Mermentinus as "another division of the Goths" who joined with the Taifali in a tribal confederation to attack the Vandals and Gepidae Goths (then under King Fastida).
296: Constantine carries out a campaign against barbarians on the Danube before switching eastward against the Persians the following year.
297: Diocletian crushes the Carpi in their 13 year long war in Dacia, effectively removing them as a threat to the Empire. Except for a handful of refugees, the tribe is deported into Roman territory. Some may have been integrated into the Gothic Empire
299. Emperor Diocletian's haruspices (fortune tellers) claim that they cannot predict the future because of the presence of Christians in the Roman Royal House. Driven on by Galerius, the Emperor demands a sacrifice be made by all members of his household, and a purge of any Christian living there.
303: The Wikipedia page author for Ukrainian rulers estimates that Airmanareiks was born this year. One of his first conquests, Tiberius Julius Rhescuporis VI, is crowned co-ruler of the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea) by his father, King Theothorses. In November, Diocletian begins the last great Roman persecution of Christians after attacking the Manicheans.
305: After becoming deathly ill, Diocletian leaves office, becoming the first to voluntarily retire. He settles at his palace on the Dalmatian coast (present Split) where he spends the last six years of his life tending his garden. Galerius continues the fight against the Persians and persecutions of Christians during this same time period, effectively leaving the Goths to their own devices.
309: King Theothorses of the Bosporan Kingdom dies, leaving Rhescuporis VI as sole king. Not long after, Rhadamsades is crowned as his father's replacement as co-ruler, alongside Rhescuporis VI.
310: Licinius carries out a major campaign against the Sarmatians, defeating them.
311: The Christian cross is reported to have been first seen in Gothic Crimea. In the Roman Empire, Galerius dies of what was likely bowel cancer. Licinius carries out a 2-year war of succession against rival Daia and Constantine in order to secure the Empire for himself.
312: During the lull in Roman action against the barbarians, Constantine begins construction of a series of walls across the Pannonian plains and around "Free Dacia" that are later called "Devil's Dykes". This system of walls will take the remaining 25 years of Constantine's life to complete.
316: Constantine defeats Licinius in a Balkan-based contest for supremacy in the Roman Empire resulting in a division of rule between the two Emperors.
318: Licinius attacks the Sarmatians. During the attack, likely the Carpi tribe is transferred from Dacia into Pannonia and integrated into the Empire.
323: In the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea), co-ruler Rhadamsades dies, leaving his older brother Rhescuporis VI as the last Bosporan King. In the Balkans, after Constantine twice enters Licinius' territory to pursue first the Sarmatians, then the Thervingi Goths in Thrace, Licinius complains that Constantine had broken the treaty between them. Constantine immediately prepares for war.
324: After sinking Licinius' fleet, Constantine declares war on his rival. Licinius is backed by a contingent of Thervingi Goth mercenaries. By September he defeats his western rival, and has him executed the following year. This ends the domination of Rome in the Empire as Emperor Constantine begins work on a New Rome of Constantinople upon the site of the city of Byzantium.
325: The Council of Nicaea is held, during which, the Nicene Creed is agreed upon (establishing the Catholic Church in its modern form, and setting apart the Arian Church from the Catholics as a consequence). Among the participants is a bishop named Theophilas Gothiae.
328: Constantine conquers Oltenia, and resettles a large number of Taifi from the Goth protectorate of Dacia into Phrygia on Asia Minor.
330: The ancient Bosporan city of Tanais (near present Azov at the mouth of the Don River on what was then called Lake Maeotis - the present Sea of Azov) is destroyed by the Greuthungi Goths (possibly an early conquest of Airmanareiks?).
332: After rebuilding Trajan's Bridge, Constantine carries out a campaign against the Thervingi Goths in Dacia. Weather and famine (as well as an attack to the rear from their longtime enemies, the Gepidae, either along the Maros River at Arad, or from the direction of the Szamos and Kraszna rivers) wear down the barbarians, killing off 100,000 of them before the Thervingi surrendered to Constantine's son, Flavius Claudius Constantius.
334: After the Sarmatian people overthrew their leadership, the Romans under Constantine carry out a campaign against the Sarmatian rebels, effectively annexing their region. After two years, Constatine takes on the title of Dacicus Maximus.
336: The Taifi revolt in Oltenia and it takes four Roman generals to put down the insurrection.
337: After receiving a Christian baptism, Emperor Constantine the Great dies during Pentecost 337 (May 22). His elder son Constantine II (Flavius Claudius Constantius) succeeds him, while his younger son Constans defends the Empire against a Sarmatian invasion in August following their father's death.
340: Ufilas, a Goth or half-Goth (he was the grandson of a female Christian captive from Sadagolthina in Cappadocia), is ordained as bishop of the Goths by Eusebius at Nicomedia (the man who baptized Constantine, and would later be instrumental in promoting Arianism within the Roman Empire - it would take decades before Catholicism could overcome its rival) and sent back to his homeland. In the Roman Empire, Constantine II, jealous of the gains in lands that his younger brother Constans had obtained, provoked a war against him. Constance had to return from Dacia to Italy, where he trapped his brother at Aquileia and killed him.
