Adalbert II 'the Illustrious', Count in Thurgau, Charragau, Schwarzwald, Alpgau, Hegau1
b. between 835 and 840, d. circa 6 June 905
Father Adalbert I, Count in the Hegau b. c 809, d. 864
Adalbert II 'the Illustrious', Count in Thurgau, Charragau, Schwarzwald, Alpgau, Hegau was born between 835 and 840.
He married Judith of Friuli, daughter of Eberhard, Count in the Sulichgau and Gisela of France, circa 864.2 Adalbert II 'the Illustrious', Count in Thurgau, Charragau, Schwarzwald, Alpgau, Hegau died circa 6 June 905.
Family: Judith of Friuli d. a 902
Burkhard I, Count in the Baar, Bertholdsbar; Marquis in Rhaetia+ b. c 865, d. 911
Adalbert III, Count in Zurichgau+ b. 865, d. 911
Citations [S54] Middle & Far East Families, Rathien. [S54] Middle & Far East Families, Friuli.
1. ADALBERT [II] "der Erlauchte" (-9 Jan [900] or after 24 Jun 903).
Europäische Stammtafeln suggests that Adalbert [II] was the possible son of Adalbert [I] (see above)[621]. Assuming that he was a descendant of Hunfrid [I] (and the family names suggest that this is likely), he could have been the son of any of the possible sons and daughters of Hunfrid who are named above.
"Ludowicus…rex" confirmed two exchanges between Hartmut abbot of St Gallen and "Adelbertus comes" of (firstly) a church in Filsingen "in suo comitatu…Scherra in loco…Filisininga" for farming land and (secondly) farming land "in suo comitatu…Durgauge in loco Turbatun" for property in Wizzinwang both charters dated 3 [Apr] 875[622]. A charter dated 1 May 879 recording a donation to St Gallen is dated to "sub Uadelricho et Adalberto comitibus"[623]. Charters dated 10 Dec 882, 16 May 885 and 897 recording donations to St Gallen similarly name "Adalberto comitem"[624]. "Arnolfus…rex" donated property "in pago Scerra in comitatu Adalebrti in loco Nuspilinga" to "capellano nostro…Elolfo" by charter dated 20 Jan 889[625]. Graf im Alpgau 854/885. Graf im Thurgau 855/893. "Arnolfus…rex" donated property "in pago Perahtoltespara…in villa Esginga que ad comitatum Adalperti qui Skerra dicitur…pertinebant" previously owned by "A[da]lpertus…comes" to Kloster Reichenau by charter dated 5 Jun 889[626]. "Arnolfus…rex" granted property "in pago Turgouue in comitatu Adalperti in villis Utteuuilare et Rihchinbahc" to "Alberico Adalperti…vassallo" by charter dated 20 Jun 889[627]. "Arnolfus…rex" granted property "in pago Turgouue in comitatu Adalperti in villa Kachanang" to "fideli nostro Deothelm" by charter dated 4 Dec 889[628]. "Arnolfus…rex" commanded "Adalberto, Perehtolto, Purgharto, Vodalrico et cunctis regni istius primatibus" to grant rights to Kloster St Gallen by an undated charter, placed in the compilation among charters dated [891/92][629]. Graf im Osten der Bertoldsbaar 868/889. Graf im Hegau 882/888. "Hludowicus…rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster St Gallen by charter dated 24 Jun 903 in which among "fidelium nostrum" was listed "comites…Adalpreht…"[630].
marries: ---. The name of Adalbert's wife is not known.
Graf Adalbert [II] & his wife had three children:
a) BURKHARD [I] (-killed in battle [5 Nov] 911). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Marchio in Rätien 891/911. Graf in der Baar 893. He succeeded in 909 as BURKHARD I Duke of Swabia.
b) ADALBERT [III] (-killed in battle 911). The Annales Alamannicorum record that "Adalbertus frater eius [=Purghart comes et princeps Alamannorum]" was killed in 911 at "ecclesie Salamonis"[631]. Graf im Thurgau 894/910. Graf im Klettgau 901/902.
c) MANEGOLD . Pope John VIII names "Manegoldum filium Adelberti" in a letter addressed to "Carolo regis" dated 879[632].
835 |
855 |
Thurgau (Thurgovia), Frankish Empire, Germany
Thur, Thurgau Canton, Switzerland
860 |
905 |
June 6, 905
Age 70
June 905
Age 70
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