She married Malcolm "Beg" DRUMMOND on 1244 in Drymen, Dunbartonshire, Scotland.
"Ada, dau. of the Earl of Lennox, and grand-dau. of the Steward of Scotland" (Burke's)
From http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTTISH%20NOBILITY%20UNTITLED.htm#...
1. MALCOLM Beg (-after [1250]). "…Malcolmo Beg…" witnessed the charter dated 3 Mar 1238 under which "Maldoney comes de Levenax" donated property to Paisley monastery[414]. "…Malcolmo Beg, Johanne filio suo…" witnessed the undated charter under which "Maldouney comes de Levenax" granted property to "domino David de Grame"[415]. m ---.
The name of Malcolm’s wife is not known. Malcolm & his wife had [two] children:
1208 |
Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland
1260 |
???? |
Dunbartonshire, Scotland
???? |