341: In the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea), the last known coins are minted by the ancient Greek kingdom (still described as a Roman client state, though the Romans had long since abandoned their defense of it) as Emperor Constans institutes a ban against pagan sacrifices and suppresses African Donatism,
342: According to the Wikipedia page on Rhescuporis VI, the Bosporan Kingdom came to an end with the invasion of "King" Airmanareiks of the Goths. Other sources say that the kingdom fell to the Huns (who would not be in the region for another three decades). It is possible that (1) Airmanareiks was crowned before 342, (2) Airmanareiks established his own kingdom on the ruins of the state, and then was elected to be King of the Goths afterward, (3) another people conquered them, (4) later coins exist but have not yet been found, or (5) they simply stopped minting coins for some unknown reason not related to conquest.
343. Emperor Constans, after the failure of the Council of Sardica to resolve the Catholic-Arianism dispute, supported the Nicene Orthodoxy against Arianism, championed by his younger brother Constantius.
346. Constans and Constantius nearly go to war over the Catholic-Arianism conflict, but decide instead to allow each other to suport their own priests within their own spheres of influence.
348: After running into difficulties with the Thervingi chief Athanaric, Arian Christian Bishop Ulfilas flees with his followers from the lands of the Goths and resettles under Roman protection in Moesia (present northern Bulgaria). Over the next few decades, he translates the Bible into Gothic. (Likely, Arian Christianity didn't really take hold among the Goths until Airmanareiks' generation or later.)
350: After becoming more openly homosexual, Emperor Constans alienates his legions, allowing general Magnentius to declare himself Emperor at Augustodunum. Constans fled, but was cornered in the Pyrenees and killed. Soon after, Constantius emerges supreme. -------------------- Achiulf;
children :
1. Ansila;
2. Ediulf;
3. Vuftwulf (A-06);
4. Hermanaric (A-05a);
•Father: Athal, King Of The OSTROGOTHS
•Birth: 0258
•Partnership with: (Unknown)
?Child: Vudulf Of The OSTROGOTHS Birth: 0287, Ukraine,Hun Empire,,
Ancestors of King ACHIULF
/-Hunuil, King Of The OSTROGOTHS /-Athal, King Of The OSTROGOTHS King ACHIULF
Descendants of King ACHIULF
2 Vudulf Of The OSTROGOTHS
3 Valavarans Of The OSTROGOTHS
4 Vinithar King Of The OSTROGOTHS
XIV (79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal.
Athal begat ACHIULF and Oduulf.
Now ACHIULF begat Ansila and Ediulf,
Vultuulf and Hermanaric
And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius; (80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship. (81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud. Now Thorismud begat Beremud, Beremud begat Veteric, and Veteric likewise begat Eutharic, who married Amalasuentha and begat Athalaric and Mathesuentha. Athalaric died in the years of his childhood, and Mathesuentha married Vitiges, to whom she bore no child. Both of them were taken together by Belisarius to Constantinople. When Vitiges passed from human affairs, Germanus the patrician, a cousin of the Emperor Justinian, took Mathesuentha in marriage and made her a Patrician Ordinary. And of her he begat a son, also called Germanus. But upon the death of Germanus, she determined to remain a widow. Now how and in what wise the kingdom of the Amali was overthrown we shall keep to tell in its proper place, if the Lord help us.
1. Achiulf King of Ostrogoths was born 0265, and died 0330.
Child of Achiulf King of Ostrogoths is: + 2 i. Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths was born 0290 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 2
2. Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths (Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0290 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Child of Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths is: + 3 i. Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths was born 0316 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 3
3. Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths (Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0316 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Child of Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths is: + 4 i. Vinithar King of Ostrogoths was born 0345 in Hun Empire, Ukraine, and died 0420.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 4
4. Vinithar King of Ostrogoths (Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths3, Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0345 in Hun Empire, Ukraine, and died 0420.
Child of Vinithar King of Ostrogoths is: + 5 i. Wedelphus King of Thuringians was born 0378 in Thuringen, Germany , and died Aug 0408.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 5
5. Wedelphus King of Thuringians (Vinithar King of Ostrogoths4, Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths3, Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0378 in Thuringen, Germany , and died Aug 0408.
Children of Wedelphus King of Thuringians are: 6 i. Wedelphe of Saxe was born ABT 0402 in Sachen-Anhalt, Germany. was born ABT 0402 in Sachen-Anhalt, Germany. She married Chief Clodoweg de Franks ABT 0421. He was born ABT 0400 in France. + 7 ii. Basinus von Thuringia was born ABT 0400 in Thuringen, Germany .
Descendant Register, Generation No. 6
7. Basinus von Thuringia (Wedelphus King of Thuringians5, Vinithar King of Ostrogoths4, Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths3, Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born ABT 0400 in Thuringen, Germany .
Child of Basinus von Thuringia is: + 9 i. Basina von Thuringia was born ABT 0439 in Thuringen, Germany . married Childeric I Meroving King of Franks
Athal was born in 0220. Athal's father was Hunuil and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Ostrogotha and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 220
P: Southern Scandinavia
General Notes
Note: According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Goths which formed the two tribes of the Visigoths & the Ostrogoths, came (legend says by boat) from Southern Scandinavia south to what is now the Ukraine in the latter half of the 2nd century Hunuil
Hunuil was born in 0200. Hunuil's father was Ostrogotha and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hisarna and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 200
P: Southern Scandinavia
Ostrogotha was born in 0180. Ostrogotha's father was Hisarna and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Amal and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 180
P: Southern Scandnavia
Hisarna was born in 0160. Hisarna's father was Amal and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Augis and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 160
P: Southern Scandinavia
Amal was born in 0140. Amal's father was Augis and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hulmul and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 140
P: Southern Scandinavia
Augis was born in 0115. Augis' father was Hulmul and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Geata or Jat and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 115
Hulmul was born in 0085. Hulmul's father was Geata or Jat and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Taetwa (Tecti) and <Unknown>. He had a brother named Godwulf (Gudolfr). He was the older of the two children.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 85
P: Asgard, Asia
Geata or Jat Geata or Jat was born in 0065.1 Geata or Jat's father was Taetwa (Tecti) and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Taetwa (Tecti) Taetwa (Tecti) was born in 0040. Taetwa (Tecti)'s father was Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Sceldw (Skjold) and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa
Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa was born in 0015. Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa's father was Sceldw (Skjold) and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Sceaf and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Sceldw (Skjold)
Birth Notes
Birth: Abt. 10 B.C.
Sceldw (Skjold)'s father was Sceaf and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Heremode and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Heremode Birth Notes
Birth: Abt. 30 B.C.
Heremode's father was Itermon or Itormann and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hathra (Athra) and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Itermon or Itormann Birth Notes
Birth: Abt. 50 B.C.
Itermon or Itormann's father was Hathra (Athra) and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hwala and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
it continues on furthur back
The Amali dynasty, Amals, Amaler, or Amalings of the Greuthungi ("steppe dwellers" or "people of the pebbly coasts"), called later the Ostrogothi.
Achiulf (Agiulf), born fl. 270 or ca. 273 in Ukraine
(No source listed.)
The only thing that Jordanes writes of him is contained in chapters 79-81 of Getica:
(79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal. Athal begat Achiulf and Oduulf. Now Achiulf begat Ansila and Ediulf, Vultuulf and Hermanaric. And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius;
(80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship.
(81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary Kings:
ATHAL (Ostrogoth Generation 8)
ACHIULF (Ostrogoth Generation 9)
Iordanes names "Achiulf et Oduulf" as the sons of Athal[32].
(At least four sons in Ostrogoth Generation 10)
a) ANSILA . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[33].
b) EDIULF . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[34].
c) VULTWULF . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[35].
d) HERMENRICH . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[39].
[32] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[33] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[34] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[35] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[39] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
From the Dutch Wikipedia page on Achiulf:
Achiulf was koning van het vroege Ostrogotische rijk. Hij was de opvolger van Athanerik. Tijdens zijn regeerperiode werden de omringende volken Sarmaten, Scythen en Gepiden door de Ostrogoten verslagen en schatplichtig gemaakt. Achiulf werd omstreeks 350 opgevolgd door Ermanerik.
In English:
Achiulf was a king of the early Ostrogothic Kingdom. He was the successor to Athanerik (Athal?). During his reign, the surrounding nations of the Sarmatians, Scythians, and Gepids were subjugated by the Ostrogoths. Achiulf was succeeded in around 350 by Ermanerik (Airmanareiks).
Hermann Schreiber; de Goten: vorsten en vazallen (1979)
Ben M. Angel notes: This contradicts the primary source of Jordanes' Getica, which states in Chapters 112-116 that Geberich had preceded Airmanareiks. In Chapter 112, Jordanes names Ariaric as Geberich's predecessor. Both were members of the Balti Dynasty, rather than the Amal Dynasty. Jordanes seems pretty clear in identifying Achiulf as merely the family leader of the Amal and father of Airmanareiks and his three brothers, not the King of the Goths.
From "Cassiodorus, Jordanes and the history of the Goths: studies in a migration myth" by Arne Søby Christensen, pg. 132 - :
Of course, the editing per se does not necessarily undermine the historical value of the names that do appear, provided they build on an authentic Gothic tradition. We have no way of directly verifying the oldest ancestors in the genealogy (that is, the first nine generations from Gapt to Achiulf and Oduulf) since, due to the nature of the genealogy, they are not found elsewhere in the literature.[24] One might obviously form hypotheses regarding the names given. One option would be to amend, as J.Grimm did, the name Gapt to Gaut, thereby having the Goths descend from some Northern deity.[25] Another option would be to believe that Hulmul and Saxo's Humble are identical, thereby linking the Danish royal genealogy to that of Jordanes and the Goths.[26] Yet another would be to determine that Hisarnis was Celtic, thereby demonstrating that the Goths were linked to the Celts for a time.[27] When and where this is supposed to have happened remains unclear, for not even Jordanes mentions anything of this nature. There are at least two prerequisites on which such claims must be based: firstly that Jordanes and Cassiodorus built their work on an authentic Gothic tradition containing genuine names that can be traced back in time to their ostensible Nordic origins, and secondly that an unbroken and unadulterated oral tradition featuring Humble or some similar figure had survived in the Nordic region down through the millennia - independently of Jordanes and the Getica, of course. As noted earlier, this can be neither confirmed nor refuted, but according to Jordanes' own chronology, in which he links the origin of the Ansis concept to the age of Domitian, it has nothing to do with the Nordic region.
Consequently, the early part of the genealogy will not be discussed further. On the other hand, it is possible to investigate the later generations in the Amal genealogy in order to determine whether they are part of an authentic Gothic tradition. If they are not, then at least that may prepare us to lose what faith we have had in the older parts of the genealogy.[28]
(Section follows that says that the names from Theoderic to Germanus are confirmable by contemporary sources.)
The names from Achiulf to Theoderic the Great
The portion of the genealogy stretching from Achiulf to Theoderic is quite a different matter. Here we enter an era during which, admittedly, we cannot always expect to find the names reoccuring in the Graeco-Roman sources, thereby gaining verification, but during which we are in fact dealing with individuals who are the father, paternal uncles, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so on of Theoderic the Great, and similarly the father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so on of his son-in-law Eutharic. This should really leave no doubt whatsoever that all of these poeple were authentic Goths. Examining Athalric's immediate ancestors, they must also have been Gothic kings if his immodest statement that he had 17 generations of royal ancestry was to be true. In his case, he could of course be thinking of kings from both the Vultuulf branch and the Ermanaric branch of the family. As noted earlier, it would have been exceptional if the Amal dynasty had been capable of monopolizing royal pre-eminence for so long. And Cassiodorus did have Athalaric say that Cassiodorus himself had brought them out of oblivion, which must, by inference, have meant that the Goths could not quite remember them all. Here, however, we are investigating the more recent kings, and it must be reasonable to assume that the Goths who were Theoderic's contemporaries would at least know the names of their latest rulers, even though the time span involved was just over a century. The fact that these kings all came from the same family would undoubtedly make things easier.
Even when at this early stage we can initially conclude that neither Achiulf, Vultuulf, or Valaravans, nor for that matter Beremund or Veteric, are later mentioned as kings (Ben M. Angel notes: actually, Veteric is named as a king, but in exile). The royal succession according to the Getica runs as follows: Geberich (who does not even appear in the genealogy and therefore can hardly be an Amal - Ben M. Angel notes: he wasn't - he was a Balti), Ermanaric, Vinitharius, Hunimund, Thorismund, and then a 40-year interregnum, followed by the brothers Valamer, Thiudimer, and Vidimer. Vandalarius is not mentioned as a king either, but only as the father of the three last-mentioned kings [29] - but note that this man was also the grandfather of Theoderic. Should he not have been described as (a great) king? Otherwise it would seem that Athalaric's claim to royal fame must necessarily cover both branches of the family if we are to get anywhere near the 17 generations. On the other hand, we can also establish that Cassiodorus' description of Hunimund and Thorismund as ancestors of Amalasuentha, whose virtues were likened to theirs, is not strictly correct either, since they are ancestors only to Eutharic. They could have been used to promote him, and they are a necessary element if Athalaric's statement is to be believed. Hence it is more surprising that these two have been emphasized in the "king-list" in Cassiodorus' speech than that Ermanaric is not emphasized, even though scholars have expended much time and provided many ingenious pretexts to explain this fact. Be that as it may, Ermanaric is not a direct ancestor of Amalsuentha, nor is Valamer, even though he is also mentioned in the "king-list."[30]
24. See for instance R. Wenskus (1973): 247: 'Zweifellos gehören die ersten Glieder der Stammreihe in den Bereich des Mythus'.
25. H. Wolfram (1988): 31: "The Ansis stand for the divine descent of the Amal clan. Their genealogy begins with Gaut, the Scandinavian god of war and ancestor of many peoples. His son is Humli-Humul, the divine founding father of the Danes." - This theory was introduced by J. Grimm (1848): 774 - Cf. M. Schönfeld (1911): 103, s.v. Gapt - K. Müllenhoff (1882): 243, s.v. Gapt, however, refuses to believe that a Gothic "u" should have been mistaken for a Gothic "p" as no other examples of this are known. - see also the seminal criticism of this identification in W. Goffart (1995): 18.
26. Saxo GD. I 1. 1: 'Dan igitur et Angul, a quibus Danorum coepit origo, patre Humblo procreati non solum conditores gentis nostrae, verum etiam rectores fuere." In other words Dan and Angel, the sons of Humble, from which the Danes originated, are not the founders of this people, but also their leaders.
27. Cf. for instance H. Wolfram (1988): 31.
28. Cf. P. Heather (1989): 108: "A priory, therefore, such smooth successions are likely to be fiction."
29. Jordanes Getica XLVIII. 252.
30. Cassiodorus, Var. XI 1. 19. - For a discussion of these issues, see later in this chapter and in chapter 6.
Events during Achiulf's possible lifetime (ranging 273 to 350) that might have affected the Goths:
269: Late in the year, Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus (renowned for having routed a major Goth army) arrives in Sirmium (present Sremska Mitrovica in the Vojvodina region of Serbia) in preparation for an attack against the Vandals. Before it can start, the Emperor catches the Plague of Cyprian (likely smallpox) and dies early in the following year. His brother, Quintillus, rules for only days before he too was dead and replaced by Lucius Domitus Aurelianus (Emperor Aurelian).
270: Aurelian is proclaimed Emperor at Sirmium in September by the Roman Legions there, likely after arranging for Quintillus' death. He immediately carries out a campaign to expel the Vandals, Juthungi, and Sarmatians in northern Italy, and earns the title of Germanicus Maximus. Several usurpers attempt to seize power.
271: The Alamanni raid the Po River valley and occupy Placentia. With some initial difficulties, Aurelian drives them out of Italy. He then returns to the Balkans and attacks the Thervingi Goths, killing military leader Cannabaudes. This earns the Roman Emperor the title of Gothicus Maximus. Nonetheless, he carries out a strategic withdrawal of all Romans from Dacia, abandoning the province to the Thervingi and allied tribes. He organizes Moesia into a new province called Dacia Repensis, establishing Serdica as the capital.
272: Aurelian carries out a campaign against Queen Zenobia and the breakaway Palmyrene Empire (present Syria, Palestine/Israel, Egypt, and southeastern Turkey) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Queen Zenobia was captured and paraded onto the Roman streets as a captive. For this, he became known as the Restitutor Orientis.
273: Achiulf is supposedly born in Scythia, the son of Athal "The Mild", as emperor Aurelian defeats the Carpi in Dacia, earning the title Carpicus Maximus. Many Carpi prisoners, evacuated with Roman troops from Dacia (Roman citizens had likely evacuated long before this), are settled into Pannonia near present Pecs, Hungary. Nonetheless, the Carpi, also called "Free Dacians" remained a functioning entity that perhaps dominated much of evacuated Dacia (albeit under Goth protection).
274: Aurelian defeats the breakaway Gallic Empire, earning the title Restitutor Orbis. His "restoration of the world" adds 200 years to the life of the Roman Empire.
275: Aurelian is murdered at Caenophrurium (present Corlu, Turkey) by a conspiracy of high-ranking officers that appeared likely to face punishment (urged on by Zosimus, his secretary).
276: In the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea) Rhescuporis V's son Synges, his co-ruler, dies. The aging king brings his next eldest son Teiranes to the throne before he himself passes away. Teiranes tries to co-rule with his eldest son Sauromates IV, but his son dies before the end of the year. All that is known of Teiranes' reign is that his coinage contained a copper-based alloy not previously found in bronze and silver coins of the realm.
277: Emperor Probus, who came to succession after a brief term by Tacitus, carried out a new attack against the Thervingi Goths on the lower Danube River, defeating them. He was given the title of Gothicus. A year later, after defeating the Franks and Burgundians invading Gaul, he inflates this to Gothicus Maximus, to go along with his new title Germanicus Maximus.
278: King Teiranes of the Bosporan Kingdom crowns his son Theothorses as co-ruler.
279: In the Bosporan Kingdom, King Teiranes dies, leaving Theothorses as the sole ruler. The only thing that is known about Theothorses' reign is that his coins contained large amounts of lead in them (his sons would be the last to rule the Bosporan Kingdom). In Illyricum within the Roman Empire, Emperor Probus defeats a Vandal invasion.
282: After Emperor Probus leaves Rome to carry out a new campaign in the east, Senator and Praetorian Guard Prefect Marcus Aurelius Carus carries out a coup. When Probus sends troops to put it down, they change sides. Upon news of this mass defection reaching his headquarters in Sirmium in October, his remaining soldiers turn on him and kill him.
283: Shortly after seizing power, Emperor Carus marches eastward and carries out an attack against the Quadi and Sarmatians on the Danube River before continuing on to Asia Minor and the Persian Sassanid Empire. While there, in August, Carus is found dead after a lightning storm. His son Numerian and his brother Carinus (who had gone west) rush back to Rome to reestablish their authority.
284: Carinus returned quickly to Rome, but Numerian hardly made it to Bithynia near the Sea of Marmara when he was found dead in his carriage. Diocletian is chosen to succeed him. the new Emperor's first task was to secure the border and to purge the empire of all threats to his power - he establishes a Tetrarchy to better organize his control. At the same time, Aurelius Julianus takes possession of northern Italy and Pannonia, at least until Carinus overruns his capital of Siscia (present Sisak, Croatia).
285. In Spring, Emperor Diocletian meets with armies sent by Carinus in Moesia near present Belgrade. Carinus is killed by his own men, who turn on him during the Battle of Margus. Following this, Diocletian turns north and attacks the Quadi and Marcomanni on the Danube River. After a brief visit to Rome, the Emperor returns to meet with the Sarmatians in November near present Ptuj,Slovenia. The Sarmatians demand assistance in recovering lands lost to them within the Empire, to which Diocletian refused. Instead, he drove them off.
291: The Thervingi are described by Claudius Mermentinus as "another division of the Goths" who joined with the Taifali in a tribal confederation to attack the Vandals and Gepidae Goths (then under King Fastida).
296: Constantine carries out a campaign against barbarians on the Danube before switching eastward against the Persians the following year.
297: Diocletian crushes the Carpi in their 13 year long war in Dacia, effectively removing them as a threat to the Empire. Except for a handful of refugees, the tribe is deported into Roman territory. Some may have been integrated into the Gothic Empire
299. Emperor Diocletian's haruspices (fortune tellers) claim that they cannot predict the future because of the presence of Christians in the Roman Royal House. Driven on by Galerius, the Emperor demands a sacrifice be made by all members of his household, and a purge of any Christian living there.
303: The Wikipedia page author for Ukrainian rulers estimates that Airmanareiks was born this year. One of his first conquests, Tiberius Julius Rhescuporis VI, is crowned co-ruler of the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea) by his father, King Theothorses. In November, Diocletian begins the last great Roman persecution of Christians after attacking the Manicheans.
305: After becoming deathly ill, Diocletian leaves office, becoming the first to voluntarily retire. He settles at his palace on the Dalmatian coast (present Split) where he spends the last six years of his life tending his garden. Galerius continues the fight against the Persians and persecutions of Christians during this same time period, effectively leaving the Goths to their own devices.
309: King Theothorses of the Bosporan Kingdom dies, leaving Rhescuporis VI as sole king. Not long after, Rhadamsades is crowned as his father's replacement as co-ruler, alongside Rhescuporis VI.
310: Licinius carries out a major campaign against the Sarmatians, defeating them.
311: The Christian cross is reported to have been first seen in Gothic Crimea. In the Roman Empire, Galerius dies of what was likely bowel cancer. Licinius carries out a 2-year war of succession against rival Daia and Constantine in order to secure the Empire for himself.
312: During the lull in Roman action against the barbarians, Constantine begins construction of a series of walls across the Pannonian plains and around "Free Dacia" that are later called "Devil's Dykes". This system of walls will take the remaining 25 years of Constantine's life to complete.
316: Constantine defeats Licinius in a Balkan-based contest for supremacy in the Roman Empire resulting in a division of rule between the two Emperors.
318: Licinius attacks the Sarmatians. During the attack, likely the Carpi tribe is transferred from Dacia into Pannonia and integrated into the Empire.
323: In the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea), co-ruler Rhadamsades dies, leaving his older brother Rhescuporis VI as the last Bosporan King. In the Balkans, after Constantine twice enters Licinius' territory to pursue first the Sarmatians, then the Thervingi Goths in Thrace, Licinius complains that Constantine had broken the treaty between them. Constantine immediately prepares for war.
324: After sinking Licinius' fleet, Constantine declares war on his rival. Licinius is backed by a contingent of Thervingi Goth mercenaries. By September he defeats his western rival, and has him executed the following year. This ends the domination of Rome in the Empire as Emperor Constantine begins work on a New Rome of Constantinople upon the site of the city of Byzantium.
325: The Council of Nicaea is held, during which, the Nicene Creed is agreed upon (establishing the Catholic Church in its modern form, and setting apart the Arian Church from the Catholics as a consequence). Among the participants is a bishop named Theophilas Gothiae.
328: Constantine conquers Oltenia, and resettles a large number of Taifi from the Goth protectorate of Dacia into Phrygia on Asia Minor.
330: The ancient Bosporan city of Tanais (near present Azov at the mouth of the Don River on what was then called Lake Maeotis - the present Sea of Azov) is destroyed by the Greuthungi Goths (possibly an early conquest of Airmanareiks?).
332: After rebuilding Trajan's Bridge, Constantine carries out a campaign against the Thervingi Goths in Dacia. Weather and famine (as well as an attack to the rear from their longtime enemies, the Gepidae, either along the Maros River at Arad, or from the direction of the Szamos and Kraszna rivers) wear down the barbarians, killing off 100,000 of them before the Thervingi surrendered to Constantine's son, Flavius Claudius Constantius.
334: After the Sarmatian people overthrew their leadership, the Romans under Constantine carry out a campaign against the Sarmatian rebels, effectively annexing their region. After two years, Constatine takes on the title of Dacicus Maximus.
336: The Taifi revolt in Oltenia and it takes four Roman generals to put down the insurrection.
337: After receiving a Christian baptism, Emperor Constantine the Great dies during Pentecost 337 (May 22). His elder son Constantine II (Flavius Claudius Constantius) succeeds him, while his younger son Constans defends the Empire against a Sarmatian invasion in August following their father's death.
340: Ufilas, a Goth or half-Goth (he was the grandson of a female Christian captive from Sadagolthina in Cappadocia), is ordained as bishop of the Goths by Eusebius at Nicomedia (the man who baptized Constantine, and would later be instrumental in promoting Arianism within the Roman Empire - it would take decades before Catholicism could overcome its rival) and sent back to his homeland. In the Roman Empire, Constantine II, jealous of the gains in lands that his younger brother Constans had obtained, provoked a war against him. Constance had to return from Dacia to Italy, where he trapped his brother at Aquileia and killed him.
341: In the Bosporan Kingdom (present Crimea), the last known coins are minted by the ancient Greek kingdom (still described as a Roman client state, though the Romans had long since abandoned their defense of it) as Emperor Constans institutes a ban against pagan sacrifices and suppresses African Donatism,
342: According to the Wikipedia page on Rhescuporis VI, the Bosporan Kingdom came to an end with the invasion of "King" Airmanareiks of the Goths. Other sources say that the kingdom fell to the Huns (who would not be in the region for another three decades). It is possible that (1) Airmanareiks was crowned before 342, (2) Airmanareiks established his own kingdom on the ruins of the state, and then was elected to be King of the Goths afterward, (3) another people conquered them, (4) later coins exist but have not yet been found, or (5) they simply stopped minting coins for some unknown reason not related to conquest.
343. Emperor Constans, after the failure of the Council of Sardica to resolve the Catholic-Arianism dispute, supported the Nicene Orthodoxy against Arianism, championed by his younger brother Constantius.
346. Constans and Constantius nearly go to war over the Catholic-Arianism conflict, but decide instead to allow each other to suport their own priests within their own spheres of influence.
348: After running into difficulties with the Thervingi chief Athanaric, Arian Christian Bishop Ulfilas flees with his followers from the lands of the Goths and resettles under Roman protection in Moesia (present northern Bulgaria). Over the next few decades, he translates the Bible into Gothic. (Likely, Arian Christianity didn't really take hold among the Goths until Airmanareiks' generation or later.)
350: After becoming more openly homosexual, Emperor Constans alienates his legions, allowing general Magnentius to declare himself Emperor at Augustodunum. Constans fled, but was cornered in the Pyrenees and killed. Soon after, Constantius emerges supreme.
Achiulf; s(A-04);
children :
1. Ansila;
2. Ediulf;
3. Vuftwulf (A-06);
4. Hermanaric (A-05a);
•Father: Athal, King Of The OSTROGOTHS
•Birth: 0258
•Partnership with: (Unknown)
?Child: Vudulf Of The OSTROGOTHS Birth: 0287, Ukraine,Hun Empire,,
Ancestors of King ACHIULF
/-Hunuil, King Of The OSTROGOTHS /-Athal, King Of The OSTROGOTHS King ACHIULF
Descendants of King ACHIULF
2 Vudulf Of The OSTROGOTHS
3 Valavarans Of The OSTROGOTHS
4 Vinithar King Of The OSTROGOTHS
XIV (79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal.
Athal begat ACHIULF and Oduulf.
Now ACHIULF begat Ansila and Ediulf,
Vultuulf and Hermanaric
And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius; (80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship. (81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud. Now Thorismud begat Beremud, Beremud begat Veteric, and Veteric likewise begat Eutharic, who married Amalasuentha and begat Athalaric and Mathesuentha. Athalaric died in the years of his childhood, and Mathesuentha married Vitiges, to whom she bore no child. Both of them were taken together by Belisarius to Constantinople. When Vitiges passed from human affairs, Germanus the patrician, a cousin of the Emperor Justinian, took Mathesuentha in marriage and made her a Patrician Ordinary. And of her he begat a son, also called Germanus. But upon the death of Germanus, she determined to remain a widow. Now how and in what wise the kingdom of the Amali was overthrown we shall keep to tell in its proper place, if the Lord help us.
1. Achiulf King of Ostrogoths was born 0265, and died 0330.
Child of Achiulf King of Ostrogoths is: + 2 i. Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths was born 0290 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 2
2. Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths (Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0290 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Child of Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths is: + 3 i. Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths was born 0316 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 3
3. Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths (Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0316 in Hun Empire, Ukraine.
Child of Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths is: + 4 i. Vinithar King of Ostrogoths was born 0345 in Hun Empire, Ukraine, and died 0420.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 4
4. Vinithar King of Ostrogoths (Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths3, Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0345 in Hun Empire, Ukraine, and died 0420.
Child of Vinithar King of Ostrogoths is: + 5 i. Wedelphus King of Thuringians was born 0378 in Thuringen, Germany , and died Aug 0408.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 5
5. Wedelphus King of Thuringians (Vinithar King of Ostrogoths4, Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths3, Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born 0378 in Thuringen, Germany , and died Aug 0408.
Children of Wedelphus King of Thuringians are: 6 i. Wedelphe of Saxe was born ABT 0402 in Sachen-Anhalt, Germany. was born ABT 0402 in Sachen-Anhalt, Germany. She married Chief Clodoweg de Franks ABT 0421. He was born ABT 0400 in France. + 7 ii. Basinus von Thuringia was born ABT 0400 in Thuringen, Germany .
Descendant Register, Generation No. 6
7. Basinus von Thuringia (Wedelphus King of Thuringians5, Vinithar King of Ostrogoths4, Valaravaus King of Ostrogoths3, Vultvolf King of Ostrogoths2, Achiulf King of Ostrogoths1) was born ABT 0400 in Thuringen, Germany .
Child of Basinus von Thuringia is: + 9 i. Basina von Thuringia was born ABT 0439 in Thuringen, Germany . married Childeric I Meroving King of Franks
Athal was born in 0220. Athal's father was Hunuil and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Ostrogotha and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 220
P: Southern Scandinavia
General Notes
Note: According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Goths which formed the two tribes of the Visigoths & the Ostrogoths, came (legend says by boat) from Southern Scandinavia south to what is now the Ukraine in the latter half of the 2nd century Hunuil
Hunuil was born in 0200. Hunuil's father was Ostrogotha and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hisarna and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 200
P: Southern Scandinavia
Ostrogotha was born in 0180. Ostrogotha's father was Hisarna and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Amal and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 180
P: Southern Scandnavia
Hisarna was born in 0160. Hisarna's father was Amal and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Augis and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 160
P: Southern Scandinavia
Amal was born in 0140. Amal's father was Augis and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hulmul and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 140
P: Southern Scandinavia
Augis was born in 0115. Augis' father was Hulmul and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Geata or Jat and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 115
Hulmul was born in 0085. Hulmul's father was Geata or Jat and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Taetwa (Tecti) and <Unknown>. He had a brother named Godwulf (Gudolfr). He was the older of the two children.
Death Notes
B: Abt. 85
P: Asgard, Asia
Geata or Jat Geata or Jat was born in 0065.1 Geata or Jat's father was Taetwa (Tecti) and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Taetwa (Tecti) Taetwa (Tecti) was born in 0040. Taetwa (Tecti)'s father was Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Sceldw (Skjold) and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa
Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa was born in 0015. Beaw (Bjaf) or Beowa's father was Sceldw (Skjold) and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Sceaf and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Sceldw (Skjold)
Birth Notes
Birth: Abt. 10 B.C.
Sceldw (Skjold)'s father was Sceaf and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Heremode and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Heremode Birth Notes
Birth: Abt. 30 B.C.
Heremode's father was Itermon or Itormann and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hathra (Athra) and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
Itermon or Itormann Birth Notes
Birth: Abt. 50 B.C.
Itermon or Itormann's father was Hathra (Athra) and his mother was <Unknown>. His paternal grandparents were Hwala and <Unknown>. He was an only child.
it continues on furthur back
This information is according to the Wikipedia page on Ukrainian Rulers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ukrainian_rulers
The Amali dynasty, Amals, Amaler, or Amalings of the Greuthungi ("steppe dwellers" or "people of the pebbly coasts"), called later the Ostrogothi.
Achiulf (Agiulf), born fl. 270 or ca. 273 in Ukraine
(No source listed.)
The only thing that Jordanes writes of him is contained in chapters 79-81 of Getica:
(79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal. Athal begat Achiulf and Oduulf. Now Achiulf begat Ansila and Ediulf, Vultuulf and Hermanaric. And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius;
(80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship.
(81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary Kings:
ATHAL (Ostrogoth Generation 8)
ACHIULF (Ostrogoth Generation 9)
Iordanes names "Achiulf et Oduulf" as the sons of Athal[32].
(At least four sons in Ostrogoth Generation 10)
a) ANSILA . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[33].
b) EDIULF . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[34].
c) VULTWULF . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[35].
d) HERMENRICH . Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[39].
[32] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[33] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[34] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[35] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[39] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
From the Dutch Wikipedia page on Achiulf:
Achiulf was koning van het vroege Ostrogotische rijk. Hij was de opvolger van Athanerik. Tijdens zijn regeerperiode werden de omringende volken Sarmaten, Scythen en Gepiden door de Ostrogoten verslagen en schatplichtig gemaakt. Achiulf werd omstreeks 350 opgevolgd door Ermanerik.
In English:
Achiulf was a king of the early Ostrogothic Kingdom. He was the successor to Athanerik (Athal?). During his reign, the surrounding nations of the Sarmatians, Scythians, and Gepids were subjugated by the Ostrogoths. Achiulf was succeeded in around 350 by Ermanerik (Airmanareiks).
Hermann Schreiber; de Goten: vorsten en vazallen (1979)
Ben M. Angel notes: This contradicts the primary source of Jordanes' Getica, which states in Chapters 112-116 that Geberich had preceded Airmanareiks. In Chapter 112, Jordanes names Ariaric as Geberich's predecessor. Both were members of the Balti Dynasty, rather than the Amal Dynasty. Jordanes seems pretty clear in identifying Achiulf as merely the family leader of the Amal and father of Airmanareiks and his three brothers, not the King of the Goths.
From "Cassiodorus, Jordanes and the history of the Goths: studies in a migration myth" by
Achiulf, konge i goternes Amal dynasti i Skytia, Ukraina tilhører greuthungi stammen.
.Achiulf hadde barna 1.Ansila, 2.Ediulf, 3.Ermanarich, 4.Wultulf. Kona var ukjent
270 |
Scythia (Present Ukraine)
300 |
Scythia (Present Ukraine)
303 |
Scythia (Present Ukraine)
310 |
Scythia (Present Ukraine)
340 |
Age 70
Scythia (Present Ukraine)
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Scythia (Present Ukraine)